General Discussion

General Discussionwhere to farm?

where to farm? in General Discussion

    hey, it's me that phantom lancer scrub from before
    so i tried playing him a bit more but there's one problem (but it can apply to all carries)

    How do I find space to farm?

    In this game, I had decent laning phase, we killed necro two times with WW. Then everything went to shit. SK decided to ruin our lane, single pulled every damn time and when there were some creeps he just came and sandstormed them, so it was much harder to get those creeps.

    Later in the game, it felt like there has been constant danger from everyone of them whenever i've farmed on lane, jungle was unsafe too. I got killed several times in really stupid ways, I know. (also ton of missclicks.) But still, at some times I had no idea where to find farm.

    tl;dr: how do i find space when i'm not babysitted 24/7

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    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

      Farm enemy jungle or go ask someone to help you pick off another hero

      CM, Lina, SWM, and Necro are all easy pick offs if caught alone

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        you're supposed to farm heroes as he's strong early

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          casual gamer

            when you have aquila + bottle or aquila + treads you can go jungle using your w to tank if you have to

            late game if the enemy team is camping your side of the map their jungle MAY be farmable, make sure you have a tp and can get out if you run into the enemy carry farming


              Counter him? Whatever the hero you're facing just think of the counter possibilities you have, I don't know what partners you had but you could have blocked the easy camp with a ward and send his sandstorm to trash with some sentries, 275 gold worth even If you have to do it alone.


                I will point out that the SK is on his team (clearly shown if you cared to look at the situation in any depth)

                As for the topic the only thing I can give you is farm where the enemy aren't push a wave leave hit another wave go to jungle go to another wave


                  rotate jungle/lane until you take your safe lane t1
                  after this you can just split push other lanes, keep tp obviously and watch minimap for incoming ganks
                  join fights when you have diffusal


                    Everywhere where it's safe. Empty lanes, most of the time enemy woods, ancients. You should also have proper vision, so it's way easier to farm.


                      you can actually go to the enemy jungle, just avoid common ward spots and be aware of their position


                        you should be able to exert pretty good control 1v1 with bottle pl on radiant after level 5 or so