General Discussion

General Discussionebola spirit

ebola spirit in General Discussion

    this hero have huge potential if you know how to play him and pls people hes not support. He's position 2 or 3 at best.




        just saying cause there are a lot of people think that hes a support. He's a horrible support cause he can't harass much during laning phase.


          well, y0nd thinks es is a support, too.


            never hear anyone say that he is support, of all threads on dotabuff about ebola spirit which is about 50% of threads 99% of them say offlane ebola.


              es-supp is supposed to roam, and not harras enemy's offlaner btw. hes similar to mirana-supp.

              the realm's delight

                huge potential as in high skill potential ?

                King of Low Prio

                  63% winrate with the hero, call the press -_-


                    63 % win rate with 100 games played is easy...63 % win rate with 200+ games played is different story.


                      es gameplay is very, very different depending on skill bracket btw. in 5k+ games this hero is one of the most picked (and most hated), and i rarely see him as core.

                      Last picking is 4 pussies



                          eh wut?


                            here are some gameplay..this is like 3 - 4k mmr


                              I tend to go tank items on him such as bkb, blademail, urn, halberd ( very important on him ), cuirass.

                              i always feel like force staff wont make him scale well to mid - late game, but with tanky items he survive long enough to put on 6 stack and even do some physical dps.

                              dagon - veil build is also viable but i felt like you need to learn to come in last in team fights after your opponents blow their ults on someone.

                              blink is good if you start snowballing i reccomend this



                                jus chillen

                                  he can be a core, but he is a decent roamer at the very least.
                                  i can't tell you how many games i've won because i ganked mid at lvl 2-4, or destroyed the axe in woods.
                                  and i wouldn't say exactly that halberd is important, its rather situational.
                                  and you can actually get whatever the fuck you want on him (dagons, daggers, shivas, forcestaffs, veils, blademails, cuirasses etc etc)
                                  you just need to fuck up the enemy cores, and thats usually the task of a support/roamer rather than a mid or "carry"