General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys is there any chance to highlight this to valve???

Guys is there any chance to highlight this to valve??? in General Discussion
Control X

    Just have a look at this guy, there should be some block for the same hero playing when you just created new account

    e.g. 3 times in a row u have to change hero or smth.

    Last game i was playing against the opposite team and they had this awful zeus KDA masturbator, sry for my English.

    Anyway he was ulting on CD and before a battle he was holding his ult to steal. He can't even read patch change (2k range).

    The main idea is to get rid of players like this as they SPOIL DRASTICALLY GAMING EXPERIENCE as he doesn't care about team or win he just wants to get his 4k mmr to spoil again gaming experience.

    I felt so bad for his teammates and hope not to get same zeus mid each game.


    Ова тема је измењена

      We already have the reporting system. If you consider some players to not fit the matchmaking system, you report them, and that's it.
      The idea of banning people from playing same hero over and over again on new accounts is a bit absurd and got quite a lot of cons, you can list them urself I guess.
      Some people in dota 2 are just bad, and you need to "accept it and move on", cz if you decide to create threads on dota-related forums each time you face a retard in your game, you gonna spend half of your life doing it, I guarantee it, kappa.

        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
        Control X

          mr. TripleSteal it's not about accept it and move on. There should be done something as a lot of players give money to valve buying compendiums, items etc. The prize pool is almost 10k million and there should be done something to improve gaming experience which was spoilt with mmr.

          It's not about about banning the person, it's about blocking the pick of the same hero at least to make him playing 3 games on zeus or something.

          First of all, we can not change people as there will be always someone who will try to sneak through the loophole and to get something like higher mmr by means of picking zeus and spoiling game for other people.

          Second idea is for example if you report same player 2 or for example 3 times you will not face him in your game again. Low priority will never fix those.


          Control X

            Oni, the idea of reported player more than 2 or 3 times in different game and excluding him from gaming pool with you (some kind of banlist) would be nice.

            And it's not about TA, it's about thinking about KDA more then a team, specifically this zeus player i mentioned and if you check his profile he is playing only zeus.

            Овај коментар је измењен
            CAN'T WIN

              He is playing only zeus... What a dick... Omfg report him... He is doing something totaly out of legality... Oh wait... Where the hell says he cant do that?

              STICKS AND STONES

                I play only timbersaw please no report, will bribe with cookies and bottles of rum.

                CAN'T WIN


                  Shut the fuck up OP

                  [DFG] Whale King

                    How does one manage 6k hero damage as TA with deso and crit... WHAT?

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      I've noticed muted players aren't in your pool, well at least not on your team. My mute list is close to 500-1000 players now.