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General Discussionquarterly? BW 1v1 topic

quarterly? BW 1v1 topic in General Discussion

    Hey guys... It's me again :D Once every few months/quarters i ask for decent people to fite me in mid [ as most of my friends are neither skilled much in that departament or they don't like midlane]. And they do; i am thankfull for that. Once i am happy with my results in 1v1 (usually it takes ~2-4weeks and 50-200 battles from ~20-50 people) i tend to go get back to my main role, carrying. . Or i learn new roles... Then this sad cycle (of becoming bad mid again) repeats as i tend to focus on one role in pubs.

    I don't want to boast or anything; just let's say i beaten all of my old records in midlane from last training sessions over one before that by huge margin. Looks like something was left. For sake of equality and communism *hue* everyone; be it 1k or 10k mmr can fight me in mid as some other people can also learn and improve (i pass on what i learned) their skill in mid - this would be mutual deal. Personally i would prefer players of 4.5-7k mmr (havent played or won vs anyone above 6.9k mmr) to play with me to help me get back in saddle faster and maybe become *ok* spar partner again for some. For now i feel so rusty i could barelly go vs low 4k's/high 3k's yet ~2months ago i would feel no fear or pressure when going vs 5k's-5.5k's.

    tl;dr add me @ , once i catch someone online we can play 1v1 games.


      smurf using troll...


        What's your goal with Dota2?

        Obviously you're trying to get better, but you won't get anywhere by spamming one hero to 5k.

        The best thing to do is to play a variety of heroes and roles at least until you reach 5,5k+, then you can start spamming a hero if you wanna reach the e.g. the leaderboards.

        I'm currently 5,6k mmr, and I play everything and every role despite from mid. I've never been that guy that want's mid for whatever reason.

        In the TI4 patch, I felt carries had so low impact on the game (I mean, anyone with a brain could play a carry hero back then and still win the game) This was cause the other 4 roles was way more impactful compared to the carry role (now I'm talking pubgames, as that's whats relevant). Thus why pick carry or mid if you can win the game solely by telling one of your team-mates to go roam with you.

        Well that's what I got on my keyboard for now.

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          it's and old bet vs one 5.2k dude that includes arcana. I had my chance to beat; or atleast fight vs him and to put a fair fight; just had something that postphoned the deal long enough for me to get rusty again. I play variety of carries but i am really simple and boring when it comes to tastes - spam one hero until you are bored. It's just that troll is my favourite carry since i started playing in mid-late 2013year. Sometimes i play some spectre, morph, luna, void 'n' antimogo; mostly lifestealer.

          As for mmr, i was in high 4k's very little after calibrating but lost all that because of one 5k's advice to play supports and decided to get back there and maybe beyond; place where i would get 50% winrate as i grew bored of non-ranked games that turned bad quality after calibrating. I admit, i had some troubles with throwers and leavers in super high 3k's (as i lost one game in low 4k's) - and i even made topic on that but now it's all in the past, havent lost a single ranked game past 4k's so far.

          I just want to get back to point where i can beat mid 5k's in mid again reliably, maybe another one or two occasional leaderboard mids that sometimes gives me a chance to test my skill like in last sessions.

          I got no goals with game. I just play it for fun...


          one thing for sure, i am no bandwagoner. When everyone in mid 4k's were crying about troll i played him. Now he is finally considered ''good'' with bugfix and indirect buff and everyone cries...

 hey; this account is mid 4k's! OH WAIT. ANOTHER SMURF.... i am so bad person that i don't play much :O

          eternal smurf :(

          what am i supposed to do? Have 2k games and 2k mmr? I like to use my time good as i don't play super often. I consider my dota knowledge and startegies pretty good as i used to spend a lot of time on theory to compensate for playing so little at evenings. 800hrs in had 4.75k MMR. From what i heard 4000by 1000hrs is considered good. Ofc my accounts doesnt have much hrs in. But i have my time for fooling around, i do that sometimes and it comes with costs. Thank you for caring about me :D

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          the realm's delight

            this 1v1 shit is worthless, it doesnt help u anyhow. i got a 4,1k friend (me being 5,4k) that crushes me 1v1 sf (he only plays this shit, i think he also beat a 6k+ guy on sf, he knows all the tricks and stuff) but sucks fucking cock at the actual game. i got matched vs him when i played ixdl-o for like 1 week for top 1 and raped him easy


              Rofl troll picking meta abuser get out of here


                gotved; dont be like concede who is crying for mmr... if you can't reach very high skill yourselves then play 'op heroes' yourselves... Most troll pickers suck tbh. You need brain to win 3v5 games or carry 6k people vs other 6k's; y'now?



                  it helps with laning a bit; bit with last hitting and mostly in 1v1 mode. I don't want to learn mid. I want to one dude in 1v1 as said before.


                    this guy was picking troll a yr ago honestly



                      wow... last times min ~10 people wanted to 1v1. AFAIK there are atleast 30 people with better mmr than mine here (ones who added bot). So i will keep waiting XD


                        You'll never be good at this game doing 1v1's. Try playing the actual game, you might increase your MMR by doing things like supporting, or teamfighting, or Dota....


