General Discussion

General DiscussionDid good as PA, but still lost?

Did good as PA, but still lost? in General Discussion

    Frankly, I don't understand how we lost since we had Lina and Venge disabling, and I was keeping Brood from farming and pushing and generally killing off her teammates earlier in the game. What went wrong? What could have been done better to have secured what felt like an easy win early on?


      1) u maxed blur and got blink 2lvl @12 lvl? rlyyyy?
      2) fail items
      3)normal skill ...


        Yeah, cause I totally wanna be spamming blink early on without any evasion to keep me from being mauled, totally.

        And how is Battlefury bad?

        And no shit sherlock, people do tend to START there.


          1) blink low cd saves u ( blink on creeps or allies, or getting kills fast)
          2) i dont suggest bf i would rather go for basher ,yasha ,dominator
          3) i didnt start at normal skill :)


            People insisted on never being on the same lane as me, never had people to blink to.

            Battlefury is good against Brood, cleave crits removes spiders.

            And? Skill level doesn't seem to be the case if I performed the best on the team. Atleast, as far as killing people goes, I'm thinking it either has to do with HOW I farmed, or the team, or something else.

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              3) normal skill means that
              ur team wont be that trusted so dont expect help from them cause in normal skill people dont have map awareness



                Then legit question; if that is the case, what do I do to ensure a victory? Is PA just the wrong choice for such a mentality? If so, who is better for it?

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                    You went for AC over basher. You went for BF over basher. Your last-hits are low compared to minutes played in the game, and also fact that you're having BF and not even 200 CS is bad.

                    You and drow are pretty much equal, and if you think this is the best you can do, it means you need to improve

                    Pretty much if you went Manta or sange&Yasha over AC, and Basher(abysal) over Battlefurry, your chance of winning would have increased by large amount of %%%%.

                    I'm not PA player, but this is just common sense. BF used to be god back when PA was passive hero, now, just go for cost-effective items like basher-Yasha into Sange or Manta, etc.

                    What gives you BF? Decent amount of DMG, mana regen/hp regen and cleave. Zero HP, that's bad, PA is kinda squishy, you know.

                    What gives you Manta? Ability to dodge shits, illu, a lot of armor, decent amount of HP, attack speed, DMG, and moving speed.

                    Also, Power-treads are better in my opinion for PA if you go for yasha later. It gives her attack-speed(30), and nice amount of HP if you're in str(you can even switch stats to lowwer mana cost..)

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                      u see now what i mean
                      guys above explained everything


                        Basher and Manta wouldn't have helped with Brood at all.


                          every hero is 2 good crits from PA

                          dagger---> blink bash brood 1k critical = dead



                            Guy is a lost case.

                            He keeps on going stupid builds. Let's not waste our time here for him, he's fully aware what we are talking about. He just doesnt give a fuck about it.

                            Phase into vlads into bf into buter. Well played. Good way to build JUGG these days..


                              lollllllll^ ur right

                              Vaal u can check this replay to see how i play jugg ( and most people do ) skillbuild-items etc
                              take it as advice i wont tell anything more


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                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                honestly the early mid game nothing really bad happened
                                except you added level 1 dagger and spammed like 5 daggers at sniper for no payoff
                                you added 1-1-1 in a situation where blink would not have done anything
                                you bought hotd but didnt use the active at all where wolf/ogre would have been hugely beneficial
                                phase fury hotd arent really questionable but ac was quite the garbage pick up.
                                basher /bkb /satanic would all be decent
                                your target should just be sniper

                                casual gamer

                                  no daedalus = no fun

                                  kanye went to uni


                                    the best thing you'll ever learn - battlefury is SITUATIONAL on PA. most games you'll do better without it. once you get better at farming you can start building it again but if you got 168cs with a battlefury in a 43 min game vs a brood where you apparently did well then you're really not getting much out of it so theres no real point. try a game going for more early fighting items like basher or drum or something and go kill people





                                        So what am I to do when my lane support won't zone out the enemy laners, giving me a nightmare of a lane. And all the other lanes are getting fucking smashed? Cause in the spot I'm in, that seems to be the case every game when I solo queue.


                                          Can you explain me what lane support and zoning out offlaners has to do with going vlads into bfurry into buter on Jugg?


                                            Not even talking about that. And I am literally not even that high in the brackets, I got my MMR calculated too early out of being naive once I hit level 13. Such a build works where I'm stuck at. Moving on to my question.


                                              No it does not work.


                                                If you're not going to answer the question, don't bother posting. I'm looking for answers to the problems I'm actually having.


                                                  You don't even need to farm well in safelane.

                                                  People make mistakes so often at your level that you don't even need to be farmed to kill people; just get kills when they do retarded stuff.


                                                    And if they won't make said mistakes? Either because smurf or just not that dense? Cause I run into alot of teams in solo queue that only 5 man and won't let anyone get caught out.


                                                      Stuff like that happens. It's part of dota. Sometimes it's your fault you lost, sometimes it's a teammate's fault you lost. Everyone wins games they shouldn't have won and loses games they shouldn't have lost.


                                                        Its not even the fact that your build was shitty (AC?) why you lost the game. Kills dont win games, and not even one person on your team had 1k tower damage. How do you want to win if you cant even take t1's?

                                                        kanye went to uni

                                                          lol ok, maybe hes being a bit annoying here but lets be honest guys they didnt lose that game solely because of him. everyones got terrible stats in that game and comparatively he did fine.

                                                          if you're getting five-manned that's not good play by them, that's them being stupid. they five man in front of a tower you go to another lane and farm it/pressure that tower, your team will come out ahead in the long run (so long as they dont fight at tower - convince them not to defend when you're not there). t1s are now only about the map control; they dont give much gold at all you can give them up easily, esp. in your skill bracket (this isn't a debate - your skill bracket games ARE bad). also if they five man buy a bkb fairly early on and try not to fight until you get it. you can also safely farm their jungle if you know they're five manning.

                                                          edit: actually you know hes being perfectly patient ... dunno why you guys flamed him so hard....

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                                                          kanye went to uni

                                                            (hopefully by the time they hit t2's, after going through some glyphs, you'll have farmed an item or two and can start fighting)


                                                              Grabbing an assault cuirass was a big mistake, your chance of winning would have been much greater if you bought an abyssal blade instead. Sniper is pretty tough too.. And trust me doing good is not all about kills, there are more important factors.

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