General Discussion

General DiscussionThe death of troll

The death of troll in General Discussion

    I haven't played him a lot in 6.84, but in the few matches I have, I haven't seen the nerfs being so epically disastrous on his gameplay. He still has the upper hand in man-fighting and pushing. Sure, hes not such a good early jungler anymore, and the early laning stage isnt that easy for him anymore, but he's still the race car bash lord we've come to love and hate so much. So why the decreased win rate? I think the sudden fall in win rate is more to do with troll players psychologically feeling troll is done for, rather than troll himself being too heavily nerfed. Or maybe they overestimate his early game, due to the 6.83 experience

    Dire Wolf

      I think it's more to do with who is picking him. Good players see nerf in patch notes and won't touch him. I'm not even that good but have a 62% win rate on him, yet I haven't played him once since patch.


        i spammed troll a shitload in 6.83 i must admit and the nerfhammer did hit him hard. Yes he can still bash and chase the shit out of everyone but there are 2 major issuess with him:

        First of all he has lost the vision of his axes and that is actually fucking huge. Like what was one of the biggest factors that made troll and sniper so annoying in 6.83? u couldnt run away from them since sniper had shrapbel and troll would just ranged axes and he had vision and u were slowed. Now u can do stuff like juke around with forces etc way better & waste his time in fights. Same applies to sniper with his shrapnel chane.

        And the other big factor is the meta right now: Its kind of like win lanes and win game in most cases and thats also where troll was nerfed with the -15 dmg. Also there are lots of magic nukers in the meta right now, and troll obv hates magic dmg.

        and dont forget the -2 sec on ult.

        Yes people overreact a bit and he can still be good situationally but thats just not what u want when u pick a carry in pubs, because u cant rely on stuff like your team giving u the last pick, building around your hero etc. Basically what im trying to say is that he needs more help from his team to be effective now to be strong and in 6.83 he would always rek face


          wish snipers nerf was on par with trolls something to put him at like 50% wr instead of dropping to less than 47%, I see so many heros that are ripe for a counter from sniper but don't pick him due to nerfs.

          Pom Pom 🍕

            I'm sad about the ult nerf, I think the vision and -15 damage was enough nerfs. I know a lot of people hated him a lot last patch, just like Axe. But they're still some of the most fun heroes imo. Just too much of them the whole patch.