General Discussion

General Discussion2k MMR Hell

2k MMR Hell in General Discussion

    2.8k MMR.
    How to get determined to push that rank in a "better" state?
    Role: Support
    How to get people not to dick around and look at the map often?


      Get to another tier would be the easiest solution. The only way to do it is to improve yourself and get gut.


        As a 2.9k support it's literally hell here. At the slightest sign of trouble the blaming game starts and no matter how much I try to calm people down it's all downhill from there. Not only am I the ward bitch I also have to support the team mentally and it isn't working much. All of my games are stomps from either side, I haven't seen a close game for a long time.

        < blank >

          Find your best hero and spam


            what aimstrong said, helps if it is a big impact hero or somebody who feasts on the bad coordination and general bad play of normal skill bracket

            riki, bh, slark


              I think playing support is the best way to climb in low mmr.
              You will make a difference so much, like enemy won't have a support
              you can: pull, ward, deward, zone offlaner, tp to save allies, smoke, don't let your teammates die and coordinate your team. Meanwhile enemy supports places no wards and just sits behind their carry trying to steal farm.

              I spammed Omni in normal skill, I was calibrated 1.5k and I easily won 80% of my solo ranked matches by playing pos.5 Omni, now I'm 3.4k and I don't play support anymore

              1v9 snowballing heroes are not reliable and can work only if you deserve 1000+ more your actual mmr, so don't follow this stupid advice

              TL;DR: A good support win games. You can climb especially in a low mmr if you're a good support.


                1. Stop playing support in normal skill, your carries have 0 idea what they are doing and its literally just a gamble of which team's carry is slightly less retarded.

                The ONLY thing u can rely on in every single game is your team making space. Because even if they loose fights they are creating space and if you play rat heroes thats all you need. so i would recommend u to learn ratting well and u should at least climb ~1k mmr when u got good at it.


                  You can climb playing any role if you do it better than average player in given skill bracket. Everyone has impact on game result, particularly in this patch.


                    Thanks for the opinions :D what didn't really helped me is BEAT THE AUTISM, because playing support in normal skill is 100% required lol even if you're playing a "carry" you can still be a ward bitch anytime of the day lol.


                      I've also noticed having an AM or Alchemist are your carry is a guaranteed loss. Alchemists rush midas and max passive against a really tough lane and AM gets a 35 min BF. I have had a lot of success with CM as the aura negates your teammates inability to use mana properly and allows you to win all the lanes without having to run around everywhere. You can also jungle easily while your carry is getting more exp than the opposing lane where the so called support is just sapping exp.
                      Always spam ping when you spot an enemy somewhere, your teammates may or may not be looking at the minimap. A lot of times I have saved people with some well timed pings.
                      Of all the times in solo que where I haven't played support (I was once forced to go Viper mid because we already had 2 players claiming to be support) I still have to up the courier and buy wards. If the enemy team have Riki, BH, Broodmother and 2 shadowblade carriers you can sure you will be the only one carrying Dust so stay with your teams most valuable hero at all times.

                      The Ice Truck Killer

                        2.7k to 3.2k

                        Spirit Breaker offlane, get courier, its upgrade, all obs wards and urn. This doesn't necessarily mean you're supporting since you're not stacking or zoning out their offlane etc but for this bracket it's pretty much a support role. Give 1 ward to your safe lane and let them put it wherever the fuck they want. If you feel comfortable on the offlane, place your ward on enemy side of mid. If you think they're going to pull the easy camp and kill your exp, block the easy camp or even the next hard camp.

                        You'll mostly be very poor so don't dive too aggressively since you don't have the items to back you up. Despite this you have multiple stuns that go through magic immunity and you have a global presence so you'll never drop off like CM does. If you ever get some gold, I suggest you get utility items instead of DPS items. I'm a fan of shivas/vlads. Also learn the limits to this hero, you can pull off a lot of things with him. If you're against a dual lane and one hero goes to pull, you can do a lat of harassment to the other. You're arguably the strongest level 1 hero in the game. You start off with a huge bass attack and a lot of armour. You basically need 1 bash to make your combo fatal.

                        If you're not playing ward bitch, go for shadow blade. You won't be the main right click dpser of your team but you can easily carry games.


                          @OP you are probably right about this, but honestly i just hate playing support so much when solo playing that i just don't consider it anymore.


                            @AUTISM can't blame you for all the stress that you accumulated while playing support hahahaha.


                              Yeah, coz carries are not stressed when playing with shitty supports, who don't know when to pull, don't counter gank with tp, buy wards etc. I promise u, I as a carry/mid player am as much frustrated playing with noobs supports as u're from carries. I also bet u can't support at all. In 4-4.5k I rarely expirience good supports.


                                I was 2.6k and climbed to 3.3 not long ago, the best advice I can give is stop playing support, I was stuck in there and stopped playing support, and kept winning more, or at least play stuff like witch doctor, lina , silencer, where, if you see that the carry is complete utter shit you can start carrying by yourself.

