General Discussion

General DiscussionItembuild on broodmama?

Itembuild on broodmama? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    So after trying several diffrent builds I still have no clue what itemazation is the best for Broodmama. I saw Zai doing the Midas->Dagon->Eblade and as troll as it seems its working great for me though alot of my teammates suggested that if I went Necro we would have finised earier and with less risk. Not being a broodmama player (and when I play I am awful at it) I have no idea what items are good on her. When is Dagon/Eblade better than Necro/AC or even Necro/Manta. Which build gives more lategame (AC/Manta or Dagon5/Eblade).

    When is what build most optimal?
    How good is BKB on brood really? (considering shes pretty trash in engagements anyways)
    Anyone ever tried like Pipe vs Kotl or these magic dmg spammers?


      my experience, 3.5k-4.3k

      -Rushing necro3: safest option in almost every match, and lets you solo rosh

      -Radiance: I shoot for this almost every game, usually 10-11 min, if I can't secure radiance at that time I get other stuff

      -Midas dagon eblade, extremely fun build but hard to push rax in a small timeframe, I've found it doesn't really suit my playstyle

      -Manta, I don't get it much since the illu nerfs, but can be good vs slar/bh, honestly to me it's just a "gravy" item where i usually have rax or almost have rax by this point

      -Heart, I get it vs bat/void or other big disables, this is THE item you want vs void, along with maybe a casual platemail

      -midas in general, honestly not a fan, I know many high rated players get it a lot, but I feel like if you can't rax by 20 min as brood you're not gonna win the game, or it's gonna be a long painful 55 min win

      -Boots, I go the majority of my games without getting any boots until I've raxed a lane and need to set up new webs in a new lane

      -Pipe, i get a casual cloak sometimes (can get at sideshop), usually sell it for something big later, rarely take it as far as pipe though, rather get linken or heart

      -Vlads, sucks basically, wow adding like +2 dmg to your spiders? big deal

      -Crystalys, I usually grab this right before raxing them, I web over to their shop and get it. Cheap damage and really helps in those 2-3 second engagements where you have to clear out 1-2 heroes and rat before the others react

      -BKB i have 50% win on it but I HATE getting it, this is not the item you want on brood

      -Orchid I only get it vs people like QoP, AM, Bat, Weaver, people who can kill your army in 1 second, OR escape you. It's convenient since it builds from sideshop but honestly I don't like it that much, for pure damage output and versatility Necro3 is way better than orchid, that archer nuke really owns supports early/midgame, plus it lets you clear out their sentries/wards

      Enjoy the hero I find it to be one of the most thrilling in solo queue, always have sick battles with 3-5 people chasing me

      Again this is just my experience at my MMR

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      Low Expectations

        Thanks for the input,
        bump for more opinions needed


          I think any Broodmother build must include Diffusal or Eul, both items can remove dust from you. Diffusal has more synergy with Manta, while Eul gives you more mana to spam Ethereal+Dagon+Spawn combo.

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            Manta and BKB both remove dust as well don't they so diffusal and euls a bit overkill for countering dust?

            why do you need necro for soloing rosh? haven't played brood for a while (and i always seem to lose with her) but i'm sure i used to solo rosh with just my ulti 10mins in or so.


              The new rosh stomp kills all your dudes so I've never tried it without necro, no way you could kill him in the span of 1 ult though

              I guess you could micro most of your guys out of stomp range and bring them back


                remember dust also purges dust

                *I mean manta

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                  You take on Rosh without your spiderlings - incapacitating bite gives you evasion and you get full health with your ulti. guess it does take two ultis though.


                    So many items remove dust... I didn't know it.

                    The GingerBread Man

                      lately i'v been playing with Medallion of Courage.... and i'v honestly had a lot of luck with it, definitely on heroes that tend to be on the tanky side. IMO far superior too the damage Vlads gives you, which i feel is pretty bad on broodmama.... ATM i have almost a 70% winrate with medallion on broodmother.

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                        or just dont play this hero, cuz unless you are really good at it, you will be a non factor, just like techies.


                          ppl usually rush orchid just after soulring, as far as i saw (dont play brood myself)
                          or eb+dagon, as alrdy mentioned
                          midas is optional
                          further itembuild may include bkb, necronomicon, radiance, vlads, manta, etc.


                            nice brood X7r00p3r, i will def try medallion, never thought of that