General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone experienced guide me?

Can someone experienced guide me? in General Discussion

    I'm looking at my trend and I see I'm getting better at Last Hits/KDA/Gold Per Minute and everything else but not In Win Rate - I lose a whole lotta of games and dropped down to 2600 elo from 3200. I can't explain this, but i cant find better proof that this for being randomed with idiots. I've lost nearly 10 games because of the "I will sell my items and feed" attitude. I really see no way how to get any better.

    PS. Dont mind my lst game - Electricity shutted own.


      normal skill - must be my teammates fault

      I've lost nearly 10 games because of the "I will sell my items and feed" attitude.
      which games are these, i can hazard a guess that you played equally dogshit to your item-selling teammates


        try reddit


          it is impossible to lose so much mmr because of teammates.
          you can lose maybe 100 mmr because of really guys who will leave, or buy couriers etc etc.
          never lost more than 100 mmr because of my team, i only lost because of myself. start with this attitude.
          play more careful/pay attention to YOUR mistakes and be less toxic, everyone who plays a lot of solo queue has been there (loss streaks).
          if i lose a lot, i tend to take a break just because if i already lost 3 games in a row there is a high chance of me playing bad next game due to not being able to focus on the current game but still thinking about those 3 games i lost.

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          Low Expectations

            ^Same goes for when you win,
            I def won this game because I am so good. Carried my entire team


              haha yeah, you can also win like 100 mmr in a row while feeding and being generally useless.
              but there is very very very low chance that you wil lose 10-11 games in a row because of your team, or win those 10-11 because of your team, you are too big of a factor.


                Yeah, all my games i play like Dogshit:
                So it doeant matter how i play when i lose every game. Why even try getting better player.


                  what do you mean, lol, i just said YOU ARE too big of a factor in game, so you better try if you want to win.


                    I try all the time but i cant see victory yet.


                      accept the fact that you are not as good as artourka babaevsky but just a boy playing some dota, and try to improve yourself, not your team.
                      or keep being trash amongst trashes, just the truth mate.
                      or if you want a good team(relative to 3k mmr) you can buy 5k a account.


                        Thanks for the advice how to play better.


                          if you were 3200 and now 2600, give it a rest for 1 day.
                          and after when you'll play again you will feel like playing with and against retards, and you will win, i guarantee.
                          i lost from 4500 almost 4600 to 4k flat, close to below 4k actually, not so long ago.
                          now i am ~4800ish and still going up.

                          gl with your climb m9
                          gotta do your best and try to be positive, if it makes you upset, just a short break for couople of hours, days maybe.


                            I've just lost a game to 3100 guy - (2600 here and none in my team was higher than 2800), whatever. I think I will give me a rest for about 1 week. I've never been so bad at a game before.


                              youve only showed me one game. when i have time ill watch the replays (emphasis on plural) and prove that you're not the hotshot you think you are


                                I am no Dota pro. In fact I am the worst of the worst, trying to improve. Literally, borderline people telling me to uninstall and quit forever trash and I have embraced that fact in hopes to get better through patience and hard work BUT..

                                What games are these that you are with people that are "I will sell my items and feed" attitude? Looking through recent match history of losses it appears that you haven't done exceptionally better than most of your declared "awful" team mates and it doesn't look like a lot of selling and feeding is happening.

                                Humbly, I say the same as what everyone else is going to - Admit that you aren't better than you think you are, in fact you are probably worse. Stop blaming your team mates, stay calm and work on your own game. This is of course coming from a total trash noob, but I think this attitude is what makes for good players.


                                  I dont want you to tell how shitty player I am Andro, I know this, I need you to help me!


                                    well first step is to stop making shitty excuses for yourself
                                    that affects your ability to self-critique yourself and your ability to improve. if you're not overly self-critical, where is the incentive to improve when the easier thing to do is to just continue blaming your teammates?

                                    looking at the stats of your recent matches and your kdas of your best heroes, you die way too much. if you're dying in lane, don't be stubborn and keep farming when you're at 200 HP, and if you're out of regen, buy some more because it's faster than going back to base, healing and buying a TP, and you won't miss any XP.

                                    also work on your farming. getting 500 GPM against retards that are bad at contesting farm isn't anything amazing.