                                You can support from time to time, but to climb mmr that just doesn't work because after min 30 or 25 the game depends almost entirely on the cores, at least at that mmr.

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                                  @Imprecis yeah ofc carrying with shit supports is also stressful as hell but if a player is awful at the game its better if he picks e.g. sky and just zones all day instead of picking some kind of core and making wrong game decisions all game

                                  anything shorter

                                    Play an Aggressive Support i.e. lane bully, and one that scales well into the late game. Two examples that I can think of off the top of my head are Skywrath and Ogre.

                                    For Skywrath you choose the squishy AGI carry you're laning against and spam your Q. Come to lane prepared to go oom fast. Make them run out of regen. Make them afraid to last hit. Make space. Create a level disparity because they can't come close without eating harass. Control runes for Mid. Get kills. Make space for your carry. Gank mid with your slow, silence and stupid damage output. (Just looked up and saw that Autism also made a mention to this guy.)

                                    Ogre plays a little differently because he can't spam. But the thing to keep in mind is that you have insane HP regen and like 7 armour. Don't be a wimp, get yourself a casual orb of venom, chuck your ignite on them, walk into their face and right click. You're going to win the trade of HP. Once you hit level six, you have no excuse not to be getting kills. Massive power spike.

                                    Honestly, play to the stengths of the hero, identify the goal of the lane you're up against and try to circumvent it. Play smart, buy wards whenever you can. Great to see another support player around. Glhf mate.


                                      i got out by last picking

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                                          If you want to play support/core, pick a nuker who doesn't rely on his teamates to get kills or turn a teamfight. Earthshaker, Sandking, and Shadow Shaman all rely on some level of team coordination. Here are the nukers I recommend (I'm leaving carries and semi-carries off this list):

                                          General note:
                                          All of these nukers are relatively squishy. Consider ghost scepter or force staff if you need more surivability. Buy ghost scepter for carries with mainly physical damage.

                                          1) Lina
                                          Lina is an excellent nuker. With her euls combo, Lina can essentially solo-kill any non-tanky hero. Even without the euls combo, Lina's long range nukes can quickly eliminate squishy enemies.

                                          2) Lich
                                          Lich is a counter-initiatior who exploits upper-2k players' tendencies to group up. When at least two enemy heroes (without escapes) are close to each other, cast your ult. Lich works best against teams with a lot of melee heroes.

                                          3) Zeus
                                          Zeus essentially just deals a lot magic damage to everyone on the enemy team. Get blink first. Your next item should be Veil of Discord or Aghs (use your current money/current game state to help make this decision). Don't get euls in 2k bracket--you need your money for items that will directly increase your damage. Octarine and refresher are late-game luxury items for Zeus.

                                          4) Leshrac
                                          Leshrac, like Zeus, is an aoe magic nuker. His stun is a little wonky to aim, and if you have trouble aiming it, you can try by euls. Your can also use lightning storm to briefly slow your enemy and help set up a stun Personally, I would just go aghs then octarine.


                                            Oh and one last thing I forgot to mention: With leshrac, you usually want to wait until at least level 11 to grab your ult.

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                                                I got out of it by created another account and play your best hero, spam it. From 2k8 to 3.7 here


                                                  I feel for u guys I spent 4 months at 2900 mmr it sucked I am at 3174 mmr now been trenched for 2 weeks but let me tell u I get a lot more quality games even with slight jump, better supports occasional better carrys, team play still sucks tho. I hope I can edge out to atleast 3.3 k in the next few weeks crossing my fingers.


                                                    I'm at 2.2k mmr, despite having an approx 65% win rate in ranked. I guess my hidden mmr was bad. Anyway at my skill bracket, i get all kinds of ppl. Retarded supports, good supports, amazing supports, and same with carries and mid. Some things are pretty usual tho;

                                                    1. no smoke ganks
                                                    2. no smoke roshes
                                                    3. no getting objectives after a team wipe, unless game is 30 min in
                                                    4. no keeping tps every time one leaves base
                                                    5. no stacking camps, esp. ancients
                                                    6. no leaving the last hit on enemy hero for the carry
                                                    7. no leaving the last hit on enemy tower for carry
                                                    8. no dewarding

                                                    of course, with the better supports, i do sometimes see some of these things being taken care of

                                                    however, some + things that supports in my level do usually do;

                                                    1. help out team at first rune contesting
                                                    2. buy courier. lol.
                                                    3. upgrade courier
                                                    4. put wards (sometimes)
                                                    5. not steal carry's last hits
                                                    6. buy blink daggers

                                                    according to my experience, heroes that can farm well independently, counter-push and secure kills in a team fight even if the game is going a bit down, such as troll and jugger, are very good.

                                                    Also, if as spectre u manage to make radiance by 20-25 min there's nothing enemy can do in my skill level. they are literally stomped out


                                                      @Santana lol I feel u lol they don't even carry dust or sentries when laning against riki lol.


