General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    U lost form min 0 with the bad draft.Nothing u could do.


      Decent game with enigma, Necro is excellent on your line up due to lack off siege potential.

      stupid fuck 2000

        Good ebola spirit game. I imagine Naix was inside you a lot. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

        doc joferlyn simp

          Good thing weak mid matchup, you just have to flame guard to block dusa's mystic snake nuke. I imagine you had a lot of farm mid, given that dusa got shut down hard early into the game. Great draft by your team, picking heroes that are especially strong early to mid game, and you definitely used that to your advantage since game ended before the 40 min mark.


            Ew Riki+Bh in the same team . Not really an impressive win though , looks like 2 ppl on their team already left . A win is a win i guess....

            stupid fuck 2000

              4 core stomp as usual.

              Swap Commends

                Noobish skill build.You did nothing in the game but your team carried you well.

                Pablo Picasso

                  Having a team running utility support Riki & Abaddon clearly taking early to mid game advantage against their core hero; unique deadball gank strategy.


                    laning phase was very sad, definitely. however, great team participation as expected from et


                      You probably destroyed most of them with your combo. That poor Jugg didn't stand a chance, nice GPM BTW. XD


                        You died many times and your last hitting is terrible tho in the end , you still managed to win. WP still

                        Prenses Ahmet

                          I didn't watch your game, but the enemy team has 5 cores/carries as we can see. GG, WP, they were wrecked, even Clinkz could not help them. And #4 Pudge is strong there :P .

                          stupid fuck 2000

                            Mjolnir on pudge ... why? You weren't down any lane of racks and sniper + pa could push waves no problem. Definitely think Aghs was infinitely better. Your impact was ok but you could've done way more in that game.

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                            Swap Commends

                              Team carried u again.shit player.

                              stupid fuck 2000

                                I'm a shit player with a way higher wr than you. What does that make you? lul


                                  You created a lot of space as mid and let your Jug farm like a boss.


                                    2nd most kill in your team, 2nd least assist. Lowest hero damage in your team.
                                    Seems like you secured a lot of kills for your pals.

                                    Trolling aside, that's a shitton of heal you did that game, more than I ever made.

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                                      4 carry team gets crushed by team with strong early game and doesn't let up on the pressure resulting in fast and easy win. Sometimes justice does win.

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                                        Swap Commends

                                          @sad boi
                                          Team carried u again.shit player.
                                          @Me, Myself and Robert
                                          Good wr.Better draft wins ofc,nice stomp


                                            @Clegane, You didnt go Dagon Necro, Thank God and you had the least deaths.


                                              carried your pos 4 invoker, nice!


                                                Epic game, epic comeback, judging on the stats and advantages. Amazing performance on the SF. 7 slotted. 37k hero damage. Overall, a great job m8.


                                                  Looked like a really fun and hard game that you managed to win in the end. Wp

                                                  Swap Commends

                                                    U died a lot but u managed to win somehow.Good cumback


                                                      morph actually so sad had a matchup against necro at mid

                                                      Pablo Picasso

                                                        Just as a spacecow roaming all over the map create enough fear to opponent team.

                                                        Any combos with that Earthshaker or that "Miranda Orange" Stunlock will ensure a kill in early game. Coupled with Invoker for any global pick-off leftovers.

                                                        Chaos Knight might be the happiest carry in this game with lots of space created.

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                                                          Pick cancer,create havoc,even you feed still win =)

                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                            Played as a ward bitch, but still decent dmg with your ult, could have done meka but it wasnt needed in that lineup


                                                              A riki game ey, eww, looks like u went roaming riki with burst damage build. Not bad but u look like u had little impact since the dazzle did more damage than you rofl

                                                              Johnny Rico

                                                                Vietjesus do you know about our lord and savior phantom riki, i even played on the russia server with 250 ping

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                                                                  Good god normal skill dagon riki.


                                                                    You were clearly useful the entire game and kunkka is love and life. Stay strong good lad and continue on boating fools.


                                                                      Carry CM to the rescue! Your numbers are awesome, but that enemy techies o.O...

                                                                      stupid fuck 2000

                                                                        Holy crap that match was so back and forth but I guess Viper's late game weakness started to show eventually especially against a carry silencer who is a beast late into the game if everything goes well enough.


                                                                          Stomp enemy team, alche feed a lot. Your team dominate the whole game. GG EZ



                                                                            ASSESS Product

                                                                              ez am

                                                                              stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                the 3 mid heroes lineup never fails


                                                                                  Ah a High Skill rating , must be playing with a High Skill friend . Lolz . You did good anyways , good carry on the PL .


                                                                                    Ez win with DP. Dire had some major fail picks tho. Well done from your side sir!

                                                                                    Swap Commends

                                                                                      Noob tiny & timber,thats how u won.


                                                                                        That lina carried you. Probably a good idea to get mech for that team, especially against bear. Also a pipe or similar item would have been great as well, but maybe not necessary. If that team had known how to play sven you could've had a rough time.

                                                                                        Don Corlethrone

                                                                                          holy shit went off w the spec. enuf hp to camp fountain and kill everyone w dispersion
                                                                                          too bad its another 4 core shitfest which probably allowed for invis ganks + haunt which is how u snowballed

                                                                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                            They had really good heroes to kite your ursa and the oracle mid while its godlike early in the game, it kinda becomes worthless later on as a mid hero.


                                                                                              WHO THE HECK LET YOU FREE FARM. That said, it's a 5v4, so sad life for your enemy.

                                                                                              Swap Commends

                                                                                                First,1+ for playing support,1+ for good item choice,nice cumback


                                                                                                  Judging from your item build, i think now you know why Necro shouldn't be an emergency support.
                                                                                                  Too little impact without proper item


                                                                                                    Their pa's item choices dont make much sense outside of the vlads and deso and it looks like legion didn't contribute much. Judging from the map it looks like you guys managed to hold at your bottom racks and then ran right down mid. You did a pretty good job helping your team although a few less deaths would have been nice. All in all, a good comeback.


                                                                                                      Your item progression/farming is quite slow. However you did play well for your mmr. Aim for a minimum 50 last hits at 10 minutes, regardless of what happens (you had 51 at 15).

                                                                                                      FYI for the one who judges my match, I was vs a 6.4k puck and a 5k slardar in a ~4.2k avg game (im 4.5). Not sure how we won lul

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