General Discussion

General DiscussionVlad's on Riki

Vlad's on Riki in General Discussion

    Vlad's has an overall w% of 54.98 as of this writing as compared to HoD's 52.2% and MoM's 53.09%.

    On Rikimaru it holds an absurd 63.5% wp as compared to 58.97% and 54.25%.

    HoD's leap of roughly 6% isn't insane given Riki has a high wp himself, but the nearly 10% better performance of Vlads makes no sense to me.

    Are people buying Vlads as a 4th item? What is the root of the high success of VO?




        I can see the enemy team looking at creep seeing they have vlads and popping a dust...


          Stop trying to make same build always. It depends on the game, its situational.

          Vlad is a good item if you can do it fast, probably before 12 min. But its not as good as difusal for solo kills.


            the only reason its good vr is cuz vlads is good item but not best for riki
            the armor bonus dmg and lifesteal for team is y its good. riki dsnt need it.


              well you are(should be) stacking agi on riki, so the 16% bonus damage from vlads can be a whole lot, and unlike both of the other items it gives you some mana regain, so you might never have to go back to base.

              but the reason that the win rate is likely higher is that its an aura, Riki is a 3 position so he might be getting vlads to give his carry and 2 life steal and more damage, or he might get it if his whole needs more armor.

              HoD is just unimpressive on him since he cant have the creep follow him, and he cant clear stacks (if he were to stack with it). a lot of the people who buy MoM on riki are bad players who use it at the wrong times, probably every hero has a worse MoM win rate then they should for this reason.

              in any case I wouldent start rushing vlads on him, maybe after you have diffusal, or S&Y+OoV.

              Овај коментар је измењен

                Diffusal is core item for riki. In most (although not all) scenarios, you want to go for diffusal first . Don't rush vlads.

                Dire Wolf

                  Nothing wrong with diffusal then vlads, or diffusal, basher vlads.



                    how exactly is vlad a good item if you do it fast

                    saving private RTZ

                      They can see you because of creeps... Just don't.
                      As im pretty experienced as riki I dont really recommend vlads..
                      Yea, some says that he shines at mid game but still vlad isnt for him. Want mana, get aquila, armor, well you dont need it
                      . Its much better going for treads> aquila> diff> manta> basher> skadi/butterfly> mkb if needed or daedalus or butterfly/skadi
                      Also, try MoM on him. MoM + basher stronk


                        ''exprienced as riki'' DansGame


                          stating that you are experienced as riki is same as saying you like One Direction
                          thats why i prefer not to tell anybody I had ~1400-1500 games on riki in dota1

                          also vlads is bad on riki, at least in VHS


                            I agree with the general consensus that Vlads seems bad on Riki. So why is the win % so high? Is it anomaly that should correct it's self by month's end? Or is something else happening?

                            @The Number 12: Best answer to the question. Thank you. Unless someone else has a suggestion, I will assume it is a by-product of Riki being run as a three with a mindset of boosting the primary carry.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Idk for mana seems like straight up bassy might be plenty. Or magic stick.

                              What about stacking wraith bands? What about aquila + 1 or 2 wraith bands? Stupid idea? It delays diffusal a bunch but man you could do a ~220 ish backstab by like level 9. Of course one alacrity is barely more than two wraith bands and only 2 less agi, you lose the hp though.

                              saving private RTZ

                                Some shit 6k guy was doing this, not padhrino, cant remember. He was going like aquila + 2 Wraith bands


                                  mine on riki??
                                  wtf does that mean???