General Discussion


DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 3K AND 4K in General Discussion

    -Ppl dont know how to play support at all
    -There are ''good players'', and very bad players
    -People dont flame u if u dont really fuck up

    -Ppl dont know how to play at all
    -Every player is shit, but some players dont even buy boots
    -People flame you 24/7 every game non stop even if u are 12KDA doesnt matter, they will flame you cuz afk farm the 10 first min
    -FULL of M0nk3ys


      2k and below:
      -Some cases of "brown boots are enough" starting builds.


        Meepo Lord

          Dont tell me your getting down to 3k just to figure out the difference between 3k and 4k.


            4k :

            - know basics in terms of general play, but don't know basics in terms of laning (when to pull, how to zone, how to manipulate creeps etc.)

            3k :

            - don't know basics in terms of general play, nor laning.


              i dont know how to play, and i am 4k kappa


                I've climbed from 2.2k and im currently 384 MMR away from 5k and I still don't know how to play, Kappa.


                  neither do I tbh


                    Basically we're all trash kappa

                    plz do

                      except me. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehehhehehee


                        its always a joy to see how hushhush carries me to victory


                          I'm 3k something

                          People rarely flame in my game and they always buy boots so I don't know what you're talking about.

                          CAN'T WIN

                            im 3k on 3 accounts, i know what im talking about.


                              Honestly, maybe it has something to do with you. Judging from the way you post, I would not really be surprised. This, of course, is just a general observation from people who complain about flamers and being in low priority (doesn't matter what mmr you are in).


                                He is only angry because in a particular game he refused to help his team and farmed instead so he got flamed. Everything else he said is not true in general. 4k players are typically much quicker than 3k, that is all.

                                The only way you avoid people who judge your play to be at fault for the team losing is to play with friends, and then you have to pick your friends. It has nothing to do with MMR level.


                                  3k's are total fuckin trash but at least most of them realize that. Meanwhile low 4k's think they are gods of Dota just cause of few hundred mmr difference and suck fuckin dicks. But cant say it in general, you find players with ok attitude everywhere just as you can find shitters in every skill bracket, even in 6k.


                                    In my experience, most 3k think they deserve 4k and have some sort of delusion that they are stuck cause of bad teammates. I have several friends in the low-mid 3k: they dont understand lane creep balance, the importance of not missing lh, how to use smoke properly and rotating to gank other lanes, that item builds should not be static on any hero, and the list goes on.


                                      I was once in the 900 mmr... you don't want to be in there


                                        ^i feel your pain brother

                                        §ȺŁ₸ƴ ʗȺǷͲѧΐԤ

                                          try going down in the 200's everyone flames, everyone feeds, captains can't counterpick, list goes on.

                                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                              that guy has 3000 games and is sub 1k, i don't think he reasons like most humans do

                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                              plz do

                                                i didnt even see the luve u sent me here in this thread. It deserves a reply.
                                                u suck at slark cuz i suck at slark and 3k=5k :>
                                                thanks for carrying my sorry ass. In Russia:


                                                  I literally want a 1 mmr account. I would make it a #road to whatever account and try to play by divine courage rules just to prove these imbeciles that you can win 1x9 in their trenches anyway with 100% winrate at least up to 3.5k or even more.

                                                  No giggities?

                                                    I am a low 4k and unless you start bragging how good you are before the game starts, most people are acting pretty nice.


                                                      im bragging about my extremely high support skills (which is not true) and i lose games.

                                                      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                        "5k still don't know the basics of the game so how is it different from 4k?" - matrice

                                                        pretty accurate^^

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          5K Players:
                                                          -Think they're immortal gods that everyone should bow to their wishes.
                                                          -Flame people cause their numbers are higher.
                                                          -Generally good, but most are just smurf players.

                                                          4K Players:
                                                          -Think that once they reach 5k, they'll get respect.
                                                          -Generally do Okay, but fuck up sometimes.
                                                          -Flames if you fucked up a major play.

                                                          3K Players:
                                                          -Most are tryhard wannabe 5k smurfs, litterally littered with them.
                                                          -Said smurfs throw games if they don't get their way.
                                                          -Yolo randoming is a thing here.
                                                          -Can only play 1-2 heroes "Well"

                                                          2K Players:
                                                          -Think they know the game, but they don't
                                                          -Mostly just whinny kids, claiming to be the next Dendi.
                                                          -Can play 1 hero below average.

                                                          1K Players:
                                                          - Litteral New guys. Can't really flame them.
                                                          -Barely know how to play the game.
                                                          -Can't play any hero

                                                          0K Players:
                                                          -People who just want to see if there is a 0K
                                                          -Shitstorm bad players.

                                                          Sums it about right yeah.

