General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll is cheapest fuckjnrg hero.

Troll is cheapest fuckjnrg hero. in General Discussion

    Every time I see a troll pick I make it mission to stop him but even so he screws my team somehow. Haven't tried him yet with new buff Cuz I have refused to tired of losing to him I fear I may pick troll soon.

    Sup m8

      Pick sniper, he can kite him well.

      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

        You can't stop troll, because his ulti is global.


          He wasnt buffed but fixed ;D


            every time i pick troll, i get viper + lich offlane, jakiro+lina+disruptor on me, shake+venge+jugger, people already know how to deal with this hero in safelane, try him mid or woods maybe, i lost like last 5 troll games in safelane.
            if th see troll >> target




              Greygrey the Sailor

                once again troll troll posted an irrelevant video but this actually made me laugh

                @Slowmotion how to deal with troll? Pick up a full team of disablers that can go through bkb and someone with big right clicks


                  "Dota is just Dota you know, at the end of the day we're all just boys playing some Dotes."
                  - Artour "Secret.Arteezy" Babaev


                    Sniper, void


                      Well you don't pay for heros like LoL so how is he cheap? Hes free no?

                      Dire Wolf

                        Pick sniper, make sure someone offlanes axe and get a storm middle. Nothing counters troll directly but pick enough stuff that annoys him and you counter him in aggregate.


                          You are hammering at troll wardlord after ganking him, he has about 100hp left.................. Suddenly he turns around and activates battle trance and bashes you, it's all over.


                            Sniper loses to troll late game if troll has half a brain.

                            The moment the troll picks up his blink as 4th/5th item, you're fucked if he has any brains whatsoever. He blinks in hits you once with sny/eos and its game over, you're not manfighting him and winning.

                            You only win if troll keeps going ham and you just shoot at him happily at a distance putting his blink eternally on cd.