General Discussion

General DiscussionI did it and played sniper

I did it and played sniper in General Discussion

    I am so pissed at games (I can only play 0 am til 6 am where the ultra fuck geeks are playing since i work in the evening) I lost that I picked sniper
    pls kill me

    bum farto

      Why would you not pick sniper :)


        sniper is so gay it gave me 2 ebolas at once

        bum farto

          Would prefer to die with ebola then live with autism :)

          casual gamer

            sniper is gud hero pick him every game


              sniper is more cancerous than es and tinker

              casual gamer

                IDK about that

                tinker and es were borderline broken, sniper is just run of the mill strong fotm hero.

                i guess it depends on what patch ebola and tinker ur talking abt


                  A good tinker is like a good puck, you cant kill him, except tinker will kill your whole team 1v1, puck cant do that.

                  Rearm>sheep>eblade>dagon rinse and repeat.

                  Sniper just needs a slight nerf to his shrapnel, rest is fine. Hes one of the best carry this meta like troll but hes not OP, get a blink dagger.


                    "kill whole team 1v1"

                    so is it whole team or just one guy? how many fountain trips does tinker need to do and how many dozens of minutes do you need to let him farm for him to have such farm in 6.83 where he cant even clear ancients or mud golems?

                    how much autism does your team has to have in order to AFK in front of tinker for a minute or two?


                      ^ I think he was talking about pre nerf tinker.


                        judging from his skill bracket i guess he thinks tinker is still broken
                        tinker is not broken
                        sniper shits on dagger initiators with that fucking huge shrapnel range x 3
                        storm and clock are like the only guys who can fuck sniper

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                          thats why i see so much clock im my games, start to hate the hero


                            Dravic by whole i meant solo kill anyone in the ennemy team. Not 1v5 lol, i did not express myself very well i must say.

                            Im also not claiming hes broken, just very strong if played safe. His nerf really destroyed his economy though, this made me happy.


                              that made me fucking sad
                              i cant spam tinker anymore since theres no easy catchup in the jungle / ancients