General Discussion


BEAR WARRIOR THREAD in General Discussion

    After settling how to jungle Ursa, I'd like to know what some good late game options are for him. Or what general itemization is.

    After rushing morbid mask, I finish phase and vlads, get blink and then my first damage item, usually a basher. But then I've no idea what to buy.
    and how do you jungle with 4 tangoes ynit? tech me


      dont finish vlads

      if you want to jungle qb stout start with one set of tangoes can last you until morbid mask (barely) if you choke point properly, you can rosh ~5 minutes

      imo get phase, morbid then rush blink, if you're doing well transition to hex if not get bkb

      hex is a must get eventually, abyssal is situational but pretty decent


        i start with stout, 8 tangos. get morbid and use 6 tangos until then. Then i go back to base get smoke and do rosh at level 3, minute 4-5.
        getting phase first would delay the early rosh. check my last game if you want an horrible example of this.
        I'm unsure about the hex, even though I'm jungling I see myself as the main carry, that's why I rather get damage items. what sould I do with the morbid mask? Upgrade it to a satanic later?


          if jungle: stout , 3 tangos, 1 pot, rest branches u can manage 4 lvl on woods by minute 4 or less, after getting morbid u get a smoke and u go roshan with skillbuild 0-2-2 u kill him and go 7 lvl and start raping arround
          then phace then dagger then go for vlads if ur team needs it otherwise go dominator so u can get a satanic later

          i personaly go bkb 90% of the time cause i want to kill 2 people instant in teamfights without interupts from suports and disablers

          then i go heart , abysal


            Should I wait until level 4 for rosh? I do him at level 3 usually


              "I see myself as the main carry, that's why I rather get damage items."

              Eh.. Save yourself all the time and effort and just pick Troll, who essentially does the same thing but only 10x better. Ursa sucks late game against real carries.


                but troll isn't a bear.


                  But hes a troll.

                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                    ehhh... save yourself all the time and effort and just pick OP heroes...
                    wow such input much amaze


                      ^ As if Ursa isn't a trench tier hero anyway.... Besides 'OP' by whose judgement? Just cause hes a fotm hero and you dont know how to deal with him doesn't make him OP. Last time I checked he has counters in the form of heroes and items that deal with him well. may I also point out that you had no problem picking Jugg when everyone was calling him OP so..

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                        the reason i'm not playing troll is beacause I don't like to play troll. I played juggernaut before (with less success tbh) and had fun doing so. And troll is pretty much OP if we can assume that the troll picker is the only one who isn't entirely retarded out of the 10 players. The only thing that can kill troll is teamplay or RNG, assuming troll knows what he's doing.

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                          "The only thing that can kill troll is teamplay or RNG, assuming troll knows what he's doing."

                          How so? Heroes like Sniper can wreck Troll if he can keep his distance. It also only takes one durable hero to buy Heavens Halbard, or one Agi carry to get Abyssal which makes Troll a sitting duck. Have we also forgotten about stuns and hexes? I dont know man, it just seems like teh community have retarded logic when it comes to fotm heroes. Hes only 'OP' because he was a popular pick at the Asian championships.


                            go at 4 better and faster rosh down... and be sure to spamm ur team to ward rosh side so u wont got penetrated


                              shield + tango + salve as starters > morbid mask > aegis at level 4 > boots > blink > vlads > desolator. Works everytime.

                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                ^ "As if Ursa isn't a trench tier hero anyway.... Besides 'OP' by whose judgement? Just cause hes a fotm hero and you dont know how to deal with him doesn't make him OP. Last time I checked he has counters in the form of heroes and items that deal with him well. may I also point out that you had no problem picking Jugg when everyone was calling him OP so.."

                                i spam picked jugg when he was sleeper OP in ranked then abit more in unranked and stopped playing him completely right after.
                                that isnt even the fucking point.
                                point is you arent even contributing to the thread.

                                you can jungle with 4 tangoes if you choke point the dire middle medium camp with choke point
                                radiant you should bring more regen cos you will lose lots of hp against ursa and centaur even if you choke the hard camp.

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                                  Woah now.. No need to get salty my friend. I was merely pointing out the truth when he said he wanted items to make Ursa more late game.


                                    well when you pepper your posts with rubbish like "troll's only OP because he was a popular pick at the Asian championships" you suddenly lose credibility

                                    anyway ursa has no issues late game compared to any other carry, very few carries can 100->0 easily within a hex duration - his real issues are in breaking high ground, and capitalizing on winning a fight

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                                      ^To each his own m8. I bet you have your own three page thesis on how he is actually OP, but I really wouldn't wanna read it.


