General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti-smurf protection

Anti-smurf protection in General Discussion
Execute Order 322

    Guys, I've heard that if u calibrate as soon as you get 13 lvl, u won't get mmr > 4k no matter how good your stats are. Is that true? If yes, then what amount of games do I need to get an opportunity to get higher mmr after calibration?


      no, that's not true.

      EZ MID 9k mmr

        I recently made a suggestion on Dev.Dota to have smurfs cap at 4k and let them climb from there.

        I really hope it was implemented. Smurfs are constantly trying to ruin my games by under-performing, they also flame the most.

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        Execute Order 322

          On behalf of all smurfs: sorry

          EZ MID 9k mmr


            CAN'T WIN

              4.6 max u can get