General Discussion

General Discussion3k and 5k mmr players got nearly same game knowlege? ( Relentless sai...

3k and 5k mmr players got nearly same game knowlege? ( Relentless said so ) Thoughts? in General Discussion

    ^ commended good trader just for ur tft pic

    omw installing bnet time boysssssssss


      ^ reported cuz i cant see u in my friendlist anymore
      i have a gut story to tell you

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        CAN'T WIN

          i have 5 breackfast each day

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              Yeah how can you compare benao to some average 5k trash? It's insanity to do that

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                  3k player don`t knows what space is

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                      It may be helpful for you to understand why I made particular mistakes you bring up. In the game Bogi mentions against the weaver I expected someone to tp in and kill weaver when he dives on me expending everything for the kill. No one did. I was incorrect about what would happen. I was also incorrect about how close I could get to the lane before weaver would attack - that was really the "skill" error, misjudging the range of initiation. I often incorrectly expect tp support when people dive because I tp in to counter dives and I often tell people in voice chat before the dive happens that it will so they will know to pay attention and respond... but it doesn't happen nearly as much as I like to hope. This is an artifact of me playing a lot of games with much higher level players for years, including a half dozen players who have been to the International (played with them back in dota 1). I end up with a residual inaccurate expectation of allies. But with all that said - all you see is "moron didn't tp out" and conclude I don't know its an option.

                      As for the timbersaw game, I was throwing. Not in the sense of wanting to lose, but in the sense of I was very tired and didn't care so I randomed a hero, got timersaw and played without purpose or focus. I made a huge number of bad plays almost the whole game and got whatever items happened to be purchasable for the next fight without thinking about it at all. You should realize that people do not play the same every game. People are not machines, sometimes they tryhard - sometimes they throw.

                      I don't mind doing this sometimes because I truly do not care what my MMR is. It's not an important part of who I am or my self-image. That is why, unlike so many others I have no problem often pointing out exactly how low my MMR is (as dotabuff posters see it being low). Because it really does not matter to me. In fact I think there is good reason to not max out MMR because it allows you to win games with a larger set of heroes. This is more fun. I have made this argument many times before on this forum. Maxing MMR, tryharding every game is really not that fun and often doesn't make you a better player. You can see on my profile that 22 heroes have winrates of at least 60%. This is because I happily and often play heroes I am not good at to keep MMR lower and make the games more enjoyable. If you don't believe that many people really do not try to max MMR - how can you explain all those games you have had when someone picked a hero and sucked at it? Of course they knew they were not good at that hero and likely to lose. Why do it? Because most people really do not play to win every game. It's easy to see who does play to win - they have massive spam of a couple heroes they really excel using, maybe only one best hero.

                      If you guys persist in the "XXXX MMR = this kind of player" mindset you will never take the time to actually judge gameplay. It is silly to pretend that 4k knows a,b,c and 5k knows a,b,c,d and 6k knows a,b,c,d,e - that's nonsense. The only significant difference in game knowledge occurs between people who play exclusively solo pubs, and those who actually make teams and play team games. Now there is a real difference in game knowledge, and it has nothing to do with MMR. Bogi your real game knowledge is surprisingly low for your skill and # of games because you do not play team dota. You spam a few heroes trying to max MMR and learn little about strategy and teamwork in the process. Your decisions (not clicks) but actually decisions are frequently wrong. I don't mean in my games with you only, I mean in the near 5k games you play every day. Your decision making is really quite bad and teamwork is worse. The only decisions you make well are 5 to 10 sec tactical choices. Those are the real reasons you never make it to the skill level you believe you should achieve. You are as quick as mid 5k players, but your poor choices regularly throw away advantages you gained by out-skilling opponents. You haven't developed that skill set, not from lack of intelligence, but from an abundance of the wrong kind of experience. Your spamming brood and slark teaches you bad habits - teaches you to dive when you should wait 5 or 10 more seconds for support to position properly (your most common error), teaches you to farm when you should do a tp counter initiation (2nd most common error you make). I see you do these same things over and over and over, and lose games on them and blame your team for this or that. Your 3rd biggest problem is your lack of communication. You have to find a way to get over your frustrations and calmly communicate instead of trying to play muted. These all have nothing to do with speed or skill or a particular MMR level, they are just game knowledge, and self-control, and life experience problems common to many people at all MMR levels.

