General Discussion

General Discussionwhys lifestealer not tpicked at all

whys lifestealer not tpicked at all in General Discussion

    he was garbage last meta with troll/jugg and stuff but with storm and qop still being top meta heroes and heroes like gyro, sf, etc in the meta, whys lifestealer not picked more


      how does naix counter storm and qop?
      you get juked easily and u have 0 aoe spell and mediocre dmg output so kind of suck at teamfight, pretty much like wk


        Pretty sure he meant infesting the storm/qop, not countering them.

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            Hes pretty ok now

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              As he said, trends. A team will pick him and others will say oh there is Lifestealer in this game and realize how fucking good he is right now.


                hes lil bit weak against some of the meta heroes like undy, viper and qop. besides that, hes okish, and imo deserves a higher pick rate than he currently has.


                  if opponent goes for gyro, naix is definitly the way to go, easy faceing, easy roll on gyro.


                    Naix was a top tier pick during the pre ti3 Luna/gyro meta since they suck at man fighting and rely on magical burst to deter manfighters.

                    If the meta continues as it is he might see a resurgence, the popularity of beastmaster does make it harder though.

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                      The nerf to open wound still hurts.


                        In my mind it's 4 fold

                        1) He's easily kiteable, which has always been one of his downsides.
                        2) He's a really good anti-strength carry hero. Strength carries have not been in the meta quite a while now.
                        3) There has been a growing number of spells which go through magic immunity in recent patches.
                        4) No AoE Damage


                          ^fot 1) buy dagger, for 2) maelstrom, ez aoe :)))


                            People like to parrot his kiting issues a lot for some reason but honestly naix is one of the harder heroes to kite, not to mention infest bomb solves it...


                              People... just buy phase+S&Y+blink and if they can kite you then, i think it's time to go under control panel and uninstall Dota.


                                If your team picks sb-qop-ss just tell them you will gank everytime you got infest off cd and snowball. This patch isnt about farming so LS should do better this time around. Not to mention the rise of tanky str heroes and intel carries, LS loves that because of feast wins str heroes and rage is a bkb. LS was shit in 6.83 because it was all agi farming heroes he had no chance in that meta.



                                  How does he do it? Fight early, fight often. Do not wait for items to start killing everything in sight.

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                                    ^ ls was just a great pick this game, the only one who could do anything against him is the bear lol

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                                        He gets phase boots at 4:15. Kills Zues at 4:38. Kills Gyro at 4:43

                                        Drums at 6:26. Kills Gyro 7:56, assist on Ember kill 8:22, assists on Lina 8:29
                                        Assist on Lina 9:21
                                        Assist on Gyro 11:151
                                        Armlet 12:59, Kills Gyro 13:33 several more kills
                                        Yasha 14:52. Focused on the racecar and getting kills.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Because he fucking sucks dude that's why. Once enemy teams get enough hp to outlast one rage they just kite you forever until you die. He's like PA, you need that magic immunity up or you die and at least PA has blink to close range. I mean I cannot fucking buy a win on this guy. He just falls off a ton late, has mediocre tower dmg, bad team fight. He's an anti carry and that's it.


                                          I started something like 8-1. I had armlet and boots at like 8 minutes. I was mashing faces. No tower dmg cus enemy team was doing stupid push strats and I had to tp everywhere to non-stop fight them. But at the end they hadn't raxed us, team fights would break out on our towers and we couldn't do shit. If we hung by rax np would kill our tower at range. If we went off high ground to kill, I'd get tree'd, etheraled from pugna then lifedrained to shit, double ravaged, gg. I mean my team fucking sucked but that's kind of the point- faceless void can 1v5 teams with his chrono, ranged heroes like medusa and sniper can still take towers without having to win the team fights. Lifestealer? Needs his team to contribute far too much.

                                          He is a very good anti-strength-carry hero. I would definitely still pick him vs heroes like sven, dragon knight, pudge. But no way in hell should you pick him vs a ranged agi like sniper or any kind of kiter like storm, qop, pugna. You can 2 shot those guys but you won't ever get close enough.

