General Discussion

General DiscussionEuls on Storm

Euls on Storm in General Discussion

    How legit is this? Arteezy is playing against it right now, seems like a quality pickup. People don't seem to be so desperate about rushing Orchid these days.


      why would u buy hat on storm lol

      he already can dodge every single projectile with his ulti and if ur getting silenced get bkb ...


        Well I dunno, it's working for this guy, though, I really like the damage a fast Orchid gives you, on an INT hero it's ridiculous.

        casual gamer

          It has no synergy with the hero at all

          what does any of euls' benefits do for your snowball? You'd be better off buying mask of madness/maelstrom


            I would think you only get it to get out of silences, IDK


              If ennemy team has barely any cc/silence you buy eul instead of bkb for more mana regen, one more cc and u can eul yourself out of silence

              Edit: Eul on storm > bkb Depending on certain siatuation

              Овај коментар је измењен

                Euls on storm sounds like a complete train wreck. >.<

                < blank >

                  Don't forget the extra Movementspeed


                    I asked this question about a year ago, can confirm the view has not changed since then, it just seems like an item that does a little bit of everything, but nothing very well that you otherwise wouldn't get as a carry. Want mana regen+disable? Buy orchid or scythe. Want to dodge disables/purge silences? Buy BKB or linkens. Everything that euls offers you, other items tend to not only do the job better, but scale better as well

                    waku waku

                      you can dodge chronos and blackholes with it more easily