General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchem hero with less winrate on VeryHigh Skill...

Alchem hero with less winrate on VeryHigh Skill... in General Discussion

    Followed by Oracle, NP, LoneDruid, Ench and NagaSiren


      This will not remain true as the meta-game adjusts to the patch. Currently certain heroes, like Alchemist, are being played by players who have little practice using him. Because of this his pick rate shoots up, and his winrate is artificially low. Later on in the patch when Alchemist is largely played by people who use him a lot he will have a lot better results. Lone Druid's early stats are hurt by this as well.

      Овај коментар је измењен

        I think that enemies seeing the count down on concoction was a much bigger nerf to him then people think. it was always super risky to let it tick below 3, but now you WILL get disabled and self stun if you try to get close to the max.

        People might also be prioritizing aghses for their team much too highly, he should probably be building a good amount of items for him self before trying to help his team out.

        edit; Enchant, Naga and oracle all only have about 600-700 games in VHS right now so a 1% difference in win rate might not mean anything.

        Овај коментар је измењен

          How do yall know the win rates of heros broken down into skill level


            Picking alch is also painting a big red target on your back. That combined with building farming tools and aghs makes it very likely you will have a hard game.

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              Alch so OP in normal tier right now. He plays support in safe lane and still gets treads & battlefury in under 20 minutes.