General Discussion

General DiscussionManta on Medusa.

Manta on Medusa. in General Discussion

    I vaguely remember a thread awhile back that someone said I was ridiculous for posting a gif of a level 11 Medusa's manta illusions unable to kill summoned skeletons.

    This is a level 25 Medusa with EoS, Treads and Linkens.

    Please stop building manta on her people. Unless its a 6th item. Even if you want to dodge a projectile just get BKB, it does so much more.


      No rapier ?



        Rapier damage doesn't work on Illusions.

        casual gamer

          thank you for demonstrating that you have no idea what the purpose of manta is

            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

              well idk if SEA is dumber but it's much harder to climb cuz the 4k's instapick core roles

              at least on US servers, even if they are autistic/shitty enough to mark all 3 lanes at once, they won't instapick so u can jack their lanes from them (which i had to do for the past several games coz valve)

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              Giff me Wingman

                Doubt that, a server that allows you to get 4k is the dumbest server that exists.


                  manta is terrible on all ranged heroes unless they are built full stats, people need to realize this


                    only get it if you have to deal with silences

                    plz do

                      its shitty but situational. split shot works on illusions though.


                        yeah but they deal even less damage :p

                        plz do

                          each shot deals 80% less damage yes. but u have 80%(split shot) of 28% (manta illu) = 22,4%. 22,4% times 5 targets! times 2 illusions - so roughly an extra 44,8% right click dmg on 5 targets.

                          but since illus have been nerfed the past cpl of patches, its kinda shitty.


                            "well idk if SEA is dumber but it's much harder to climb cuz the 4k's instapick core roles"
                            No one try to play support or ganker, always ask for mid and flame whole team when dying or lose

                            CAN'T WIN

                              manta is overpriced


                                worst item on her after linken


                                  Pick Manta and dispel 1 silence or dodge 1 stun.

                                  Pick BKB and press ult and became literally untouchable.

                                  You invest far more money into an item for its dispel which is inferior to BKB. Movement is useless on her, she's not meant to be a chaser in the first place. She's a teamfight hero, not race car. People already build Phase and EoS on her. The attack speed and damage are also negligible even when counting her illusions.

                                  Manta is good on heroes who lack survivability so it can confuse enemies. As a Medu you initiate fights with your ulti, people know who is the real one instantly. Manta is good on heroes with orbs that go well with it or have skills that synergies with it like Terrorblade or Antimage. Manta is good for heroes who want some extra movement speed. Manta is good on heroes who are mobile and just want to dispel the silences and heroes who can't manfight with BKB so its wasted like Ember.

                                  None of the above are necessary for Medusa. Please explain to me with your mentally damaged brains how it is good. All this dunning kruger making me laugh.

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    Has anyone tried diffusal on her? Its going to increase her dmg alot at lvl 2 (free eaglesong for 700g) + with the mana drain. It also makes you a chaser if you slow ennemies that tries to run away like windranger.

                                    bum farto

                                      Diffusal could be decent and I have been building it in lobby games on terror for early fight as well but do you really want to bring medusa in so early?

                                      IMO I feel that both Manta, and linkens are wasted on her as are other items commonly built. Don't play Medusa much so can't really say but I have had plenty in my games recently due to the really good looking iLeague set.


                                        ^ Well this meta is all about coming online early because sniper troll and jugg are good even in the laning phase when hard carries like spectre and medusa blows unless theyre in a freefarm trilane. So what i do spectre is i dont give a fuck about radi and i go phase>drum/yasha/aquila>diffusal and i found that with a 12-15min diffu i ditch more dmg with my ult when i join fights than if i would be naked boots relic at 15-20min and i can also chase with the debuff.

                                        Im starting to love diffusal so much even when im not against omni. Its an underappreciated item that does better dmg than manta and has more utility.


                                          Solaire I know you didn't say it but just in case be aware that feedback doesn't work on ranged illusions

                                          plz do

                                            adding one thing to bkb: it gives u immunity to mana burn/blade mail, which is highly needed due to diffusal and blade mail are both regularly picked up items vs dusa.

                                            dont know whats the best itembuild in general right now. guess its situtational.. something like phase, aquila, maelstrom, skadi, butter/mkb/bkb/mjollnir up to rapier.

