General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp please I am playing worse each day, also losing a lot of mmr

Help please I am playing worse each day, also losing a lot of mmr in General Discussion

    ok, first, i am not an english native speaker, i am from argentina, so i play in south american servers, i had some good time where i managed to get my mmr to 4k, but now I am at 3.5k. only god knows what they think when they play. but enough whining, i noticed that i am playing worse each day, does anyone have some tips to return to improve my dota skills? I noticed that my gameplay started to decay since I started college, maybe is because of stress. btw my games are getting lower "skills" of my teammates meanwhile in the enemy team they play all in team, organized and with a defined role. as hard support I can't expect to win alone, i played games being a rubick 8/0 with a hard carry 0/5 and lost the game, ganing some commends but the most important raging as fuck. Can somebody give me a tip to start improving again and some other tips to get the fuck out of the 3.5k? I read something about, like playing mid, or lycan, but is hard when all fight for getting mid. ty all for reading and sorry for see me whining. hope gaben bless you all


      Take a break for a week to calm down and reset bro.


        masturbate before playing


          smoke a bowl first

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Play less shit tier heroes. I mean Slardar as one of most played?


              its everything in ur mind.
              stop thinking about it
              go take a break for some days
              and return hopefully refreshed
              and get a nice grill friend so u will be happy

              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                Stop playing MMR. Ranked doesnt make you better just more stressful. Play unranked and have some fun with the game. MMR only means something to those that need something in their life from a video game. There are only 2 ranks. Pros and casuals


                  only played mmr a few days and i lost every match, i cant believe it

                  Slardar as most played? yes it was a lot of time ago, was playing slardar support with friends and i won a lot of games, but not using it at ranked since everyone comes crazy at 3k.

                  first time i read grill friend haha

                  maybe i will take a break a week like twinkle said, i will see if i can reset my skills or something


                    first tiem? u must be new her :)


                      mmm grill pusi


                        ^^ i liek :)