                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                            1k Players
                                                            shit players who run to enemy fountain
                                                            creeps always finish game

                                                            2k Players
                                                            Pro next lvl players
                                                            who do such retarded plays you will not expect and will lose to that

                                                            3k Players
                                                            place where you can have fun playing and go radiance on dazzle

                                                            4k players
                                                            does not exist

                                                            5k players
                                                            ppl who want to get to 3k mmr and have fun but fail


                                                              2k player, can confirm ^^^


                                                                3k players are the ones that think they can play the game , 4k players are the ones that think they cant


                                                                  I think it's most accurate to divide the tiers up into concrete knowledge and metagame knowledge.

                                                                  Concrete knowledge is knowing and understanding tooltips. Concrete knowledge is knowing that Sven has an AoE stun, that Desolator reduces armor, that Anchor Smash reduces attack damage, that Boots + Gloves + Belt = Treads, that Nature's Prophet can teleport across the map, etc. This is what every player starts out learning--the hard-and-fast rules of the game.

                                                                  Metagame knowledge is strategy. This is the stuff that there aren't tooltips for--ward locations, map awareness, laning, rune control, initiations, etc. This is "Advanced" knowledge that people can only start acquiring after they master the Concrete knowledge.

                                                                  I think typical progression is like this:

                                                                  0-1k: No concrete knowledge, no metagame knowledge (Total noobs.)
                                                                  2k: Some concrete knowledge, no metagame knowledge (Just starting to understand items and abilities, but doesn't know enough to start learning the metagame.)
                                                                  3k: Most concrete knowledge, little metagame knowledge (Knows most of the concrete stuff, and is just starting to dip into the metagame.)
                                                                  4k: All concrete knowledge, most metagame knowledge (Total concrete knowledge, and a good grasp on the metagame.)
                                                                  5k: All concrete knowledge, all metagame knowledge (A comprehensive understanding of almost every aspect of the game.)

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                  CAN'T WIN

                                                                    Is 5k full of troll pickers now?


                                                                      ^^dunno about other tiers, but the description of 5k is quite inaccurate. i feel like i lack of knowledge and sometimes missplay due to it. f.e. I always forget the spawn box limits for easy camp on dire side, dont remember whether some spells like sb or void bashes are pseudorandom or just random, what the cooldown for new oracle's ulty is; Im not sure about some spells been dispelled by darkpact or not, etc. etc.

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                      Im the Bully of my School

                                                                        0K Players:
                                                                        -People who just want to see if there is a 0K
                                                                        -Shitstorm bad players.

                                                                        lol good one

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          "3k's are total fuckin trash but at least most of them realize that. Meanwhile low 4k's think they are gods of Dota just cause of few hundred mmr difference and suck fuckin dicks. "

                                                                          I actually have kinda noticed this. Any time I sniff very high skill or group with people who pull me up there you get a lot worse attitudes, guys going difficult builds and heroes and then flaming you for not supporting them properly etc. And they all want to play carry. It's pretty easy to find supports around 3500, but around 3800 it seemed to get a lot harder.


                                                                            3k is not a dota 2.....its nothing i give up ot trying to increase my mmr ....i just play for nothing....
                                                                            in 3k its like people just enter dota world fist time
                                                                            no bkb no ward no nothing
                                                                            and you are reported no matter you do even if you win u stilll go in low pool ......
                                                                            but valve dont care anyway its for the money not people demands on the game anymore...


                                                                              1-2k is what your on about! 3k is fine


                                                                                2k Players
                                                                                Pro next lvl players
                                                                                who do such retarded plays you will not expect and will lose to that

                                                                                Fucking on point.

                                                                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                                    1-2k is what your on about! 3k is fine


                                                                                      I'd be 5k but my team-mates always hold me back, kappa


                                                                                        no way. I'm uncalibrated but probably around 1-1.5k, still items are (usually) ok-ish, and we gets wards (mostly). we still all suck horribly, though.

                                                                                        no boots or 3 boots is in the sub 500 range I'm sure.

                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                        Low Expectations

                                                                                          2k player who has never played a solo game in 4k in his life giving opinions on 4k players. This is like listening to polititans giving their opinions on everything while having a degree in sociology


                                                                                            I thought 3k and 4k were the same

                                                                                            milk that tastes like rea...

                                                                                              Difference between 3k and 4k
                                                                                              4k - 3k = 1k


                                                                                                3k: ppl who dont know how to play
                                                                                                4k: ppl who dont know that they dont know how to play

                                                                                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                                                    below 5.4k = shit.


                                                                                                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                                                                      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                                                        Their are two tiers. Pros and Pubs. If you arent on a pro team than you are a pub player. Thats the only distinction that matters