General Discussion

General DiscussionNew account and 1:st game on very high skill !!

New account and 1:st game on very high skill !! in General Discussion
Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

    This guy played the first game on his new account on very high skill according to dotabuff

    How did he do it?


    Can I attach files in the forum somehow?

    casual gamer

      here is how

      become 4k player, make smurf -> smurf vhs in first game


        Bitches must be all over you.


          wow he must be really good

          Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

            JDF8, how does steam/dota know that he has a 4k account?

            Do you know more precisly what hidden MMR he starts on if he has a 4k account?


              smurfs hate him!


                have friend+3.8k mmr without dotabuff (or stats enabled), ask they for invite


                Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3


                  It doesnt seem to be the case.

                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                    well u dont have to share stats the moment you make a new smurf
                    and if you share stats later the previous matches wont show

                    i have vhs level 13 accs for sale:))

                    Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                      Most likely he got invited to a party with friends thatr are VHS too

                      saving private RTZ

                        If you choose expert or veteran when you first enter dota 2 on smurf it will put you on vs more skilled players first few games until it calibrates your mmr.

                        And there is another theory that valve actually reads your mmr from main via IP or smth like that, so to get a new, clean smurf you haveto reinstall windows. There was a guy who posted a thread about this


                          I took the noob setting and still got very high first game with 5k players in the match. likely steam traces your ip. no joke


                            @baxter ur answer is fail.

                            dont talk when u dont know how the system works and u make people believe dem shits.

                            well @sir i ve sold a couple of 5k's and i tested smurfs in a long way..

                            i played 1 game from first acc and got vh skill on 1st match. then i made new acc and a 2400 mmr friend came to my house for LAN and i told him to play 1 game from this acc and from my PC of course, and game showed normal skill..

                            my last smurf is this i mostly play solo with 4-5 dual stack matches just to test valve's holes and shit before calibration


                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              if you make the account with the same email as your old account, your first game will be at the same hidden mmr as your old account.

                              just a making stuff up, but it sounds like it could be true.

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                Someone said it just copies MMR based on your windows copy or something.

                                Anyway it doesn't matter, if you really belong there you will get there within 1-2 matches, the hero pick doesn't matter

                                Double Agent

                                  Same thing happened to my friend and myself too (we put on "new to game" on the option thingy). My theory is that valve keeps track of your email adress, so they know you make a smurf when your email adress is being used to create a new steam account.

                                  Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                    The Number 12,
                                    misanthropist ツ,

                                    prob not true. when i make new accounts I always start on normal skill and game number 3 is on high skill usually.
                                    On my current new account i lost 5 games out of 6, and then game number 7 was on very high skill.
                                    always same email.

                                    Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                      a waifu a day keeps socie...

                                      For me Dotabuff have been able to find like up to 400 previous games before I sign in.

                                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                        if u dont sync it wont show