General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to have high win rate?

How to have high win rate? in General Discussion

    It's the title! I have 45% Win rate! And 47% on Ranked Match help me please! My wins are so damn low! And why I have lots of lose on Dire Side, is there any difference of Radiant and Dire? Do Radiant have high chance to win? Is there any advantage playing on Radiant? My MMR is 4054 and Party MMR is 3974 Help pls!

    PS: Sorry for my bad english!


      try to learn from watching


        i beat you, lol


          idk how do you have high win rate?


            stack with other people and abuse broken heroes/game mechanics before they get patched


              Pray for the retarded matchmaking to MATCH you with people who have an idea how to play and not with complete retards, then game is lost no matter what!


                qop nerf WHY

                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                  casual gamer

                    "Pray for the retarded matchmaking to MATCH you with people who have an idea how to play and not with complete retards, then game is lost no matter what"

                    sick high skill smurf dude