General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist offlane?

Alchemist offlane? in General Discussion

    Just wanted your opinion about using Alchemist Offlane... is a hero I love, but at last no one uses it anymore... could the offlane be his new position? I know he lacks armor... but in pubs could this be reliable?


      In theory he's an alright offlaner, but overall the hero isn't strong. Thus, why put him there


        He has negative armor, watch him melt vs jugg/sniper/troll.


          used to be good carry back in the old days but now its shit w/e u play him

          10/10 would not pick


            He's really not the best choice for most lineups


              No escape, no range farm, no protection.



                currently an alchemist carry is never going to be a thing in anything higher than 4k. Hes the perfect hero to pick if you want to lose the game since all his gold and xp advantages will be runner banded

                casual gamer

                  gotta do the good old clan_iraq acid spray ancient stack


                    I think alchemist is a really good support and a good mid hero against meeles. Max your stun and acid. Buy medalion, vlad, force staff, hallberd whatever. those items all helps you and your team too. Well. mostly i pick him as a support. Good stun. easy -armor. tanky. u dont have to go home after lvl6. perfect for 4k+. (u can get blink too. if u "snowball" as a support.)

                    if u go mid with him. Acid zoning out enemy. Bottle. 8min dagger and the snowball. Go for early-mid game items, create space for carry. finnish the game in 40min. gg wp.

                    I think Alche is still a really good hero, i wonder why ppl dont pick him on pubs. easy mmr. on my 4k shitbraket ~20 matches ~74% winrate. Mostly played as support, maybe picked twice to mid.

                    bum farto

                      I can win the offlane with Alch by leeching levels and stacking ancients with acid but then what? Alch is just so bad that nothing you do will help him do anything. Can farm faster than most carries but then you have to end fast or you will lose past 35-40, you can build him as a disabler but you need farm to do that and there are natural disablers who are better than alch.

                      He can have good games where an Alch does well but overall he's pretty shitty. The toplist is full of diamond 3-4's as no one wanting to win anything will actually play him.

                      Mortimer Smith

                        I think alchem is one of the worst heros in the current meta, he and dk are a shit ;)