General Discussion

General DiscussionMore questions about TA item builds.

More questions about TA item builds. in General Discussion

    So recently I have been going Bottle>Treads>Drums>S&Y>(Optional: BKB)MKB/Daedalus>Skadi>AC/Butter>Butter/AC Its been pretty successful for me so far, treads lets me farm much fast then phase, and S&Y extra ms and maim makes up for not having phase. I know I'm sacrificing a lot of TA's burst damage by not getting deso.

    I feel this is more of the 'carry build' and I think you scale better into late game and tanks you up a lot more. But overally would you think the build I have posted above is situational or am I better off not getting S&Y or is the phase>drum>yasha>deso>daedalus/AC/butterfly a better build? And yes I am obsessed with TA and I have posted like 5 threads about TA. have mercy :|

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    the realm's delight

      if u go late game with ta u are doing something wrong


        mask of madness

        Mortimer Smith

          Eul, blink dagger, skadi and manta.


            think always deso

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              You shouldn't skip Deso. Psi blades work in such a way that damage delt to the primary target is applied to all enemies in the spill rectangle as pure damage. Meaning if you hit DK with AC through a Maiden he will feel what's being squishy. Vice-versa, hitting DK and spilling to CM will yield much less damage. Having Desolator to decrease armor of primary target will result in a hudge damage boost especially if primary target has low armor. Hitting heroes through creeps with Deso deals ridiculous damage (+23% assuming only Deso as armor reducer), useful when defending or pushing since Psi Blades have massive range. God forbid you crit through a creep, anything behind it is dead (1000-1500 pure damage).

              Not only will Desolator allow you to kill people but in between those kills you can farm really efficient since you can clear waves and camps in few hits. Ancients become a breeze for TA, even golems. Always stack them when you're nearby or with illusion rune if there is no1 to stack them for you. Use Trap to monitor enemies ancients so you can steal a big stack if they make it.

              You can solo Roshan as soon as you get Deso assuming having maxed Refraction and Meld level 2+. Monitor the pit with traps and always kill Roshan.

              And final point for Desolator, TA has very strong wave clear (esp. with Deso) but nothing for towers. Decreasing armor of tower certainly helps when team/split pushing.

              Lately I found success with following build: PT > Yasha > Deso > Dagger > Buriza. This is ideal build assuming that you are leading the game (high CS, few kills...) But since most of the time I am it become default build.

              TL;DR - Deso is really good item


                do you ever get midas?


                  Well as a ta player , ill give u few builds i do

                  Phase bottle yasha drums deso (situational) this build helpa u fight and farm and push (lacks high mobility from blink and ur weakness will be kiting heroes and slows)

                  Pts bottle blink deso (situational) this build helps u fight way better , pickoff and run way safer since u can blink away while getting hit with refraction ( ur farm will be a bit slower but never keep going around sesearching for kills while doing nothing u still can farm if its risky to get kills)

                  Adding midas to any of these builds is great if u can i like the midas with the second build more then the first one

                  And u can go pts aquilla midas mom blink then (situational) things like skadi butter daed are amazing here , i got 6 slotted extremly fast with this build , but ta will get outcarried if the game go ultra late

                  Here is an example

                  I kinda needed bkb here but i wanted it to work without bkb , qop needed cc items but she chose to go dagon , anyway it went extremly well but in late game i cant say anything about it since i had no one to backme up they had alot of cc and 2 right clickers so i cant say for sure that she falls off extremly hard in late

                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                    hey F!RE, why drums after yasha? shouldnt it be the other way round if you are getting both?

                    and can anyone tell me the theorycraft behind wb start ta vs 2-3 branch start ta? i have my own reasons but would like to hear yours.

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      I never get Midas, perhaps I should try it.

                      You start with WB if you're skilling Psi Blades at level 1 to gain additional damage to compensate for lack of Refraction. Can be done versus enemy with weaker damage. However I consider it inferior to 2x Branch build with Refraction as first spell.


                        I go drums then yasha i wrote it the wrong way
                        and 2x branch with pulled tango 1 or 2 is more enough , with refraction u wont get harassed much and ull probably get extremly fast bottle

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          About Drums after Yasha I sometimes do that as well. I grab Yasha for farming and snowballing but game doesn't go as planned so I'm forced to get Drums.

                          Another build that should be considered is straight Desolator after upgrading boots. Should be done if you have great farm and some kills. 11-12 mins Deso is no joke. If you manage to get it this fast I suggest killing Roshan as soon as you get it.


                            I suggest u watch waga new guide , he said everything u need to know about the hero, and i like him so watch him , and im waiting for his reply about my question against brew, and if he feel the lack of as with the build, he even have the same idea as me that yasha drums kinda sucks atm dagger is the better one , ill try phase with the blink to see if its better



                                i don't know if midas is good with templar, cuz u already have a good farm mechanist (psi blades), i see like a waste of 2050 (u can get yasha)


                                  Midas is never a waste , on ta it might hurt cuz u need the brust physical damage early but its never a waste when it will pay off make u outlevel everyone and u sell it for half the price , so midas is only 1025 which will pay way more in no time