                                                        The most consistent way to get out of 2k MMR, if you have the skill to do it is to master split pushing with NP. Once you have that down - the timing of when to push, where and how to hide, what items to get in what situations - then you will rise until about 3k or so when serious counter picking and TP to stop you will become common. Killing towers is what lets your feeder support get items to stop feeding. Killing towers is what opens the map so your bad carries can farm despite no skill. Killing towers is what distracts the enemy's bad support from doing their job. Killing towers is what ultimately wins the game. All you have to do is kill towers while not dying.

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                                                            ^not always, because 2k players don't always follow-up on stuns or initiation. For example, you can play shadow shaman, shackle an enemy, and the 2k carry will wait around for years before he realizes that he's supposed to follow-up. Also, 2k players often stack dtuns. I still stand by what I said earlier: the way to go is ratters, roamers, or nukers.


                                                              Lol like this match. 30 minute battlefury AM a QoP that can't gank or too scared to attack and likes KSing and a Sand King that has been farming dagger for the eniter match and a sniper that can't tell if he's getting ganked and visited by enemies even if I warded the jungle :D. I really don't know how can I progress with this shituation.


                                                                that team was horrid


                                                                  boss I have had recent success ratting with drow , she melts towers gives aura to team and u can mid to make sure u don't gt shitty mid player. I never feel like drow is dominate but shes good for a win if u play her like that, ur team usually can pull out the win if u take out all the towers that early.


                                                                    @b0ss u cudn't have been more right. but even more serious, they dont come with sentries ON A BROODMOTHER LANE. wtf? why is it so difficult to just come with one sentry?


                                                                      @ Relentless and Lord eh

                                                                      Ratting in theory sounds fine, ur getting gold from towers, ur making space etc, and wenever i play drow, troll or wind i do do that. However when u say spamming np will work, i can tell u it dznt at the 2k mmr skill bracket. and this is why

                                                                      1. they have at least one invisible/stealth ganker like riki or nyx always waiting in the shadows, exclusively for np

                                                                      2. or they have spirit breaker exclusively picked for np (this is what i always do to counter np, always keeping dust. retards just keep feeding me)

                                                                      3. the meta has shifted even more to one where gankers are rewarded more

                                                                      4. lane-winning and early-game skirmish victories are an essential core thing at this skill level - with np jungling u have weaker lanes and team fights (the early midas rush which i go for renders me not a very good team fighter, altho yes u cud argue, the ability to port instantly to a team fight as early as 5 min in godly)

                                                                      5. playing as np, i make stealth detection items like necro 3 but by then riki fucker is too fat. riki is a big pain in the ass at 2k mmr cuz ppl just dont understand how to deal with him

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                                                                      Low Expectations

                                                                        As I played on a friends 2k account (2,4->3k) you can climb with anything. But I think its easiest on the very impactful/supergreedy supports (omni, silencer, phoenix). Personally I never lost on phoenix in that bracket avraging like 9-10KDA over 7 games (2 offlane, 5 support)
                                                                        I dont even understand why you buy smokes srsly most ppl at that level fail to grasp basics so they will fall for a gank even if they see enemy heros comming. You literally have to just be decent at the very basic things (ward/situational wards), building general items, carrying a TP scroll (honestly most ppl do carry one then they dont use it), know that IF YOU PLAY A SUPPORT AND YOU CAST YOUR SPELLS MOVE BACK AND WAIT CD. Its really really hard not to climb if u dont deserve to be higher mmr. It took me roughly 27 games to climb (24-3 score lost 2/4 first games).

                                                                        Stop blaming you allies for not being able to climb if you dont climb it means simply you are not good enough.

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                                                                          I mean the truth is, the best heroes to raise mmr on are high-impact carries or semi-carries. But b0ss wants to play support, so my suggestion is to play aoe nukers.

                                                                          Np is not the right hero to push with in 2k, you want to play a pusher who's also strong in lane (broodmother, clinkz, etc). If you a decent with brood, you can pretty much win your lane every game in 2k.

                                                                          2k players tend not to rotate lanes, allowing you to continually feed of a lost enemy lane. So go mid. Kill mid. The hero you killed will teleport back mid, make the same mistakes, and die again. Farm off mid creeps/enemy mid until you have the items you need to roam.

                                                                          < blank >

                                                                            Got out of 2k MMR hell some minutes ago, spam storm and earth spirit easy mmr

                                                                            Royalon ZZ

                                                                              As a player that usually plays support, since I hate fighting for mid, I'm also currently climbing out of 2k mmr with a 60% winrate (slightly lower than its supposed to be since i also experiment with other heroes) and if you still want to play support, then at least pick supports that can flash farm. Carries at 2k mmr are terrible at maximizing farming so supports that can quickly farm themselves up during lulls in the game are useful. Lina comes to mind but theres a ton of other support heroes that can flash farm.

                                                                              Basically, just play semi supports with semi carry or carry potential. Full position 5 support heroes are really not worth it unless your skills are significantly higher than everyone else.

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                                                                                2.8 mmr hell fuck off 1000 is hell, my friends around 4k havent even been able to win in 1000 mmr games

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                                                                                  "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                                    you will never get above 3.5k as a support. You need to learn carry and carry urself to the top