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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    It was unranked, again. I just wanted to have fun. Which I did. But I also draft him in CM and fuck people pretty bad cause I have more control over the game. Ez mmr.

    You stomped people with pudge. 35 KDA. Fuck my life. The best part is that radiant mostly actually had advantage throughout the minutes where pudge's most effective, and you still managed to stomp that game. You had 18 last hits, so you had to farm heroes.

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    casual gamer

      pretty standard stuff although i would've liked to see you go blademail in that particular game

      gj, i can never win with spirit breaker. I imagine you and omni were in a party coordinating heal bombs


        Guess u just lockdown hero with LC + Refresher? and ur team finish it for you? :/


          Its seems like you guys make spaces for spectre and stomp to the win (y) gj

          lm ao

            You had the best HD among your teammates, good KDA, yet you lost. Its ok though, better luck next time.


              Your HD suggests you did all the hard work and carried your team. Good job, man! (Did PL abandon? Maybe, he just sucked :p)

              Edit: I was supporting, not playing core...

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                consider using bloodstone using lina


                  I somehow find ur HD low compared to ur kills. But nicely done


                    41 tower damage... You should push a tier 1 right after mek.

                    Bad Intentions

                      Monster specter game man, thats how its done. stayed alive and high impact. I guess timely haunts as well. Good pickup of octarine BUT shouldve went diffusal or skadi. Overall good job.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        750 gpm spectre stomp, and they had no heroes that could stop you even remotely, without dying themselves. I guess they got terribly outpicked in regard to that, so you just stomped that game for that reason as well. You seem to have got an early radience, considering your HD.

                        EDIT: Okay, your game:

                        You roamed a lot and got some ganks off, but died too much in relation to your kills and assists. Seems you had a tough early game with only 30 last hits in all of your game (including the laning stage), but TA snowballed and you were able to get some track kills with her, slark and supports. Bounty was not a very good pick here, I think, as their heroes are not all that prone to getting easily ganked, the only easy target I see is AA or warlock if they don't reac quickly enough.

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          you dont need buy MoM on bara, you become glass cannon if you do that
                          bara is tanky use it, after MoM movespeed nerf, picking MoM its not good ( since your bash demage based on move speed )

                          Well since your game is stomp, you have less gpm and xpm and also your death is too much for stomp

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Well, I actually played pretty sacrificially there. I used my mobility to advantage - I knew I'd die in fights and get focused, shadow shaman would always try to throw snakes at me too) but I did not give a crap - while they focused me, I would die, and maybe one of the heroes on my team, but majority of theirs would be dead. So the idea was that I initiate like a maniac, get omni to prolong my life a bit, survive some spells through bkb (I got bkb so omni can use repel on other, more important targets, during the brief fights that resulted in teamwipes). And you're also right, i should've got blademail for that purpose - it would've output soooo much damage they threw onto me.

                            I could have died way less times, but the game would've dragged on for too long, and we already won the laning stage, so I wanted to speed it up with omni who's my friend. I'd initiate, they throw everything on me cause they're crazy, and then viper comes and cleans up. Ursa guy did not play ursa much and doesn't quite get the hero that well, so he did not exploit my initiation for his own needs (and looking at his build he very well could have). When I die, I will be out for 60 seconds while they are out for 45, my team backs off for 20 seconds, I come into fights again, everything's off cooldown, and we're ready to teamwipe again. But yeah, I might wanna start dropping MoM that early, blademail would've probably been a better choice. Also my xpm is pretty low mostly because I'd die before half of their team, and then spend a lot of time being dead, and afterwards I am not gonna farm either way, only getting experience from death of their squishiest heroes. My hero damage is pretty garbage compared to what I could have bought, so there's that too, I would've had to adjust my play here to be way different if we had different game scenario, like if we were losing, I'd probably have to organize ganks around the map and maybe even buy orchid for SS, even though I am not the best carrier by far. I also was not the main carry/damage dealer so I could afford myself many luxuries in terms of YOLOing while still making sure my team gets higher advantage from what I am doing.

                            TL;DR You're right I should've gone blademail instead of MoM, and also I could've played this more safe and get a higher gpm, xpm and HD, I just did not put much though into a game we were already stomping that hard.

