General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber Spirit tips for a newb?

Ember Spirit tips for a newb? in General Discussion

    Recently I discovered how much fun it is to play Ember Spirit. I followed the most used skill build which is shown here. And I build the standard Bottle, Phase, Drums, Battlefury, Deadelus.

    But I've a feeling that this is kinda inefficient. How should I play him?


      I want to stomp, not run around like the wind.

      whiskey waters

        get Chains lvl 3 before shield

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            how about laning? I guess best choice would be mid but I guess it's fine to go safe- or offlane. And isn't it better to get +2 ability circlet instead gg sticks, so you save a bit for drums, that's how I started anyway. I also bought a shield because I went solo offlane, not sure if it was needed.

            What is your decission making while going for deso/bf? Is it basically If enemy has illusions/meepo go bf; else deso?

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                does q and e work on invisible heroes?

                If I'm mid do I gank at lvl4/6 or should I get my core first?

                whiskey waters

                  if you wanna stay bad listen to what the guy up above said, else ignore everything he said.
                  u buy deso only if ur losing and cant afford to buy bf
                  in every other case always go bf~

                  i recommend watching this guy's replays

                  strong ember

                  chain doesnt work on invi, unless u hit the target before he went invi
                  same for fist. but cleave (bf) will deal dmg on invi if they are in aoe

                  and there are no rules about when to gank, u have to feel it

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                    -armor doesn't increase cleave damage, just fyi. No matter what armor does your enemy have, it will still cleave like if they had 0 armor. That's why it is always better to cleave from other creep or hero with kunkka unless your main target has negative armor.

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                          ok, the itembuild is settled now. what about counters? I don't feel like jug or troll are big problems (if they are explain why please). PA is a pain due to her slow. Huskar can be problem but I've never seen a decent one down here, his ult could be dodged if it doesn't come unseen.


                            anything that can initiate and shut you down immediatly is your counter. storm is the first thing that comes to my mind. lion with shift-clicked dagger hex gonna get you ez as hell just the same. riki works nice vs ember, although I dont see this hero picked much recently.


                              silences in general are strong against ember because they may as well be stuns, since you're very weak without your abilities (low starting armour and low stat gain all around), and silences tend to last longer too. you can get bkb or manta against them but then you're sacrificing an item slot in the late game on something that's not a bf/divine/daedelus in the late game.

                              i assume jugg troll and pa are due to their bash (plus all 3 attack fast) + high physical burst damage (juggs + pa will likely get basher/abyssals), and your armour sucks, so if you get an unlucky bash you're probably gonna die. void's also one of the least successful matchups for the same reason, bashes + chronosphere will easily pickoff an ember thats not careful
