General Discussion

General DiscussionOkay, so I kinda need help, and Idk who to ask, so.. Halp?

Okay, so I kinda need help, and Idk who to ask, so.. Halp? in General Discussion

    Okay, so I recently changed ISPs and my previous one used to have weird routing, and by resetting the modem/router, the IP would change and on one or two of these IPs, I got decent pings. And this helped me start actually being able to play properly.

    The rest gave me like 300 ping~ To SEA servers (Which is where i live.)
    Some IPs would actually give me less ping on EU as opposed to SEA (low 200s on EU, 290-330 on SEA)

    But yea, for the most part, just resetting the router to get a different IP repeatedly till I got the ones which gave like <100 ping actually helped a lot. These IPs would give me like 70-90 ping regardless of whether I was downloading torrents, or if my family were streaming vids.

    Okay, so now, to my actual problem.. I switched ISPs, and the new one gives me 60-70 ping, no matter how many times i reset it.
    and I believe its a static IP, for the most part.

    The problem is, the moment anyone else at home streams vids on YT, or something, it spikes my pings to 700+ and it stays there till they close it.
    My folks aren't exactly people who I can persuade to get off the PCs.. So is there some way I can bypass this and get decent pings?

    A friend of mine suggested one of those server ping reduce thingies.. and That brought the ping down barely to 600~ which is still far from playable, cuz Ive gotten used to decent pings over the last 6 months..

    Im pretty stupid when it comes to computers, and so like, idk what to do..
    A friend suggested reducing their allotted bandwidth, but that didn't do much.
    I checked google and some guy mentioned increasing Steam/dota2's net priority using QoS, but I'm pretty dumb, and idk how.

    If someone could help me with this, Id reeeeeally appreciate it.


    I get high pings when people stream vids. Give me a way to be able to play without getting 700 ping when someone in my family watches vids. (Which is all day btw.)


      Anyone? ._.

      Bad Intentions

        what country, city and isp u using?


          India, Kerala (State), Asianet.


            you can't get good ping if someone is using up your traffic.
            play dota at night when noone will bother you with downloads or just tell them to download the shit and then watch it, and not stream it.


              Oh.. But like, idk, on my previous ISP, it gave me stable pings even while others streamed vids (Or even torrented files)
              (And that was a worse connection as well.)

              Which is why I wanted to know if there was some way around this.


                I had the same problem. You can install a bandwidth limiter on pcs that are watching streaming and limit their download speed.
                It depends on your connection speed, set 1/5 the full download speed (mine is 800 kb/s and i set it to 150kb/s for them)
                your ping will be higher 50-100 ms in the worst case, not bullshit 700ms spikes
                My brother has a Mac so the app I use is called Entonnoir, but you will find many alternatives for windows

                QoS is useless, it only sets priorities, if someone downloads he will saturate the band anyway


                  Also phone your isp
                  Tell them hey you got faster pings on your previous connection (when everyone was doing stuff)
                  Ask them why they are false advertising their speeds

                  Maybe they will give you a solution or at least the reason why



                    That sounds perfect! But, if i set theirs low, then they would be borderline unable to use the net.. (Like they wont be able to stream vids or browse without it taking ages to load/buffer) :/
                    But tyvm Ill try looking into it.
                    The net options in my state are pretty shit, best one being like 1mbps here for personal use.
                    If i do it though, they'd be limited while I'm not even using the net as well right? Id wan to be able to remove that for them while I'm not in game.
                    And what do you mean by setting priorities? Cuz QoS has an option to select the bandwidth that is allotted for each device (Atleast my router does)


                    I had better pings, but the download speed was a LOT lower, so they actually aren't false advertising. :/
                    And the technical help in my country (Or atleast my state) is balls..
                    (Like bad enough for one of them to actually convince my mom that "Download" means uploading data from our pc to the net.
                    And "Upload" means us getting information into our pc, from the internet.)

                    If I thought they'd have a clue, I would have asked them personally T_T


                      > if i set theirs low, then they would be borderline unable to use the net
                      this depends on your download speed, with 150 kb/s in my case he is able to watch youtube videos and maybe 720p streams, not 1080p
                      1 mbps is really slow, I have 7 mbps (italian avg. connection), this means 8-900 kb/s download speed

                      In my case the app is togglable, you can simply close it and open when you're gaming


                        Ah.. Yea.
                        They watch on 360p lol.

                        And oh. Can you toggle it from my own pc? Or do I need to toggle it on theirs?