General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat can i improve with omni ?

What can i improve with omni ? in General Discussion

    ^ :)))))))


      Pray to Lightknight before every match


        improving ur kda


          I can't get assists if i don't deal damage, and i have only 1 damage spell.


            buy (more) wards?


              Go mid and max repel and passive and repent the shit out of those infidel.


                It's hard to improve on a performance already this successful.

                What do you think you could have done to win this game?

                It looks like you had a hard time keeping huskar alive. I might suggest a fstaff to give you better control of positioning in fights. You may be able to save heroes that dove to far by forcing them to safety in addition to healing and repelling. This particular game your team fed so early... you might need to stack and farm the jungle a little in very bad games to get a critical item needed to win mid-game fights.

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                  ^Having better teammates with better picks. That's all. I'm not joking, everygame my huskar does 20kills moreless.
                  The bad thing about that game ? Teammates. We asked for something to shut down the meepo so we can destroy all the enemy team, and they gave us Pudge and Slark.
                  We could have Lich, Sandking, Earthshaker, Witchdoctor, Jakiro, Lina, Lesh or if they want even carry Sven.
                  But they had to pick Pudge and Slark for the dumb combo for killing on the rune. They didn't even kill anyway.
                  With my friend huskar we point to outfarm and snowball hard enemys so we can finish games in less than 30 mins, when this isn't possibile the game start to getting harder every 5 mins. For try to "counter this" we hire Pa for the "lategame" so i will not support random shit players slark pickers but someone with a brain, winning the lane and letting me gank mid for start the UNSTOPABLE SNOWBALL.
                  What happened that game ? we got a good meepo player who excentialy won the entire game with minors help from his team like muting and killing me preventing to save my ally.
                  Sostantialy we play 3vs7 everytime and we almost win everytime. Sometimes not.

                  Since EVERYTIME, even people pick supports, i'm the solo support who needs to buy: Wards, Sentry (if inv heroes or dewards), Smokes (We love to gank a lot), Tps (Gank mid, if mid die he want the tp, tp out and shit), Courier and upgrade.
                  I go for a realy cheap items for cover my needs of mana. Often i take my soulring at min 8 with boots at min 10, depends on the games.

                  I often think about others items i could buy.. but it ends in the same way.
                  Soulring for spam Q
                  Manaboots for letting PA get mana + a little for huskar who needs his Q too, and i need for Q+W+R
                  Aghanim for letting both be immortal whenever am i (So i can save my ass)
                  Refresher for stomp the game

                  The only other item i farm it's Orchid, but only in case there is a Storm Spirit.


                    i call bullshit that you buy wards. a few of your games have plus and you generally buy less than six observers and no smoke/sentries :)


                      Aghs in my opinion is way worse now since the regeneration got removed.

                      In general if you want to keep the carry alive better get Medailon/Cape/Force which in addition gives you other benefits and are way cheaper, and less devastating when countered in comparison to go all in with ulti


                        Depends on the games, when we stomp realy hard 25min in the base, i don't realy feel like we need absolutly wards.
                        I can't buy them everytime and we don't smoke everytime, just when we need.
                        I could spend more easly money if i have someone who helps me going to deward in the "usual" wards spot, blocking enemy jungle and shit. But when you have do manage your money for the best profit, it's pretty hard do everytime. So you smoke if have vision, put vision if you win a teamfight and you are near the X zone to ward. Avoiding only deaths to casuality of the fight.

                        The most important thing it's do the combo for keep my carry alive:
                        1)Heals (If he needs)
                        2)Magic immunity
                        3)He jumps far away

                        and in game like this where 3 of them were pushing top meanwhile we were pushing mid, i used my 2 ulti and a glyph to protect the base meanwhile they had to waste time buyng a tp or tp to base.
                        All other items bring me in the middle of the fight getting me muted/stuned/hexed and letting me be unusefull. Stayng back let me heal and save more allyes.

                        waku waku

                          consider trying out glimmer cape if you have the mana fucking op shit


                            That is a poor argument, with lesser gold you have high impact and are way more versatile with lower CD. It is outclassed due to reliability by those items


                              But 4Apka, if the enemy has storm, qop, sky or other people who stun or hex, even if i go invisible in the middle, what will change ?


                                The idea of Glimmer Cape is for you to NOT be in the middle of the fight, not get disabled and use it on an ally who's getting focused by massive magical damage. Glimmer Cape will reduce that damage DRASTICALLY and still allow you to heal your ally afterwards = all the enemy nukes are wasted.


                                  Glimmer is best against nukers. You may be able to save two heroes instead of only one if you get a glimmer cape.

                                  Another item to consider for saving people is solar crest. You can cast it on allies to defend them from right clicks or enemies to kill them faster. And as I and others mentioned force staff is probably the most powerful help-an-ally item. The other items can be countered by items. Force staff is only countered by a handful of abilities like chrono and rupture, many games the enemy has no counter for it and can't farm one so you can always save someone from a lot of dmg by forcing them away from the enemy.

                                  These are cheap compared to aghs. But other late game options to consider also - get linkens or lotus orb. Toss lotus orb on your initiator and linkens on your carry and watch them win the fight without you having to use guardian angel.

                                  Also guardian angel is great against attacks... but what do you do when facing a wombo-combo magic dmg team? Get a pipe.

                                  I'm just saying this because despite your 70% winrate Omni - I see no variation in your build. Aghs-Refresher is not best every game. Last time you got pipe was 8 months ago and you lost... but you also lost a bunch of games to magic dmg teams and didn't get pipe.

