General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you feel your gpm is lower in this patch?

Do you feel your gpm is lower in this patch? in General Discussion

    It seems I can't farm, no matter how many creep I have my gpm is super low
    last game 9cs/min and 500 gpm

    wtf? Did you notice this too?
    I can't believe that -7% on creep gold from last patch influenced so much gpm


      I dont usually play carry, but when I do, I always tp in teamfight. It's suboptimal, but I get bored farming, and fghts are fun. However, this previously bad habit became beneficial now. I'd say my average gpms on carries increased due to more money you get for kills/assists.


        its all about early kill carries like CK, Gyro and Slark. Feel like this patch was made to make TI5 entertaining



          @TripleSteal- yes, good point, however to make a comparison: months ago i used to get consistently 13-14 min aghs and 16 min blink on meepo, same avg. cs and playstyle. Now these timings is always delayed, like 16 min aghs 19 min blink. Is farming so nerfed?
          I played a couple of TA games as well and same thing, blink deso delayed 1-2 min from my usual timings.

          maybe it's just me
          i don't like snowballing carries i just want to hit creeps


            as far as i remember patch notes, gold gained from lasthits decreased by 6-7%. that should be the reason.

            edit: oh i noticed u mentioned it alrdy. then idk - mb due to more intense rotation of supports core positions have less opportunities to farm, and moreover offlane is way more strong now with these usual duals (undying+some1, bristle+some1, etc.)

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              I just keep fighting and making space over map so fuck gpm and killing creeps. You get gold by killing heroes too and this patch is even more rewarding in terms of that, not even talking how much more fun it is :D


                most jungle creeps got nerfed by 15-25% and ancients as well

                if you stay off the map and only jungle you will be heavily hindered, if you farm lanes then less so


                  My playstyle is based on farming, it worked till this patch
                  Killing heroes is risky and you can easily fall behind if you get no kills
                  Not to mention that most of the carries require "afk" farm like Medusa or AM and I mostly play pos. 1
                  @TripleSteal- I was talking about same number of cs


                    then what Swiftending said :)



                      "I can't believe that -7% on creep gold from last patch influenced so much gpm"

                      The effect can probably be described by someting like: y = -exp(x)

                      It is a negative snowball effect. You get low gold when farming. It delays your farming items. And when you get them, you still get less gold then before.

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                        I've noticed the decrease in GPM because I play antimage a lot, and it's like no matter how good I farm I can no longer get treads/bfury by 13 minutes, vlads by 16, manta by 20.

                        It's always like Battlefury by 15, vlads by 20, manta by 25. It's actually fucking SHIT and noticeable.

                        Usually I tried to get rosh by 17 minutes, now I have to aim for 20.

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                          that's a pretty weak overall GPM considering you're using a meepo... pulling a 600gpm +/- like 9/10 games including losses.


                            oh ty, so it happened to you too. I need to try AM, he was my favorite carry, it will be the same thing...

                            @Lincoln 844, I know, that's the problem. Last game i was vs Sven and lifestealer, in 6.81 I could've thought "ok, i just splitpush and farm till i'm 5-6 slotted, then I take aegis and try to win fight and take their base" in 6.84 at 40 min i still need 2 items at 42 minutes....

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                              I've noticed it when playing Slark. I got 170lh in 20min & still had only Midas, PMS, PT, Silver Edge, Aquilla & maybe 300-400 gold. In 6.83 I would have had Midas, PT, SB, Aquilla & full Skadi with that amount of last hits, so the difference was like 1.5-2k gold. Jungle's nerf hurts the most heroes like Slark, who could easily clear jungle fast, comeback to lane, farm it & back to jungle. Jungle's nerf were huge.

                              EDIT - imo they should buff jungle a little bit, coz nerfs were too big. When ur behind now, there is almost impossible to comeback from jungling. It also nerfed junglers super hard.

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                                I agree, comeback mechanics and farming are both nerfed, so now it's really hard to recover.
                                However I'm looking at dotabuff heroes, these kind of "rotating" jungle carries have their winrate increased in 6.84 for some reason, like Luna and Medusa. Maybe you can still build an advantage by farming, I don't know


                                  I done the graphs on desmos... by 45 minutes in (so before the extra cart and ranged creep) there is only about 800 gold lost total from a single lane... consindering few heroes can farm all 3 lanes at once (fucking naga D: ) this ain't actually that big a deal... (will link the graphs when I'm home, my work firewalls googledrive). Though up to 50:30 that 800g decreases, then after it is an ever increasing difference, it's not as fast as you'd think... and I've yet to play an hour long game this patch. I would say the jungle/ancient nerfs were bigger, to try to force pros to farm lanes or heroes... meaning more opportunities for clashes.

                                  No clue though, my gpm has increased this patch... but even as a pos 1, and even as AM, I fight a shit tonne. (woo 2k scrub buff)

                                  @Reese, well, the nerf was to both sides... so it won't be an advantage or disadvantage either way... it was a technique to increase the early and mid game lengths... the late game is still strong, since everyone's gold is nerfed roughly the same.

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                                  Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                    The carries that can fight early is now much better choices then before.
                                    Ofc it depends on drafts and items but some examples I think are these:


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                                      my gpm doesnt seem lower, games seem easier

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                                        Nice, thanks
                                        I guess I'll try more carries and just see how they feel in this patch

                                        Look at me, Hector.

                                          idk how ppl care about their gpm when exp from creeps decreased so much you stay super low when supports leech exp


                                            Hmm supports. I heard of that concept. Does it really work in-game and not only in meta?