General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow jungle on low skill

Drow jungle on low skill in General Discussion



      soo, your thoughts are?


        at least you are trying something new

        Dire Wolf

          It's not that terrible actually if your other lanes can hold down fine for 10 minutes. You want a qb only to start and you cliff jungle the medium camps, make sure you don't block respawns. Then build a mask of madness, then treads. If you hate mask you can do just morbid mask then build dominator later, but mom the best early farm item. I wouldn't go attributes over frost arrows. The frost last a hella long time on creeps so with life steal you can frost em all up and you won't have to kit, just let them whack you and reset and you'll heal the dmg since they move slow to go back. It's a bit slower than other junglers until 6, but once you hit 6 you kill super fast. I haven't done it in a real game in forever, but I test a lot of heroes jungle in bot games just to see where I can be 10 min mark.

          Of course that's not super realistic but at low mmr you don't get ganked much in jungle so it's a decent enough benchmark.

          Mortimer Smith

            lol, i dint wanted to post this shit i thought i press back instead of post topic

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