                            @Your WW game:

                            Woah, no hero healing? I find that really weird. Usually people get wicked hero healing values with urn, mek and and embrace. The good thing is, you probably did not need it since the game was increasingly onesided but I still find it weird, there are probably a few deaths you might've prevented there. Luna had 2.3k hero damage, what the hell. With those items she can rape the enemy team. If storm and clinkz did not kinda stomp that she'd have been in trouble. Zeus did the zeus things, nothing major there. Also, clinkz probably backdoored those towers, eh? He certainly could, with the items he had. Overall, it seems you could've had a bit higher impact in that game, though you've fulfilled the roles that might have turned some fights that would not have gone in your favor. Speaking of which, pipe was a good pickup for you, you've made lina useless in fights, huskar's spear stacking less dangerous and alchemist and ember's AoE less potent in fights, and seeing your team did not have any tanky heroes, it's a good call. That huskar had moderately high hero damage but mostly he died to kill somebody, getting only gold whereas your team got gold and experience (from my experience against huskars).

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            casual gamer

                              i already commented on this match but ill say that if you wanna soak up damage you should probably skip the mom and get something like a halberd instead. This is also an excellent lotus orb game (dispels hex, ES ult, bounces chain frost, fucks with almost all of their heroes)

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^holy fuck you're right. I should've gone Lotus, and fronted the team with that. It'd be hilarious to watch Lich kill his own team while my whole team is either BKB'd or repelled and simply does not give a fuck. Or, you know, spreads out. Wish I'd thought of that.

                                Your game - you stomped as legion. Impressive, and it's at VHS. I don't think I've ever played her with zero deaths. I also find it incredible that you did that with very few tank/damage items. Usually when I see legion stomp that hard she gets really fat with things like heart and AC. Still, I see what the problem was - they were terribly underfarmed and could not contest your duels even if they wanted to. You simply outleveled and outfarmed them since you were repeatedly killing them, and got heaps of damage out of that. Holy fuck, snowball. Also, I've never built refresher on her, is it really worth it?

                                BTW - can I see your legion replay? I want to see what you're doing right and I am doing wrong.

                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                casual gamer

                                  ^^refresher is super good on lc imo because almost every game i go blink blademail bkb, and the refresher doubles the value of these items while giving me another duel

                                  with blademail and heal you do enough damage to 100-0 almost anyone (if you arent getting stomped) so damage items are suboptimal anyway, i used to always get ac/heart/halberd after bkb but i think rfo can be the better choice sometimes

                                  a lot of the reason you want hp/bash is because you get kited like crazy outside of duel, having a seconds blink duel makes things a lot easier

                                  the trick is to only buy it when you are guaranteed to win duels, otherwise you prolly need halberd/ac/sheep/crit/bash

                                  im pretty sure you can dl the replay if you search the match id on source 1, my laning phase was very sloppy but i recovered fairly quickly

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                                  Bad Intentions

                                    Pretty standard lc build with bm and dag. I think u couldvn completed that bkb tho, no need for plate. Man it was a close early and u guys got stomped hard during mid.


                                      Seems like you were roaming bh and helped in setting up kills for teammates . lol lion left early so you guys must have lots of gold .
                                      seem like easy game

                                        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                        casual gamer

                                          you fed off of lesh while getting cs, then when you got ur 17 minute deso blink you could 2-3shot lion lesh and wisp

                                          poor bsj lmao the hero damage chart


                                            Looks like your ability to split push win this game.


                                              really good kda on witch doctor

                                              Proto | 改善

                                                Double boots on storm spirit always wins game. Seems like it was a hard one. Next time try not to die as often as storm.

                                                KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                  Looks like you and SB stomped their team based on kills and HD. Surprised that in VHS stomps like that can even happen.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    ^^vhs not actually that skillful a lot of the time, especially unranked

                                                    rough 4v5, would be a won game if you had timber :/ i personally am not a fan of shadow blade but you have v low deaths so maybe they never bought dust lmao

                                                    Big Dick Player

                                                      Looks like a pretty more early-mid game but you managed to hgold highground with techies and eventually make a comeback and bring it back in the late game.


                                                        With so many easy set ups I would consider going blink on SF but it appears you guys outclassed the enemy team in every turn so it wouldn't matter much


                                                          Wow, that gold per minute. You really have a premium time farming in this game. Not bringing a dust is really a bad decision for the enemy team.


                                                            13 deaths is a lot, but hey, you had good kill involvement-it looks like the enemy team often hunted for the easy support kill as opposed to going for the cores. You were the only support on your team so it makes sense that you couldn't afford any survivability items. Could possibly work on healing a bit more though.

                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                              Standard am build, huge LH, mainly the reason your team won. I dunno but kinda a farming game, overall good job.


