General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to Very high skill with undying

Road to Very high skill with undying in General Discussion
Im the Bully of my School

    Road to Very high skill with undying

    watch me. gona be ez


      is he still op or now just good?


        he was always good for early game strats and kills

        Im the Bully of my School

          2 ez


            I think many players don't understand that Undying is most effective when you last pick him, like Broodmother.

            waku waku

              but there's nothing that can counter him now

              Execute Order 322

                Many players don't understand that mmr got by 1 hero spamming is inflated and will be lost as soon as you stop spamming that hero.

                Im the Bully of my School

                  this undying wpatch will last forever he fixed undying alrdy im wining another one right now ^^ as we speak


                    Only counter to Undying is Gyro. Hero is broken.


                      a 60% support is better than 58% wr carry

                      Im the Bully of my School

                        this patch im like 85% its jsut i had like 22 game played 3 year ago when i was a noob and in other patch. as undying*

                        Im the Bully of my School

                          68% overall but 85% for this patch or like 87%


                            the worst part is that fuckers dual and trilane lane the enemy safelane with zombie making it extra hard.

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                            Dire Wolf

                              I played 3 matches dual offlane undying with my bro. He went pa twice, clinkz once, so freakin easy. Only lost one cus somehow our dumbass pl started 0-5 safe lane vs a bristle back. That lane combined to be 0-9-2 at like minute 15. We still should've won too if not for a couple really bad plays (me and jak stopped hitting throne during a push) and item choices late (no bkbs vs a aghs cm).

                              All three matches though we started like 5-0 top lane, completely demoralized their carries. Some other heroes that would probably work well in a duo offlane, anything that has ranged dmg or gap closers/stuns. Like sven, ck, tiny, wk, sniper, maybe even medusa with some well timed snakes. Sniper undying seems pretty sick, getting hunted down by zombies under shrapnel.


                              I'm not quite sure if solo undying can rack up the kills as easily, but given his level advantage vs a duo lane he might be able to. You need like level 6 I feel to have a decent shot at solo kills, otherwise it's pretty easy just to run from tomb.

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                                Zombies are no longer valid targets for Flak Cannon or Split Shot.

                                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                  Almost 50% winrate m8 noice

                                  Im the Bully of my School

                                    yay 6 more win and im vhs 3800.

                                    and i didnt had to use undying. i won all my 5 hero challenge out of 10 in ranked mmr :D

                                    Im the Bully of my School

                                      but tmomorow


                                        What about Earth Shaker? Could it counter a tombstone?
                                        In the same vein, I once obliterated a Broodmother with Undying. So much fun!

                                        Im the Bully of my School

                                          hehe made it