General Discussion

General DiscussionWindranger Discussion Thread

Windranger Discussion Thread in General Discussion
whatever it takes

    Hey guys! I've been fond of using windranger lately, and this is a thread made to discuss different aspects of the hero, how you think she could be played, and of course, the different ways you could build her! Please be open in sharing your ideas, as I'd like to learn from you guys as well. (and if you could give me good WR players to watch that'd be great!)

    And btw, what do you guys think of rushing Agh > Maelstrom on WR?


      Pretty good carry until enemies gets MKB to counter her windrun.

      Овај коментар је измењен

        Mael first because it boosts your farm and is cheaper


          hate lanning vs wr her rightclicks do a lot of dmg and powershot too


            wr is fucking flat


              as in 'no boobies' flat?


                ye, thats what i meant

                Dire Wolf

                  Don't rush aghs, you will suck at farming any items.

                  Bottle is very good on her so you can spam powershot. The range on powershot is retarded so you can easily shoot people without being seen leaving them very little space to dodge it. It's like razor spamming plasma field, really hard to last hit against or stay in lane vs that.


                    hell you probably get more dps too from going maelstrom first than aghs first. theres basically no reason to ever get aghs as your first major item on wr i think.