General Discussion

General DiscussionThose days i cant sleep well

Those days i cant sleep well in General Discussion

    Do u have any tips to get sleep ez?

    Not drugz pls.

    Misery Wizard

      get laid?


        Wind down before bed with youtube videos and fig newtons

          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

            Do something that requires physical exertion. Running, lifting, etc. 9


              Reading a book (unless you are addicted to reading, that will only make it worse).
              Excercising (masturbation counts).
              Not drinking anything sugary or which contains caffeine.


                Watch videos on YouTube of massages (Indian head massages are great), chiropractic adjustments or facial cleansing. ASMR-ish stuff.


                  melatonin, and benadryl works fantastic. I've tried prescribed sleeping pills before but they are way too hardcore, melatonin, and like a 25mg benadryl (it's allergy medication, it's like taking a frikken tylenol) gives me that slight edge to go off to lala zzzz land.


                    hot shower, clean bed sheets and some funny youtube videos. A glass of milk also helps

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Do something insanely boring.

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Masturbate, hot shower, watching an anime, show, movie, by the end of the movie/few episodes of the show, you will have been on on your bed for awhile, then your body will get the idea. (don't watch an action movie though) :P
                        Umm, actually do things during your day, and not just play Dota 2/watch TV, ect.
                        Maybe have some ambient noise like a fan running while the lights are off, or ocean sounds playing on your PC from Youtube all night. :)

                        Овај коментар је измењен
                        plz do

                          Sleeping habits are different for each individual. Its questionable if our answers help u, too. I guess u have to find out, why u cannot sleep? What are your sleeping habits? Like is it ur body or is it ur mind that is restless?
                          However, one can take the hormonal processes in account, which are genetically rooted in our human bodies. Make ur bedroom as dark w lights off, blinds down, no tv/mobile phone/computer screens.. Dont fuckin play on ur mobile phone while lying in bed. dont go straight from computer to bed. Dont watch tv before going to bed. Don't eat 3 hours before sleeping, dont drink alcohol/take drugs, dont do physical exercise right before u want to sleep.

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            Start watching something boring.


                              @^ like pub games?


                                Don't eat 4 hours before u want to sleep. Turn off your pc at least half an hour before you want to sleep.


                                  Don't go in bed for the intention of staying awake, it'll help link the bed as a stimulus to sleep. I usually just watch some dota replays so I don't feel as active and feel sleepy eventually.

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    Watch a chinese tournament. You will fall asleep 100%

                                    bum farto

                                      Incense, open window etc. I have had insomnia for years now and only sleep about 3-5 hours a night and this has helped me sleep a bit better.

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        boy am i happy that i can fall asleep insanely fast.