General Discussion

General Discussionwow why am i 2k???????

wow why am i 2k??????? in General Discussion

    cant compare knowledge to some game skills
    2 different things
    In fact some dump guy has higher chance of getting high mmr then smart one cuz smart guy will play a game to just relax from what he actually uses his brain for.


      To OP: You make me look like a well mannered player. That's something.

      Овај коментар је измењен
      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        Once you hit 1-2KDA you're pretty much max'ed out at your bracket. So you own them 15-1 one game and the other you're feeding. Maybe you're on tilt a lot in your games. You might wanna play more ranked constantly and play heroes that you are good at like Huksar, Weaver, jug, brew or invoker.

        Also if you play carry you should make less mistakes. Also direct your team either by voice or chat mid-late game. A lot of your games seem like you're "riki" carry or "drow" carry. a few late game deaths and the other team wins. I think there was a few games there they came back from 15k exp lead. like this:

        In 2k MMR games it's best to find out which allies you can depend and which ones you can't. Just one good ally like you and you guys can take the game. Most players are just ksing followers. If there is no direction they will literally farm to lose!

        Watch this!

        Овај коментар је измењен
        Sup m8

          How does this guy have 2 thousand games and still in normal skill with 2k mmr?


            you have 54% winrate in ranked, but you seem to play with stacks often.

            Most likely you win with friends and lose in solo

            Miku Plays

              I rather play on 2k than 3k.. Cause its more fun..

              Back on topic, if you think you are 5k, why dont you play rank till you get out of 2k


                LOL TROLL

                me, government hooker



                    4Head Kurt u little 2K shit EleGiggle Can i see ur BabyRage face 4Head u little trolling nub EleGiggle