                                          The game relentless posted he was a good pick. Enemy team doesn't have the cc for him, all they really have is lina stun and entangle. Gyro and zeus he will shred cus they can't kite. But he's too situational to be picked very often imo.

                                          Side note: I made some big mistakes that game, I realize that, but I was so far ahead, you shouldn't have to play completely mistake free that far ahead to win. Other carries don't.

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                                            Wow how did you lose that game^

                                            I guess you got ratted or your team wouldnt push when given the chance.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Yes that's a big part of it, our invoker wussed out of nearly every important fight, same with tree, just look at their kdas. I got so freaking pissed, we were on their rax middle at one point and I had aegis, we killed three enemies and us all alive so I dove the last two. My entire team ran way at half hp and I died, lost aegis, died again. Retarded.

                                              But that's my point, if I had been on medusa or drow or sniper I'd just sit back and kill those towers easy. I'd defend high ground easily as well. Lifestealer can't do either of those, he has to man fight but he blows in team fights once rage is down cus he 1) gets kited and disabled 2) is really squishy if he can't steal hp. He drops fast if he's not constantly attacking.

                                              We didn't really get ratted, I mean we did early, they had all our t2s when we had zero, but end game we were at their rax before they raxed us. Really the issue was end game fights, they'd slow push our t3s and kill it easily at range with furion and pugna. If we tried to fight, bam double ravage, drain life, trees all around me, couldn't do anything.

                                              Quick maffs

                                                I mean i guess he is good ?

                                                I cant win with him though, i actually gave up

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  I have %90 ranked winrate (20 games) and 73 something overall winrate with him and you guys are only losing because you don't know how to close out a game. Maybe he needs some base armor buff though.


                                                    because he can be turned off ez in jungle at low lvls. 2-3 roams and he is dead everytime as he will be low hp.
                                                    and pubbers wont let you lane with ls, because fuck logic.


                                                      Idk when i pick LS i call safelane and then i keep shouting in the mic "push you f*gs ill infest you, we rape then we push, dont give em grounds you c*nts" like a german nazi with my french accent and i most of the time take leads in all my game because i aint got time for those 55min games. Nein nein nein!

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        yeah jungle lifestealer isn't that great anymore, I'd still do it if someone really wants solo offlane, but it's not ideal. He is pretty strong in lane.

                                                        And I don't know if it's closing out games or what. I mean it sort of is but a lot of times I just lose to stronger carries like slark or troll (pre nerf).

                                                        And the rest of the time I just get the worst fucking teammates on him.

                                                        0-10 jungle lc

                                                        2-15 meepo. enemy team had FOUR strength heroes and couldn't win. I don't remember picks exactly but I think meepo and brood were last two picks. Just retarded.


                                                          ^ like i said he counters str carries so you should never first pick LS or pick him after they revealed an agi carry. Its basicaly picking meepo after ES, theres no point.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            I do pick him vs strength heroes and we still get killed.

                                                            Axe and pudge, he's amazing vs both, but fucking sniper and slark wrecked.

                                                            alch and kunkka, but my team doesn't push at all (just look at our picks) and alch farms too much, crushes our towers.

                                                            doom, clock and zeus, he's good vs all of them. looks like I played poorly that game, too long ago to remember, but again, can't break high ground.

                                                            I just probably wouldn't pick him right now unless your team has other tower killers like a sniper or sf or drow mid or something.


                                                              He's great against Undying, so I guess he's pretty good right now.

                                                              LS on my team snowballed as fuck. They had literally zero answers for him.

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                                                                  He's great against clock until clock gets force

                                                                  Naix rapes clock in lane

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                                                                      Cogs are OK since he takes them out in just over a second

                                                                      Honestly clock isn't one of my bigger worries (played that matchup at least 20+ times) as naix


                                                                        surprisingly im 78% winrate with this hero. no idea how :O

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Cus if clock cogs and blade mails you just pop rage and kill him, no biggie. Doom only disables his lifesteal with aghs I think, so he's good unless doom rushes it.

                                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                            Played a game against a Lina and naix party que. Naix had silver edge and Aghs and they would routinely bomb me of course first game I ever played drow go figure it wasn't much fun.

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!