                          everyone too scared of your troll skeelz

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                            i dont care about mmr nor ranked much. I don't want to improve in real game, as i am happy with my performance. And my mmr. If i need mmr, i get it. I want to improve my 1v1. Or atleast be as good as i was before.

                            And isn't it kinda hypocritic how you are ~3200-3600mmr yet you give me tips how to play? xD


                              I've give tips on how to play cause I know that I still got a lot to learn. I help people who are in the same boat as me.

                              If you don't want to improve on the real game, that's fine. If you are happy with your subpar 1v1 performance that won't help you in anyway whatsoever, that's fine. At least I know where my prioties are at, and I don't need to be like "hur dur, you're in 3.5k, you're useless trash who doesn't know how to play the game so your argument will always be invalid."

                              Pulling the "MMR is lower than mine" card seems to never work. Talk to blunt for more details.

                              Good day.


                                i saw too many "teachers" in dotafire and reddit with 2k mmr so i started to take things with a pinch of salt on internet. That being said; dont give me drama as no one is calling anyone trash here. Just read posts before posting.

                                even if i was in same "elo hell" or wharever boat if i was asking for 1v1 games then it means i am asking for 1v1 help and not mmr XD

                                And as harsh as it sounds; millionaires usually avoid giving bussiness tips to billionaires... i hope you get the point. I am not advicing mid 5k's how to climb mmr.... Anyways; thanks for the tips, i will try to use them someday!


                                  sad wolf is sad


                                    bump. Huge deficit of skilled mid players...

                                    everyone is quitting dota?

                                    bum farto

                                      There are loads of good mid players but none of them care to 1v1 as it means very little in the scheme of making a good mid.


                                        the fact that nobody wants to play with u doesnt mean everyone is bad. i dont even see any intuition behind this logic.


                                          the logic is that last times there were plenty enough people to pretty much let me 24/7 play mid with people of 4,5-5,5k mmr on demand and now i am forced to play 1v1 vs 3-3,6k people.... who spam banes and pugnas, kotl in 1v1 mode

                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                            maybe last time you had a nicer nick, and a much less elitist approach?
                                            you look down on 3k players, and last time you didn't care much about the skill of the opponent.
                                            people dont wanna waste time on pointless 1 v 1 for them (why would 6k player want to 1v1 you, just why?) to play with douches who will make screens after they win.

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                                              troll spammer 66% winrate 56% overall winrate

                                              rest heroes suck bad

                                              im sorry no time to waste


                                                ^fite me


                                                  btw if u are "forced to play 1v1 vs 3-3,6k people.... who spam banes and pugnas, kotl in 1v1 mode", then why u lose so much there in high skill bracket, lol? among last 4 games that were all in HS you won only 1.
                                                  if you tend to lose there, it shouldnt be boring for you

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                                                    get gud and i will be here for you peasant

                                                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                      exactly what troyboi said. making screens after people practiced with you is just rude.
                                                      u look down on 3ks then ask 5ks to play with u? lel



                                                        no one gives a damn about nicknames... and selfish isn't same as elitist. Should had taken my chances ~1.5month ago. I lingered. My bad; got rusty...

                                                        and actually being REAL asshole nets you more chances of 1v1 as everyone want to unleash their hate on you. So atleast i am being honest; not trolling intentionally


                                                          then ask for 3ks to play with you and step on earth



                                                            i dont see any stupid screens here; nor i post them that includes anyone from here Or unless being asked by very same person


                                                              i would rather 1v1 in a good mood with a guy named a waifu a day keeps society away rather than playing a guy with a nickname
                                                              acc buyer = dont play core/ 4ktrash fuck you/ SUCK MY DEEK ACC BUYERS/FGGTS in My TeAmnN.
                                                              you know its just a minor psychological factor, and also looking down on 3k players is rather elitist than selfish.

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                                                                ^ + rep good commentatori

                                                                ( rep = report)


                                                                  ayayay, reported back :DD


                                                                    rip = riport, u rritard, fyyq




                                                                        ty bois appreciate that fyyqers


                                                                          u r welcome
                                                                          btw u should have known that
                                                                          didnt u see people usually write RIP on graves, or say it when some1 dies? its so obvious that it means riport because every1 riports leavers.
                                                                          and rep is for jewish reptiloide, ofc


                                                                            ofc i will look down on people in 1V1 MODE BY VALVE when all they do is abuse stuff...

                                                                            you ever faced leshrac in 1v1 mode who eats some trees somewhere and just afk nukes your tower while spamming ''XAXAXA EZ KATKA'' for 4mins?

                                                                            whatever. This is dota community; like you havent really seen bad avatars or nicks yet (my nick isnt offensive; just tired of some kids going 0-5 in 3 mins while flaming everyone else on mic); being offended so easilly.

