General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodseeker mid is ridiculous. How to lane against this shit ?

Bloodseeker mid is ridiculous. How to lane against this shit ? in General Discussion

    Seriously. He hits 2 creeps, full hp. He has a lot of dmg early on, so he can harass u constantly without any repercutions & he denies everything if u don't have high dmg nukes to last hit a wave. How to play against this shit ? Is it possible ?

    plz do

      Kill the boy, Kill The Boy John Snow.


        storm/sf/qop/puck/ta counter him fine. i liked bs mid much more before skill changes. it was a really nice mid back then.

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          You know nothing John Snow.

          Quick maffs

            BS laning is OP, i dont mean strong i really mean OP, 380 MS without boots at lvl 3 its not normal.

            Sadly the hero still sucks after the laning stage


              He's one of the strongest heros in the game now IMO

              He shits on storm qop puck easily, sf depends on raze timings

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              Quick maffs

                After the laning stage i just fuck things up, i am thinking about actually rushing bkb on this hero, you have damage and MS anyway.


                  Blade mail and bkb are definitely core pickups on him yeah

                  Quick maffs

                    By the way, have any of you tried to offlane against him ?

                    Its so fun when he is diving your T2 at 450 ms and you cant do shit about it :D

                    plz do

                      some say euls is stronk on bs. is that true?


                        eul has 2 great advantages (besides obvious ones)
                        1) you can secure your silence which does quite a decent amount of damage and lasts long enough comparing to other silences
                        2) you can cancel TPs, which are incredibly good againt bloodseeker

                        plz do

                          understood. would u still get blade mail? euls and blade mail are both early items.. and with both bs seems rather weak.

                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                            Last time I saw a bs mid only once in 6.84 he destroyed our Necro mid to the tune of like 0-6 in first 12 minutes.


                              wasn't the blademail interaction fixed though, or is it just nerfed?


                                it depends on enemy picks id say. bs' build should be flexible since there are a lot of opportunities (yasha/eul/bm/rush rad/dagon/etc.) although if you dont manage to snowball early, be prepared to being useless untill the end of the game.

                                plz do

                                  ^ oh thats what i usually do wrong ty for insight xd being useless is what i manage well. and then i just pop those 15k hero dmg w pugna playin pos 5 and save triples slarkday (u can hate on me now)


                                    Yeah well, problem is his sustain on lane comes at almost no cost.
                                    You have to be super aggressive and make it work, at worst if hero doesnt allow it try to break even and just play farming game.
                                    He is actually rather easy to gank, if he is caught with bloodrage on he melts.

                                    And i dislike having both bm and bkb.

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                                      i know i played bad that game, no need to hate anyone except myself for that.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Well xan whenever i run at anyone with this hero without bkb i get stunned, usually after comes death.


                                          yeah i guess agressive ganking could be the best option

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            His laning is still worse than some other than heroes that do way more in the mid game. And his teamfighting is insanely bad so I don't see him being popular any time soon.


                                              His laning is insane, but he is bad at actually carrying his team. I'm playing a lot of BS mid right now, and among these games I have "lost" mid only twice (amusingly, I won these games), but my overall winrate is somewhere around 50%. I'm thinking about experimenting with his builds though.

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                I won vs blood seeker as Tiny hundreds of times
                                                All you do is just cs and deny every creep as you have more dmg.
                                                If he ults you you just hit him silence goes off and u cambo him eazy kill. or tp away classic Jimmy
                                                As you are tanky when he ults u just stand still and he wouldn't kill you before silence ends.
                                                Played vs like around 10 bs mid as tiny won mid every time. And even if he starts raping you as you fucked up hard core, you just gank and win game.


                                                  my last bloodseeker game in solo queue against a 6k tiny (both of us mid) i killed him solo at level 3, and twice more in lane


                                                  i think too many people underrate bloodseeker

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                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    Idk how that happen, and from the look he seemed to do good as looking how his team did. I would like to see that replay.

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      1 game isn't even a sample size. Also not like Tiny is a good mid anyway.


                                                        i'm not using it as a statement, just a direct reply to that guy making claims about bloodseeker-tiny matchup.

