General Discussion

General DiscussionAnybody noticed the AI gone worst?

Anybody noticed the AI gone worst? in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Been playing with my noob friends on spare time on AI. But what the heck. AI unfair used to deny like crazy and good laning. They only lack backdoor sense. Anyways was playing a few games and there's AI idling in the woods 40 mintues into a final push. Heroes like lina who would not cast spells even when dying. Just overall the AI is worst.

    Probably the worst AI heroes I've noticed is Lina, Lion and Axe. I mean even the old axe ai knows how to cut the lane or not feed, but this one just takes your farm and feeds. Unfair Lina used to hit every light strike array, now she just like random skill level almost every game.

    casual gamer

      you prob just got better and can now see how shit they are


        I made AI Lina and Lion to rush Octarine Core, and Axe to rush Bloodstone (not sure about that). Kinda helps.

        P.S. But AI is really bad, I have to admit. Bots can't move properly, can't use spells, even can't autoattack... heh...

        Овај коментар је измењен
        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          I'm pretty sure 2-3 years ago bots was smarter.. do u guys think cuz it's the new AI personalities? btw how u force AI to go places or buy things?

          The closest explanation is Maurice Bot.. If you play enuff AI u know what I mean. they new AIs are just modified Maurices?

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          Pom Pom 🍕

            They should fix the stupid skill builds for bots. Tide goes 4-4-0-1 and stats (no anchor smash), luna goes stats over more points in aura and axe doesn't get call until level 10 (that's a very recent bot too...), who even makes the builds for bots? The item ones are weirder than 1K builds.

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              I think we had a bot in our solo ranked game yesterday because at 43 minutes our Axe claimed "I need 1850 gold for my blink dagger".

              You can't make this shit up.


                who the fuck plays bots


                  1) Download:
                  ^you can edit bots itembuilds and abilitybuilds here
                  2) Copy this file here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\scripts\npc
                  ^create folder if needed
                  3) Launch Steam, click View => Games List, right click on Dota 2 => Properties => Set Launch Options
                  4) Type: -override_VPK
                  5) Press OK
                  6) Launch Dota 2, play with bots.

                  If you want to play normal online game with humans, you have to delete -override_VPK from Launch Options.

                  At least bots never say bad things about me or my mother...

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    they are alot worse because people could not handle the bots lasthitting like 5k+ mmr. it was a joke before. kinda miss it tho.
                    nowadays you dont even get a fucking courier while "lasthit practise" thingy. Vavle. gg

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      Correct Sir I really miss the bots lasthitting like 5K+ mmr. Also they didn't 5 man tower dive and get wiped. Wish this can change this function bit but for players who play with casuals.

                      It's actually really challanging play with some noob friends wiping 30-0 on sniper and then next game get wiped cuz one of your friend sucks at mid, lol. Just makes the game more enjoyable less stress than normal ranked games.