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                        How the hell is this thread 4 pages long...


                          Bogi brought up an interesting and contentious point. Lots of people wanted to weigh in.

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                          Look at me, Hector.

                            let me tl;dr this: "i am a bad player and here's a poorly written excuse on why i cant play dota"

                            its funny how you claim you've seen a few random non existent replays of me where i play "worse than 4ks" when you say shit like this, disgusting cockroach cant u just go into hiding like you did before with blunt


                              Well wave, on your... what is it now 38th new account? Who is hiding from their old stats? You are actually just slight more skilled than I am. But you cheat like no other player in the world. I must admit that. If you were to accept the reality that you are a top 2 or 3% player that would be fine for most people. But you instead insist on pretending you are a pro-level player and its very obvious every game you play that you are not. Everyone you play with knows it, no matter what they tell you. And you know it.

                              Wave's true skill revealed?

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                                  That's fair enough Kitrak. All but the "6ks not hard to achieve at all if you have half a brain"... reality is 6k is hard to achieve for everyone but the very best players in the entire world. All I'm asking for here is a little realism guys. Is it so hard to accept?

                                  Only 1% of players can be the top 1%. It's tautological. Everyone can't be the best. It can't be simpler. Guess what? the average person is average. Average is not best. Can you improve your game? Sure you can. Can everyone reach the top 1% MMR? No, in fact half the players can't reach the top 40% score.

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                                      I would agree to some extent if you mean to change the subject. Those players who maxed out MMR on a few heroes are not well rounded at that skill level and could not compete in pro games. Players who have 6k+ and play lots of heroes at that level however - they really are world class players who should be recruited to pro teams if not already on one.

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                                          did u just link an AR LP game as proof of a person's skill ahahaha


                                            Well you have to keep in mind that solo que is just not real dota anyway. Only 5 v 5 games are legitimate. Solo que is just for practicing skills and trying things out.

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                                            Look at me, Hector.

                                              slightly more skilled Xd

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                                                Look at me, Hector.

                                                  lose to who

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                                                    Look at me, Hector.

                                                      i havent played against a pl mid

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                                                          I can compare 5k to 4k
                                                          I have 5k but I have a feel that im 4k. On the 5k lots of time games are more ez than on 4k. On 5k ppl are more free, and on4k they tryhard so much like it is a ti final game lol.
                                                          Sometimes I think I don't deserve 5k

                                                          Look at me, Hector.

                                                            how do i lose to someone mid if i wasnt mid in the first place

                                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                              same shit kitrak said: every 5 or so games u see someone with 6xxx mmr and they play like they're 4k

                                                              it's actually such a fucking burden to have to carry those people

                                                              LMAO i use the same line "if someone has high mmr it doesn't mean they're good, but if someone has low mmr they're almost always bad"

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                                                              Look at me, Hector.

                                                                i would have won the game if i went mid

                                                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                                  5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                    well if it makes u feel better i played against godzhand 5 stack the other day

                                                                    ez mmr

                                                                    Look at me, Hector.

                                                                      godzhand is so bad hes like relentless/vroksnak tier but managed to get 6.5k+ because his friends sniped him in solo queue us west

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                                                                          You made me laugh when you said ''In fact I think there is good reason to not max out MMR because it allows you to win games with a larger set of heroes.'' . You can easily win games 5.5k+ by randoming if you're good enough. You're just finding excuses.


                                                                            As someone already mentioned, the difference between, well, any skill bracket really is the ability to win *by any means necessary*. Doesn't matter if it's game knowledge, decision-making, positioning, picking or any specific skill. It's the ability to use them for one common goal - to win.
                                                                            I mean, I'm quite sure that all professional players who play fulltime have great winrates in pubs. They most likely know what to do to win, and how to do it.

                                                                            Also, From what I understand, every skill complements other skills. You can have godly mechanics, but if you don't know what to do and where to be at the right time then you're fucked. At the same time, if you know every trick in the book but you have butter fingers (aka permanently greased in doritos or whatever), you're fucked, etc etc etc. The list could go on.

                                                                            tl;dr: git gut and win games

                                                                            So it is.