                                    what you also need to work on is item + skill builds. the good thing is that item + skill builds require 0 mechanical skill so it's an easy way for shit players to get good at the game, because they don't need to do anything besides right click the right item in the shop, or press Q/W/E/R at the right time when they level up, which is way easier than practicing lane matchups for hours for example.

                                    like getting poor mans on troll is fucking dumb, because there's ring of basi which is basically a poor mans + void stone for the same price, and it also builds into ring of aquila which is one of the most efficient (if not 'the' most efficient item that agi carrys can get). why is basi better than poor mans? PMS slows down your aquila while offering worse benefits than the ring of basilius, and they're virtually the same price.

                                    quelling blade makes a huge difference to your farm rate as well, and it's only 225g. the biggest noob trap is to sell the QB because "hey it's only 225g and i need to make room for bigger items". god forbid you choose to sell your QB over a stout shield. QB is percentage based. so later in the game when you're an AM with BF hitting for 300 and cleaving for 100, you're now hitting for 400 and cleaving for 130, making it even stronger as the game goes later. the disadvantage is that it only works against creeps, so when you need to fight, then it's a wasted slot.

                                    QB also works on rosh, and troll is a hero that can solo rosh. 32% dmg is around a 25% reduction in kill time. so if it takes 40 seconds to kill rosh without QB, now it's 30s instead, and now you have 10 extra seconds to farm creeps with.

                                    skill build is easy to rectify and makes a pretty big difference in the early game. like with items, an optimal skill build can net you extra cs or kills, so extra gold + XP that you wouldn't have gotten without those skill points. those result in quicker levels + gold, which means you get items faster, more levels means more dmg + more skill points to help you farm faster, which results in more gold + levels, et cetera.

                                    once you get skill build + items down, which should take next to no time, work on your farming / map awareness. the two are related. if you know where everyone is, or at least have a good idea where they are, you know where it's safe to farm, or if you're trying to look for kills, you know where they are so you spend less time wandering up and down the river doing fuck all, or 5 man protecting the mid tower, which is what happens in the shit bracket.

                                    if you have to, buy your own wards, they'll pay for themselves and more, and always carry TPs. if you've just cleared the creep wave, there's not going to be another one for 30 seconds, so when there's 3 dumbasses on the enemy team waiting for you to farm the next wave so they can kill you, you've already TPed into another lane and gotten 1 creep wave + 1 neutral camp, while they have 3 heroes not getting any farm or XP.

                                    also, learn to recognise when the enemy jungle is actualy the safest place to farm. at your level, what the enemy are probably thinking are "hey we need to stop X from free farming, lets camp the safe lane and ward X's jungle". if they have most of their team on your side of the map, then that means they have no one on their own side of the map, and chances are they won't have vision of their own jungle. watch pro players stream if you have time, or download their replays.

                                    plus try to be positive. thinking negatively distracts you from playing the game, making you play worse than if you were concentrating fully on the game. if you get angry you're gonna tilt. if you can't avoid being angry, just don't play when you are, otherwise you're just throwing points down the drain.


                                      work on your decision making too. e.g. when to farm and when to fight. most of the time in your bracket you can just opt to farm for as long as possible and then fight when you're 2 items ahead of the enemy carry, because if you're 2 items ahead, it's pretty hard to lose and your decision making at that point e.g. who to focus in teamfights, hardly matters anymore when you can 1v5 them.

                                      when you're moving around the map, ask yourself why you're doing so. is it to farm or fight? if it's not either, you're probably being inefficient with your movement, when you could be killing creeps on the way to your destination.


                                        What androgynous said is relevant, just wanted to say that you won't realize where you were wrong until you see how better players do it. You can understand a lot of decision-making from watching streamers like Waga / Bulldog etc.


                                          if ur actually serious about wanting to improve instead of trying to find excuses, if u have questions you can add me if you want and ill try to answer them. im sure theres others on dotabuff that would do the same too.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Watch your replays and find mistakes. My last jug game we should've won but storm got caught out stupidly in the final minute and then sniper threw trying to join him. The whole time I was typing bbbbbbb and they all wiped and e lost game. I was super pissed but after I calmed down I realized I put us in that position where one wipe caused us to lose. I could've won the game for us earlier with better play. Did I play good enough to win if they didn't make that dumb mistake? Sure but point is I could've played better and we would've won. You can only control your play.