General Discussion

General Discussionqb no longer works on illusions

qb no longer works on illusions in General Discussion

    SEA player: "That fucking TB picker" :D

    Look at me, Hector.

      i noticed my illus dealing 0 dmg when i played a bit yesterday

      looks like the only decent hero with illus is axe

      casual gamer

        pl naga nerf :O

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Dude just forget TB. Why don't you have fun with your buffed TA and Riki?


            There's a special something about split pushing... Yeah I'm having fun with plenty other heroes it just makes no fucking sense he eats nerf after nerf like nobody's business

            Jesus Christ, Connoisseur...

              oh shit... at first i thought this meant that before you could use qb to kill illusions LOL... damn that sucks


                this is literally -30% farming speed
                ty icefrog
                i want tb back


                  Let's predict the 6.85 Terrorblade Changes :D

                  -Str gain from 1.4 to 1.0
                  -Conjure Image Ilu dmg taken from 425% to 550%
                  -Meta ms from 290 to 250
                  -Reflection dmg from 40%/60%/80%/100% to 50%/70%/90%110%


                    more like
                    -Reflection dmg from 40%/60%/80%/100% to 40%/65%/90%/115%


                      Icefrog actually doesn't know everything, he just gets to decide which hero gets their 6 months of fame and which one doesn't because he inherited this map 10 years ago, is this even news anymore.