                                                                            If this empty place lacks *anyone* (as i never said ''3K=GTFO'; i often spar with some friends of that range) willing to mid i will just seek for alternatives. I don't need weak excuses when i see how things are myself

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                            bum farto

                                                                              It's honestly an attitude thing and I am saying this as someone who is more or less a friend of yours. I did tell you over skype that your downfall was this built up self image of yourself which was hurting you from progressing and this 1v1 thing has something to do with it.

                                                                              You messaged me a couple time with stuff like "beat this 6.5K guy mid", or "my team is getting a lot of 6k player interest" and you have to understand that real players don't honestly care. The guy you beat who was 6k went puck who he had played like 10 games with and had a 30% winrate....very obviously didn't care to play you properly. No mid player worth their salt would bother because what do they get from it? Beating a 3-4k mid doesn't help them get better, and should they play carelessly and lose you will talk about it with all the people you possibly can.

                                                                              This is why I don't bother to 1v1 you cause it's a waste of my time as I don't even mid but again in an actual 5v5 scenario the only real experience you can take with you is effective lane control for 3-5 minutes cause as sure as hell you're going to have 3 on you mid quite quickly.

                                                                              If you really want to play one badly I can give it a go but dude, seriously, attitude, fix it.

                                                                              Example is one you sent me with the 6k player you beat who basically never played puck and then this one....

                                                                     why would you gloat on meme centre about beating a 5k?


                                                                                just to tell you 1 thing, i played 1v1 against a 3100 (me being ~4.2k at that time) player sfxsf and he was beating me in cs, the only thing i did is barely outplay him with hero control and movement to kill him.
                                                                                and i also won easily against some 5k players, and that just proves that 1v1 mid is not going to make you a better player, unless your opponent is a pro mid player.

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                                                                                  i dont know what people think of me in forums nor i care but i think my in-game/chat personality is better; as people not only dont complain but invite me all the time.

                                                                                  I guess we are opposites in that matter, havoc.

                                                                                  You can't stop me against going vs that 5k's dude in bet, either.

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                                                                                      wow. Better post some 22sec GG games, too!

                                                                                      or where i let my bro/dog play!

                                                                                      i dont care about that mode at all. play too passive = i will dive or call gg

                                                                                      flame me = gg

                                                                                      got bored = gg

                                                                                      have a game to enter = gg

                                                                                      anyways; got more acc buyers on my team... sick of real games. want someone decent to play against

                                                                                      at end of game had ~780gpm; 6KDA was 7slotted but we lost 3v5 due to splitpushing or someone dying and being 1-2v5 fights

                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                        whats ur mmr btw, TO?


                                                                                          yay.. got russian kid who went 2 carry lane. i was forced to play with supports who nuke creeps

                                                                                          now afk jungling...

                                                                                          because kids always get their lanes - team RAGED at me to give him what he wanted
                                                                                          despite he picking 2nd and coming to my lanes...

                                                                                          edit: love this rigged game with ''random'' idiots who throw games


                                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                            lold .


                                                                                              moral of story:

                                                                                              burn account buyers and intentional feeders, bitches who go dual mid or decide to take your lanes because they pick last and cant read. Few games like that and now instead of 4.5k acc buyers i meet 4.1k (idk why game put me with people ~150-200lower than me) dunning krugger 3k's who got there cause they spammed enough riki where dust doesnt exist. Everyone is SMRT and tells eachother to STFU; like it's call of dootey. Many, many kids. Everyone is noob. Everyone thinks they are pro. Farm stealing and melee supports like omni/ogre doesnt help a lot, either.

                                                                                              lowest rank slavic accent chatty people command everyone what to do and they comment everything. Also they tend to go mid/carry most so better rank people are being pushed out of their lanes or are forced to support subhumans...

                                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                why you so toksik


                                                                                                  just tired. No one good to mid vs; today only got one 5.5k acc booster from 1v1 guild; after being stomped due to his YOLO attitude he unadded me; couldnt train more. I keep losing most of my ranked games due to bad luck or people throwing all the time; not bad skill from me. Had good win streak; want to go back to high 4k's or even climb to 5k ASAP but i can't. Only now that i spent some time in this tier (as i calibrated into it and had some winstreaks with no random throws) i understand why it's so bad. But now i need to slowly climb up there (~600mmr left) because i was dumb enough to let myself lose a lot with roles i dont play. Time to face the consequences; aka the idiots. And win with them along until i start getting acc buyers again; then with with acc buyers...
                                                                                                  then play with pro players and be cannon fodder?

                                                                                                  3k's tier when i was boosting it on friend acc was HEAVEN compared to what i get now.

                                                                                                  time to play some stalker misery...

                                                                                                  to escape from dota misery LOL

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                                                                                                    OP ur not good


                                                                                                      ^this guy summarized pretty well the whole thread

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