General Discussion

General DiscussionFeed => Abbandon in Ranked?

Feed => Abbandon in Ranked? in General Discussion

    Lately I have either been very unlucky or player behavior has changed. I keep losing games due to teammates who feed hard early and then abandon - or nearly so, very long afks.
    Enigma feeds and abandons.
    PA feeds and abandons
    Sniper feeds and abandons
    lina feeds massively then afk 4 min, not quite abandon.
    anitmage feeds, then afk 4 min, returns and tries to recover, but is so far behind he can't.

    Getting 5 of these in one day seems like extremely bad luck. Do you see this happening more in your games?

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      Add -perfectworld to your launcher, it will solve your problem.

      casual gamer

        nah thats just crazy bad luck


          i havent seen a single feeder/leaver in my games since new patch was released, but its party ranked, not solo.
          although several times I fed myself, but it was unintentional :)


            I have been getting a fair few of these... also a whole load of "stats not tracked due to poor network quality detected"... can't really say they're related though. gonna keep an eye on it now that it's not just me.


              Are you by chance playing in the 500 MMR bracket for some reason? This looks like a collection of games from 500 MMR

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                I haven't seen anything like this in a long time.


                  No, this was at about 3.5k MMR. JDF8 is probably correct - just crazy bad luck. This sort of this evens out over a long period of time.

                  Generally I find people who feed and then abandon are unlikely to be in ranked games, but its much more common in unranked. What makes it really odd is that there were all on my team. If it were just network problems I would expect enemies to randomly feed because of lag and then abandon being unable to reconnect. But I did not get free wins.

                  This team got steam-rolled, but they did not give up and were not feeding, blatantly out of position. Puck and I dove towers to get most of the kills.

                  I went offlane against Lone druid and BS. BS gave up and went to the jungle after I killed them both the first time. Puck defeated Qop mid by a large margin, but Axe and Disruptor were beating our tri-lane top. Once we grouped up with Omni and UD heals no one could die. CM managed to get in a few urn heals too. Total healing 10.2K in a 29 min game.

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                    3 games, 3 different idiots. I got a lc who started the game just now ( i dont get how i got that dude, a suicidal prophet who decides to tp to the enemy base to die instantly to get a rax and well 3 idiots who doesnt even communicate and one goes afk, abandons the game) I am having a bad luck streak as well. Sometimes i hate dota so much.