General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to rape Axe with Broodmother?

How to rape Axe with Broodmother? in General Discussion

    If someone want to learn just watch a replay of this game I ll actually maybe soon post some guide about non spiderlings Brood as well because many people asking me. I can write about when to play no spiders vs what line ups and heroes what item builds when and etc. How to solo rosh,when and stuff. Also I started to play Brood with spiders as well like week ago.

    Im the Bully of my School

      shity items shity brood shity player

      Miku Plays

        Do you take early stats with that build?

        Im the Bully of my School

          10 points in bonus then u start to level the rest after i watched replay


            How to kill axe with brood: pop ult, go solo, gg.

            waku waku

              why no levels in spiderlings at all?300 nuke is pretty useful it's like a slightly weaker but free dagon

              Im the Bully of my School

                bcuz ur not bogi


                  that game was so fucking sad
                  i pointed out the solo rosh (we had vision of the courier flying smoke and no one noticed ofc) and spam pinged but only the retard axe came
                  from then on game was gg :s

                  Im the Bully of my School

                    with that build u can only rape 3k mmr players and even... that axe was jsut bad or had bad teamates or they were just bad players and bad picks etc. anyway u lose 1/2 of ur games. i doubt u can win again with that brood build . maybe ull go 33% win rate with that build


                      that bracket was 4.7k and u shouldnt talk shit if ur in normal skill

                      Im the Bully of my School

                        listen buddy i am the best player of dota in this forum probably. so plz be quiet and go buy a 4k account bud



                          Im the Bully of my School

                            epic-npc buy sell trade. here you can afford it. dont cost that much even if u work at wall mart u can afford it. peasant


                              I tried the bogi no spiders brood a while back, and while my losses may have been due to my lack of skill with the hero, it didn't feel like the build was doing me any favors. It was easy enough to win lane with the no spider brood, but getting ahead a few early kills didn't feel that relevant when I couldn't take towers after getting a kill, couldn't steal farm from the other teams jungle with the spiders, and still wasn't as strong in team fights as any other offlaner would be at that point.

                              also I don't think spawn spiderlings is even that weak in lane against heroes with heavy AOE, you can just get a soul ring and spam it as a 300 damage nuke instead of using it to make spiders. just my thoughts, bogi is a much better brood player then me, but his it might be in spite of his build rather then because of his build.

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                                rofl. 1500 games. still normal skill. talking shit. thinks win rate% has absolutely anything to do with skill.


                                  Roflmao I beat with this build 5500 mmr players and you telling me this build works only for 3k? I m 4900 mmr and it works here maybe can`t work if you are bad.

                                  Im the Bully of my School

                                    hey there cockboy @marlan you want me to lick ur ass?

                                    Im the Bully of my School

                                      Bogi ur brood made me vomit blood out of my ass


                                        i am the cockboy and u can lick my ass, yes

                                        Im the Bully of my School

                                          @fagboi so you admit to have 2 account on dotabuff and as a dota steam user? Banned


                                            my 2nd nick is cockmaster78 so im the cockboy
                                            hard to understand?

                                            Im the Bully of my School

                                              LOL cockboy !!!!

                                              Im the Bully of my School

                                                JEEJEEE GAYGAYY GG JAYJAYYY


                                                  Gotta admire this guy for sticking to a no spider build and actually getting results with it. I would def try it out if you gave some more info/tips

                                                  All I can contribute to normal build Broods trying to deal with axe, I like to get Necro3 fast and make him spin the red dude, that's all I got lol

                                                  Im the Bully of my School

                                                    its one game out of many. if he do that again hell lose


                                                      He's been doing no spider build for a long time brah, i mean you can check on this site with 3 clicks


                                                        and that why hes been losing so much




                                                            I did it again easy win and raped game before this one Axe as well but we couldn`t win with that 4500 Void unfortunate


                                                              hmmm we need more games from you to prove a point . If you win the whole community and dota players will change their build/skills on broodmother. Ull be a God for a week. But if you fail im gonna make sure you never play dota again


                                                                you countered axe by going no spider build.

                                                                people don't expect it and it works.

                                                                and yes to answer some peoples questions, he could have (and in theory should have) eventually gotten spiders.

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                                                                  @Concede so jelly? everything u did to counter axe as a broodmotfk failed terribly and now ur mad at him succeding?



                                                                      lol my brothers and sisters are like 14 im teaching them dota on this account.




                                                                          can someone please explain to me how does that build counter axe
                                                                          brood with no spiders and phase boots has like 600 hp axe spins twice and she's dead, she only has decent DPS after lv6


                                                                            it doesnt. i watched replay he went bonus the axe was like 3k mmr . he got lucky. period. end of that stupid thread.


                                                                              why buy boots on brood
                                                                              why pick brood if ur not getting spiderlings

                                                                              seriously this builds fucking awful this heros so useless without spiders




                                                                                  sano Work easy, you kill Axe at lvl 6 if he doesn`t have tp, if he do you have free farm also when he calls you and you are in ulti you cant die it`s enough to kill him once so their whole team will flame him for losing Axe vs Brood if you don`t understand how watch some of my replays.

                                                                                  4KEBOLAPLAYER123 Because with phase boots you can go through the tower when you chase and you have + 21 dmg

                                                                                  Actually I always want spiderlings lately but if I pick 5th and opposite team pick 5th Axe which is usually a case I must go non-spiderlings build because is pointless to play with spiders vs any Axe,Keeper of the light,Legion Commander or Sand King


                                                                                    so acording to u bogi if u have low winrate with a hero ur bad in it ?

                                                                                    ur telling me im bad on storm or tinker or pudge ?


                                                                                      Ok boys our best player is in normal skill with 48% wr no flamerino all hail him


                                                                                        @my cat breath smell likecatfood

                                                                                        wtf are you talking about? I wasn't in that game. And the one time i played brood mother i did the exact same build as bogi and raped a slark with it.

                                                                                        not to mention my post didn't even take issue with bogi's build, just that it is kinda standard but not enough people do it when facing LC or Axe.

                                                                                        Nice 29% ranked winrate btw. I think we figured out why you are mad. You made a smurf and are dropping like a rock

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                                                                                          Vaikiss what issuess with eyes do you have? I didn`t said anything about win rates at this post


                                                                                            u posted that guys lwo winrate on brood mother and called him out like winrate means he cant play the hero

                                                                                            especialy when playing in pubs


                                                                                              Where I said that?


                                                                                                oh nwm my bad that was hotsalza



                                                                                                  fail brood


                                                                                                    so what do you do until lv6


                                                                                                      you Watch axe geting big as hes farming off all creeps

                                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                        Or just throw sum banana at Axe, then we get nice 20% ranked winrate like our monkeyplayer over here.

                                                                                                        EDIT: LoL, 20%

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