General Discussion

General DiscussionRemove party mmr and stacks in ranked?

Remove party mmr and stacks in ranked? in General Discussion
Look at me, Hector.

    unless you're 6.5k+, the forced 50% wont affect you


      Well, kinda irelevant.

      Look at me, Hector.

        how is it irrelevant if i can stomp in ur bracket and i struggle in my own bracket?

        Look at me, Hector.

          forced 50% is the worst meme


            Irrelevant for this thread. This tread is about fucked up stack games and Valve being a shitty company that dont improve the game.


              complaining about parties in ranked is so 2014


                Well, if you actually read the comments you will understand that I dont complain about ranked games. I complain about normal games.


                  oh, then your complaints are even less valid, good to hear


                    How you mean valid? According to you? Why would you opinion matter?


                      Yeah the two 2 man trash stacks pick 4 carries and then blame Undying for the lost game. Trash will be trash.

                      Thier tactic: stay jungle farming and dont help Undying while he actually try to do something like ganking, pushing towers, defending towers and so on. Then flame and blame him.

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        I see it all the time in my 3k mmr. Sucks. Valve's gotta stop that shit.


                          One sure knows it is evening when one get to play with trash stacks like this one...


                          I stoped playing somewhere halfway into the game.

                          In the begining I asked my team who is going offlane so I could give away the ward. Asked like 3 times and didnt even get an answer.