                                        well truth be told anyone who sort of understands the game gets that he's kinda overpowered, nobody in their right mind needs a three page thesis to see how it is

                                        but if you cant then i wont bother


                                          My only issue with Zenoth comprehension of this hero is that JUNGLE Ursa should never get quelling blade, why would you want it on him? to my knowledge QB doesnt amplify dmg of Fury swipes and since Fury swipes is the main source of Ursa's dmg the quelling blade itself is hardly worth it, i'd rather have extra Salve or two in order to jungle longer (if i get bad camps) until I get the sweet morbid mask and then smoke of deceit for Roshan.

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                                          bum farto

                                            ^ a lot of the last hit power comes from swipes, and you don't want to have to auto attack creeps just to get an amplified last hit. There are a lot of offlane heroes that can contest an ursa's farm by denying unless you have 1-2 levels of swipe on it..

                                            My understanding of it anyways


                                              well, dravic does have a good point

                                              i like to keep the qb to cut trees in general, but if you are going to be absolutely anal about early efficiency then it isnt optimal since it delays morbid mask

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                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                i wouldent buy quiling blade early is 200 gold and u NEED STOUT AND MORBIT fast rosh and gg. quiling blade just will slow u down


                                                  @Havoc Badger i talked mainly about jungle, though :P


                                                    how u ppl can rosh at lvl 3? or im just unlucky with 3 bash in a row?


                                                      As for hex vs abyssal, the choice usually comes down to: "Does the most dangerous enemy hero have a bkb or not?" Sheep stick helps solve ursa's mana problems, while abyssal builds up from skull basher (skull basher is great on ursa, since you usually get a proc off during overpower). If enemy team has a troll, I will almost always go abyssal (unless the troll is supremely underfarmed for some reason).

                                                      For laning ursa, an early point in your slow + an orb of venom from side shop usually allows you to get kills on heroes without escapes (assuming you have at least one point in fury swipes).

                                                      Mask works on ursa in situations where enemy team does not have an overabundance of disables. Mask + boots = 522 movespeed, which is great for chasing down heroes. When facing tankier heros, mask helps fill the short gap between overpower cooldowns.


                                                        8 tangos + stout shield > morbid mask + smoke = rosh (lvl 4) > boots > blink > phase boots > vlads and then its situational (bkb, scyte of vyse, basher > abyssal)


                                                          Yeah same that efextoide, how do you manage to get lvl 3 rosh with ursa ? (i mean 100% sure).

                                                          on our way.

                                                            After the change to swipes, I like getting MoM to watch bears run at 522, since he has a tendency to get kited around.

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              LINA ULT AJAJAJAJAJJAAJAJAJAJAJ
                                                              NUB URSA REPORT
                                                              LP OMG
                                                              NEW SMURF



                                                                you have use your first W before you go into rosh pit. you have to pull rosh to the top corner of the exit, then rosh comes, hits you a few times and goes back. While he is going back, if your W is up hit him until he turns otherwise just hit him once and back to your corner. It was close a few times but I never died.

                                                                U wot m8?

                                                                  best way to jungle is

                                                                  8 tangos + shield
                                                                  Morbid Mask
                                                                  Ring of Basilius
                                                                  lvl 5 rosh

                                                                  this is the best way to rosh, its 100% safe, you come out with half mana, enough money for boots and ready to gank and push towers. Make use of that agies ffs dont just waste it by going back to jungles, get some kills and take down tower if you can. Ring of Basilius helps you stay on map entire time with mana

                                                                  But i just found that going in lane with ursa is way better if you get a support obv, ursa last hits like a boss and can take down pretty much any hero if u get some lock down from support

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                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    It was a while ago now but I got smoked by an ursa who went aggro trilane with a lion and some other disabling support, I think it was a windranger playing support. They absolutely creamed our lane. Ursa's underrated in lane.

                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      i dont know y u guys need 8 tangoes 4 is enough


                                                                        ^The amount of regen you get for jungle partially depends on whether you expect the enemy to disrupt or gank you. For example, if enemy has a bounty hunter I might grab extra regen for jungle just in case.

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          ok, but if no bounty or riki u can just go with 4, and if they come to gank u u just leave jung till they come back, i had games where bounty wanted to fuck with my jung but fail as he couldent ks my cs as ursa hits hard with swipes. and support rotated.

                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                            have to say that i have at least 100 ursa jungle games and always get 4 tangos stout shield and works great.