General Discussion

General Discussion7 slot dota 2?

7 slot dota 2? in General Discussion

    What will happen if someday this can be possible. For example for every 80+ minute game there will be 1 more free slot for every hero I think this could be interesting.

    Will this be broken or good what you think?


      Its really a bit sad to watch C9 vs SFZ 3 hours and they still all have 6 slots with changeing 3-4 new item 24/7


        dunno would be fun tho and so Op D:

        casual gamer

          would be same shit though

          people fill extra slot with one more dps/hp item and still fly around refreshers necros mantas etc on courier


            should be like a permanent buff you get when u kill roshan if the game is longer than 60 minutes long? This would prevent Teams from turtling in base like SFZ vs C9. The late game would be centered around roshan just like the games that are pre 60 min long. Just my potato thinking XD

            Овај коментар је измењен
            Miku Plays

              extra slot for every 60 mins


                also either fix the sentry pooling or make it a proper feature


                  Or they simply learn how to play versus turtle, and it's fine.

                  If you add more item, hero such as medusa and sniper will have even easier time defending the throne
                  (not even mentionning kunka / ember)

                  Овај коментар је измењен
                  kanye went to uni

                    nooooo plz dont make games even longer 3 hours is long enough for me

                    Mortimer Smith


                      Mortimer Smith

                        I think could be ok buy the 7th slot


                          I want 6th slot in team, for 6v6 doto.

                          And I think you should be able to buy 7th slot for 10 000 gold.

                          Greygrey the Sailor

                            @n4andza Maybe 20k gold because if you have that much you deserve to spend it on more than buyback



                              Everytime the game goes past 60min, I get tired and usually throw. Best game part of the game is 10-35min. Late game 35-55min at max. Cant stand those hours infinite buyback/rat game.