                                  Guardian greaves is very strong now as well. You get +15 armor on low heroes. You can cast it as your ult ends and extend that "unkillable team" situation as if you had refresher... but for 1350 less gold (you already get arcane boots) and with no cd. The build up is also superior since you will have a mech for several fights before completing it instead of just a perseverance.

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                                    i was just teasing...

                                    aghs omni is pretty much a free win and personally feel someone else should be doing the heavy-lifting when it comes to wards.


                                      I don't fear the magic damage beacouse already there is a Huskar in my team who only fears stuns and pure damage. Pa it's actualy smart too and jump to finish enemy who used all on huskar.
                                      For me, refresh and agh it's the best i an find, maybe in higher levels it's better.
                                      I don't buy GuardianBoots for a reason, farm meka. If i already finish late soulring and manaboots... and will finish meka at 30... it doesn't worth so much.
                                      With immunity and husk passive we don't need pipe.
                                      Lotus orb sucks, linkens it's good but i would preffer a bkb, there is no way to farm linken when i huskar takes bkb and i have to use only on pa then.

                                      But as i say, maybe it's beacouse we got matched vs 4k, maybe a higher level i would preffer other items.

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        pray to lightknight will work.


                                          Why ask for advice, and not accept it.
                                          Point is if you face physical teams you pick up solarcrest and it negates arguable around 35% of the physical of a target from high range.

                                          >4200 gold
                                          >only affects ulti

                                          >armor and evasion/miss chance ON DEMAND
                                          >easy roshan
                                          >high range

                                          With aghs you put all eggs in 1 basket. Since regeneration of the ulti got removed the ult got so much worse!

                                          If the enemy picks up 1 item your ult and the item you eagerly tried to get is negated.
                                          Medallion/Crest/Glimmer is much more reliable as item to safe people.
                                          >>>Reliability beats Greedyness on the long run. Always.

                                          Just for the fun of it, can someone link Lightknights dotabuff ?


                                            that's a weird argument to make between aghs and solar crest - for starters, any other player on your team can get solar crest but you are the only one with a global physical immunity ulti.

                                            it is also wrong to say that if the enemy picks up 1 item your ult is negated - they can only purge one hero per diffusal blade per fight and you've also most probably forced them to pick up a diffusal when they didn't want it.

                                            i also question glimmer being a reliable item to save people. it has a fade time, is countered by various cheap items and doesn't do anything to protect against physical damage - which really is the only damage worth discussing most of the time if you are talking about whether omni should get an aghs or not.

                                            as a final point, agh protects 5 (ok maybe 4 if someone gets purged) and pushes lanes + protects buildings but crest and glimmer only save one each and not so perfectly.

                                            ppppps i do agree that the lower cooldowns are reduced the variance of the success of an item - i.e. they'd have to waste a lot of purges if they want to counter solar crest.



                                              i agree with arka, don't bother asking for advice if you won't accept it. just cos you have 70% win rate with omniknight doesn't mean shit when you're playing against awful opponents, nor does it mean your build is the most optimal. im sure there are builds that are much better than aghs + refresher rush with no other items that would give you a higher win rate.

                                              in higher skill brackets rushing aghs and refresher is worse. aghs is going to be wasted because enemies will buy diffusal when you could have spent 4.2k instead on mek + medallion, mek + force, glimmer + force or whatever, which gives you more ways that you can help your team.

                                              also cheaper items make you more useful because you have a completed item sooner. good players will see that you only have point booster + ogre club instead of a completed 2k gold item and take advantage of the fact that your items are as useful as the items you had 20 minutes ago.


                                                there's nothing stopping your 4 other teammates from buying solar crest, but that doesn't mean it's the most optimal item choice. nothing stops jungle legion going midas as her first item. doesn't mean it's optimal either.

                                                diffusal's not the worst item you can get, even on str heroes. you can think of the purge as an added bonus on an already efficient item.

                                                "it has a fade time"
                                                fade time doesn't mean shit, unless it's riki, potm, invis rune or amulet.

                                                "is countered by various cheap items"
                                                the invis is helpful but the magic resistance isn't to be ignored.

                                                "doesn't do anything to protect against physical damage"
                                                neither does aghs if you're in range to ulti your teammates even if you didn't have aghanims, or if it gets purged, making the extra duration useless. a carry spending 3k on diffusal of his 20k networth doesn't lose out nearly as much effectiveness as an omni who has half his net worth countered by it.

                                                "pushes lanes"
                                                better item choices = win fights = time to push out lanes afterwards

                                                and who the fuck uses a diffusal charge on solar when they are vs omni. if you get medallion/solar someone has to get MKB, *and* someone has to get diffusal as well. with aghs you only need diffusal. glimmer too, enemies are forced to waste even more gold than if you have aghanims instead, which changes nothing, because people already get diffusal against omni regardless of aghs.

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                                                  the solar/diffusal thing was cos someone mentioned solar could be purged was all.

                                                  i find i have the best result with his ulti when i use it in the middle of a fight rather than beforehand (less chance for the oppo to disengage obviously) i don't particularly want to be in the middle of the kerfuffal in order to get everyone in it. there's also plenty of times when there's a split push going on when it isn't possible to give everyone the buff.

                                                  i do hear what you say and i'm sure you're right at the level you play at and above but, for the vast majority of pubs with little coordination the aghs ulti has a lot more utility than non-aghs multi - especially when you usually have multiple cores so you're going to need multiple diffusals to really negate it.

                                                  i guess there's no point talking about the post aghs, refresher rush ;)

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                                                    This smells like a ''look at my winrate guys :D:D:D!'' thread.