General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat usually happens when u play doto during weekends?

What usually happens when u play doto during weekends? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Based on your exp and server? thoughts?

      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

        it start good then i end up with OP mom and i feel bad. cuz her vagina is so unwashed.

        plz do

          my exp in pubbies low 4k trench on weekends in dota 2:

          First of all - schoolboys all day long - esp. sunday afternoon.
          2nd - one team is braindead. Complete stomps 4 out of 5 rounds. Its 50 - 50 chance, which side u end up. Last weekend was catastrophe - the weekend before last was shiny. So this weekend will be shiny again (after a horrible week). I hope.. even though I have been parsed with lots of "gg afk throw" boys lately - must have rated the wrong guys too high.


            i play only on weekends so I cant see anything special. just got nothing to compare.


              i usually win 300+ mmr

              Dire Wolf

                it's the same as any other time. The only time that's drastically different is morning or mid day vs evenings. A lot worse teams during day.