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          He is ok mid, good vs melle heroes, with lvl 6 he gets movement speed to get runes faster then some heros and he has abilaty to clear creep waves. Lvl 7 tiny mid will kill almost any hero on map, plus he got some nice buffs. Tiny is good hero for mid most of the time, not vs storm viper or od tho. And tiny get lvl 16 fast is pretty big.

                                                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                              SHU MI LOV - Blood wins vs Storm, OD. Maybe Viper has a chance. It's a really tough match up for any hero, coz he will harass u constantly & trading with him is almost impossible (2 creeps killed = full hp again). You either kill him in one go or u wasted mana & regen. He is kinda easy to gank, but laning against him is a nightmare. I prefer to lane against SF, QoP, Storm, TA than Blood.

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                @Kill The Boy John Snow
                                                                I said those heroes will rape tiny mid.

                                                                CAN'T WIN

                                                                  for me, isnt that bad, just try to lasthit, dont try to kill him, grab a tp as soon as he get 6.


                                                                    Gank him once or twice. If he falls behind, he's pretty much done for, you only need to care that he doesnt snowball.


                                                                      He will find you and kill you avoid him at all costs. Ask your teammates to bring salves and tangos to keep their HP above 90% at all times. Otherwise you just lost.

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        Wait, uh, how does blood trade hits and harass a ranged hero mid? I understand that he can still farm cus he'll just heal the dmg, but early he won't have powerful enough thirst effect to run up and hit you. Can you just back up? Bloodrite is pretty easy to dodge in lane. And so he sits there and farms, is that really so bad? Unless he gets kills and snowballs he's not a great hero late.

                                                                        Old bloodseeker was a freakin beast mid cus his bloodrage was a dot and silenced so he could go hurt casters. But I don't see how he lands silences or hits on ranged heroes now.


                                                                          He hits like a truck and moves at the same speed. He just goes straight to the ranged enemy and whacks him.

                                                                          Quick maffs


                                                                            New bloodseeker just flies at the enemy like a jet


                                                                              just played 2 more mid bloodseeker games against SF and Storm respectively

                                                                              i was 22 cs against SF's 8 cs at 4 min, then they 4 man ganked me like 3 times by 10 minutes and i tilted, still won though

                                                                              i was 44 cs against storm's 29 cs at 8 min then they literally 4 man ganked mid again with Potm/Spiritbreaker/undying

                                                                              doesnt matter though, bloodseeker op as fuck


                                                                                Prepare the flames,

                                                                                but LC crushes bloodseeker mid if both players are equal skill


                                                                                  that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard

                                                                                  if i ever lose to any legion 1v1 mid as bloodseeker, even 7k mmr, i'll quit dota

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                    maybe.. but LC does more damage and can trade hits with bloodseeker. You should be able to last hit and out deny him and keep him low health.


                                                                                      lc does more damage? you kidding?

                                                                                      first with the thirst buffs you'll have an average of +15 damage at the very least depending on how the other lanes are doing... meaning on base damage alone you'll have the advantage

                                                                                      now throw in the bonus damage from bloodrage and she'll only ever get last hits with overwhelming odds

                                                                                      just walk up and shit on her

                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                        You know who rapes BS mid? Omniknight.


                                                                                          just pick heroes that heal like daz, abba and bs is absolutely 0.

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                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            "He hits like a truck and moves at the same speed. He just goes straight to the ranged enemy and whacks him."

                                                                                            Ok well thanks for explanation.

                                                                                            What's the mid build?


                                                                                              Brace yourselves players who queue in american servers. Bloodseeker is your average peruvian's favorite hero ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                Wait, it isnt Riki ?

                                                                                                I am shocked

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  Idk perus play a shit ton of slark, invoker and pudge too


                                                                                                    No man perus flag got bloodseeker on it. Even the hero sounds like one. Plus hes a south american native hero.

                                                                                                    Coincidence? I think not.

                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      So what's the mid build? All his skills are good for killing other mids


                                                                                                        I think its max thirst and 1 pts into Q for regen. Then aoe silence then finishing your Q. Ult at 6-11-16.