General Discussion

General Discussion500 MMR

500 MMR in General Discussion

    Didn't played during three months and now I feel like a 500 mmr player, my hand always goes one row upper so I can't even use my skills corectly.

    Somehow i'm still able to last hit, other than that I became really aweful. How many times until I recover a little of my skills ?


      As much time as you need


        usually it comes from 1 to 3 games.

        anything shorter

          How much did you play before the break?


            You used to be Normal/High skill. So you're not 500mmr now, unless you have the muscle/brain memory of a goldfish.

            You probably feel bad, and might be losing games you used to be able to win, but 500 mmr is REAL bad. There's no way your skill went down 2,000 mmr in 3 months.

            The only factors I can think of here, is that others are learning while you aren't, and you need to regain muscle memory/knowledge of the game/patch updates. But in 2k people barely even know about the game, nor do they play that much. So you really shouldn't be that far behind.

            Give it a week and you'll be back where you were.

            He's Panicking

              I took a break for 4 months from dota (This is not my main acc). I also found when I came back it was almost like starting kind of fresh. YOu understand what you should be doing and know what your capabilities are but its just not smooth at all, took me about 5 or 6 games to get all the basics back, thing I struggled with the most was attack moving and last hitting in the first few games. It will come back (muscle memory like previously stated).

              I have since taken a 2 week break and it wasnt so bad that time but I could feel I hadnt played, we become rusty I think. Just play and that 2500 MMR will come back sooner then you know it :)


                Also took a 4 month break from doto. First few games were rough because you're getting used to the game again, but I felt like I came back a much better player because I was still watching a few pro games and getting tips from videos of good players about how to play like aui.

       (my return to doto)

                Also, regarding you pressing incorrect skills, try bot/lobby games for a while and have fun keyboard smashing.


                  Acutally i'm close to very high in solo ranked, but my hidden mmr for normal games is lower (normal games). I just can't play ranked right now, I'll lose for sure as I'm already feeding in normal games ^^.

                  Anyway I'll just start my way back with easy hero.


                    playing dota is like learnign to swim or ride a bike

                    once u learn something there is no way to unlearn that




                        ^ofc u lose automatism and benchmarks