                                            top 1 dusa player on db commonly builds pt, bloodstone, diffusal, s&y

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Yeah manta isn't the best but yasha is quite good on her so what do you do? Plain old yasha, sell it later, or go s&y? I think s&y is pretty nice on her actually.

                                              And you are wrong about movement speed. It helps farm immensely. Dusa kills waves so quickly, being able to scoot in and out of jungle and lanes is key for maximizing farm. And how many times do you pop ult and the whole team just turns tail and runs? With more speed you can chase em and get hits in while they wait for your ult to expire.

                                              But I won't kill anyone for building manta, at least it's not linken's rush which is generally the worst decision medusa players make. I haven't tried diffusal. It's extremely efficient amounts of agi for the price. You could probably squeeze it into a build right after or before skadi and see.



                                                What do you mean about feedback on illusion? MY medusa build has no illusion :/


                                                  what do people think about S&Y on her, yasha is really good on her early, but its a shame to just sell it later.


                                                    A poor mans yasha with more speed to farm, i tried it and it looked good, not great.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I love s&y, but most medusa's are so obsessed with int they think it's a crap item because it has no int. But really, 6% movement, 304 hp, 16 more dmg for 2050g is a pretty good price. I know it's not an apples to apples comparision to compare plain items vs recipie items but consider the bkb parts, a mirthil hammer is 1600g for 16 dmg and an ogre club is 1000g for 190 hp. Or look at one ult orb price. It's a pretty good chunk of extra stats for the gold and the maim proc is very good.

                                                      You really shouldn't feel bad about selling yasha end game either. You'll recoup 1000g and probably have kept it for ~30 mins, you know if you get it by min 20 or so you probably won't 6 slot til 50 mins or so cus dusa builds such big items like skadi, butterfly, daedulus etc.

                                                      And yes, I love yasha on her. But that said I need to tinker with a new build. I used to pretty much always go phase, aquila, mom, yasha -> skadi -> manta/s&y or skadi -> manta/s&y. Then I'd go as needed, butterfly/mkb/daedulus usually for dmg. But my last game I switched things up, went maelstrom after mom. My god, you farm so insanely fast with maelstrom AND mom. Because I had delayed skadi I skipped yasha items altogether. I finished mjollnir near the end and I also bought bkb for the first time in forever, but it seemed to make sense given the enemy team. However I had a lot of space that game, a good storm mid and weaver offlane who had great starts so I had the extra couple minutes to farm skadi. If you are behind and you're jungle is contested I don't know how it would go.


                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                      im so bad at artifact

                                                        Yes, it's terrible. Poor damage output even when farmed, poor EHP (remember, the active costs more mana than the item gives), the /potential/ to dodge something (it's not even guaranteed, whereas getting EHP is). This isn't a hero where dodging one disable with Manta is the difference between life and death, this is a hero with potentially thousands upon thousands of EHP.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          "What do you mean about feedback on illusion? MY medusa build has no illusion :/"

                                                          He just means if you build diffusal and manta your illusions won't get the mana burn. Only melee heroes get that on illusions. Which is why manta can be quite good on spectre.


                                                            ^Oh I see, this blows xD but i would go sny and diffu if i would try diffu anyway.


                                                              I think manta is really only useful for the stats the movement speed and the spell dodge. Your illusions won't be doing much especially since you need to build damage items and not just stats.... So only get it against silences aka orchids or global silence... Basically if you are unable to use your ult due to silences you should pick up this item.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Definitely should've built bkb sooner this game.
                                                                I like the items otherwise though. Literally we'd get a sick medua ulty off, be about to wipe them then fucking invoker hits us with deafening roar and medusa can't hit anyone, they all run away. Stupid shit. But vs a voker, qop and anti mage? Just screams bkb me.

                                                                < blank >

                                                                  Can somebody post the best build in the right order pls?

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    There is no "best" build, it depends on enemy team. But if you want a default build that will work in all cases, just might not be the best in all, just go phase, aquila, yasha, skadi, daedulus, scythe. There. Can't go wrong with that.

                                                                    I personally like phase, aquila, mask of madness, skadi, s&y, daedulus/mkb.