                                                                Urn might be better than ROA since you are roaming. But ultimately, I would think an orchid is better both and better than upgrading to dagon 4 (about the same price as 3 dagon recipes?)

                                                                Your assist and HD seems a bit low which I presume is due to mana limitation that prevent spamming of dagon/shuriken (plus the fact that track is a higher priority spell). An orchid will solve all those issues.

                                                                A slow at lvl 2 may be a bit more intimidating than a nuke in certain instances.

                                                                KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                  Looks like you went support breaker and helped your lanes snowball really hard based on assists. Cant believe centaur got that many kills im assuming you ganked his lane quite a bit.


                                                                    Good KDA and hero damage. Could possibly work on farming a bit more in between kill attempts though.


                                                                      ^^ rekt mid nice kda and good farm maybe work on not owning so hard next time :D


                                                                        For a lineuop that recks pudge, you molested em lol. Also in captains mode thats quite impressive


                                                                          wow that many kills on ember and still lost. I guess you were focused late game and died that way.
                                                                          you played nice mate. Other teammates had to perform equally.

                                                                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                                            lm ao

                                                                              Not sure about your game. Should I be amused with Silver Edge Dazzle or wat? :DDDDD

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                Stomp with glass cannon TA. Really nice.

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  Standard lc game, good bkb pick up, not sure if u jungled but dont next time! Lc is a strong laner.

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    Not really, I practically had solo safelane to get the blink and level 6 as soon as possible. Undying was stacking and pulling, got some levels, I got blink and we kinda raped people from then on. Nyx was solo offlane and got a quick level 6, enigma was farming the jungle.

                                                                                    I died a few times to disables, then went and farmed up a BKB, and came back to rape again, haven't died since. The idea of legion pick was that it'd be bad if any of those carries got scary farmed, but if I pick legion, I can wreck any one of them as an anti carry, and we can dominate the early game with our picks.

                                                                                    All of which happened also because our opponents were very bad.

                                                                                    Your game - you've probably provided a lot of intel to your ganking-oriented team, which resulted in a lot of gold and pickoffs for them. Good pick. That gyro got ridiculously farmed up, and seems to have felt safe enough to buy a rapier in the end. I guess linkens was a good pickup against frostbite/diffusal/forcestaff/lance/euls. Gyro had a bkb so it wouldn't have been that useful to him most of the time. Maybe could've got orchid instead? Especially since none of them built bkb, fiend's item choices are terrible against your team.

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                      Wow, pretty much a one sided match. Looks like you spend quite some time farming for your item while Storm, Spirit Breaker and Night Stalker threaten enemy from farming. You also make Tusk rage quit i think :v

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Well, I did not actually "farm" at all after I got my blink at 8 minutes, I just pushed lanes and in case somebody would try to initiate on me, storm and sb would just jump in, and stalker's ready to jump in too, plus AA will throw a nice ult. There was literally nothing they could do, I was just the frontliner because I could not initiate globally, other times somebody would find an enemy and we'd sneak up on him with me using blink+mom+blademai+armlet.

                                                                                        Tusk killed me a few times from shadow blade, but then died to the global gank team. NP got completely screwed too.

                                                                                        Your match - you seem to have contributed a lot with tons of hd and hh, plus the right item choice. Died a lot, but probably couldn't really help it most of the time, being a hard support.

                                                                                        My last game - I abandoned after WARLOCK fed mid invoker and they'd then repeatedly gank me in the jungle. Also I called offlane but there was no place for me to farm, since warlock went mid.

                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                          Well your team's laning were pretty bad. Probably the best one IMO was to put You on Jungle, Centa on Offlane, Mag on Mid, and Razor on Safelane while Warlock supports him.

                                                                                          It's kinda a gamble though, since if OD went mid, your mid would get worse than if you put Warlock mid.


                                                                                            you raped them, didnt you?

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              Carry more TPS.


                                                                                                Typical Storm ownage game. However, with so much advantage i think you can die less. You're probably overextend too much when picking enemy heroes.

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  not rly, tusk, lina and sky afk mid, nuff said.

                                                                                                  - urn pointless on WD, let nyx get it
                                                                                                  - GPM unacceptable
                                                                                                  - smokegank with nyx mb.
                                                                                                  - stop stacking wards and plant em sum moar.

                                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                    very nice performance. tho 9 death is a bit many. possible some careless dives with ulti.


                                                                                                      nice farm nice push gg

                                                                                                      to the comment below me, yeah i know i sucked, it was one of those " buyback cooldown, cant buyback cant defend" games.