General Discussion

General DiscussionBattle Fury on PA, when to skip?

Battle Fury on PA, when to skip? in General Discussion

    When enemies don't have illusion based heroes or meepo, or pusheres?

    It helps farming A LOT.

    So game is going bad and you think you won't make it so you go for phase/treads and domantor/vlads into bkb, basher?

    I usually like to pick the ring up with my first 900 gold after PMS if they are harrasing me hard...

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    plz do
      fighters build for mid game stomp. very good w a good babysitter like me dazzle


        if you buy battlefury on pa it means that you will afk farm BF BKB and then enemy carry will have an MKB and you will just lose.

        PA is an early-mid game fighting hero so best options are aquila/dominator/drums/yasha/basher (choose 2) -> BKB if needed -> abyssal


          I guess unless the carries on other team can't build a mkb like a leshrac or something .


            if you see that the rest of your time has a nice pick and they are managing fine the first minutes, you have 2 choices :
            1.go for bf and get big items by mid game to overwhelm the enemy with your farm.
            2.go for some cheap drums and dominator and push your advantage.

            i personally like to farm on every hero, but it is best to do 2. because you supposedly win faster.


              unlike anti mage, who uses bf for farming, pa uses bf for farming AND team fights. those crits synergize well with cleave. So battlefury pa can be potentially legit at all stages of the game. Imagine one-shotting more than one enemy hero like kunka does. However the point is also valid that going the path of farm instead of snowball gives enemy carries the time to make mkb, and once they have mkb, pa is usually toast; troll, void, sven, ls, none of these heroes takes more than 5 secs to kill the pa

              Miku Plays

                ^ not all stages of the game, early game you only have treads/phase, ring and bf


                  Don't battlefury VS. Meepo.

                  Buy BKB and build butterfly & abyssal then stun his prime meepo and kill it.

                  if you get these items and the game isn't over yet, meepo will be food for you.

                  That isn't to say you're not allowed to battlefury vs. meepo. But that you shouldn't battlefury solely because of meepo. AoE on a carry doesn't counter meepo.

                  ES hurts meepo because of his lockdown, not because of his damage. Same with undying, the zombies lock meepo down.

                  kanye went to uni

                    if you go battlefury, you've built no tank and are squish as hell vs nukes till your bkb

                    it's the same as always, if you don't plan on fighting much early then get a battlefury. as a safe lane carry that's probably the right thing to do 70+% of the time


                      ^ this, killing one Meepo really quickly is better than doing nice spread damage over all the meepos.

                      Das Claw

                        Only go BF if you are confident you can get it before 10 minutes. Any later than that, and you're sacrificing your teamfighting ability.

                        BF is only good for farming on PA anyhow.


                          nearly always.


                            I just love battle fury on her, and it really helps in fights also, the cleave is awesome if you manage to hit 2 or maybe more heroes.


                              you can't realistically hit more than 1 hero

                              i love u butt

                                when my team is losing = no bfury

                                tbh, its a luxury item that pa doesnt need


                                  Bfury when your mid is a Magnus! Also consider just playing Sven instead

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                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    Depends on your playstyle too. If you farm and split-push a lot without joining much fights you should probably have went bfury. Although if you're facing a very aggressive early game lineup (especially with zombies or a mounted holy knight) you most likely won't have any use of it and should get something stronger to defend your towers before it's too late.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I only build it when getting free farm in my lane and possibly a kill or two early so I know it's going to be a quick battlefury, like treads and battlefury and dominator under 20 mins. It's hard to gauge, one time I had good farm, went bf, was like 1000g away then suddenly we lost mid tower and top tower and a ton of fights broke out middle and I finished it but now had zero space to farm bkb. In the end going bkb would've been better.


                                        my build is usually pms -> aqulia/phase -> dominator/yasha -> bkb -> abysall -> mkb/satanic

                                        strong at every stage of the game and once u have bkb u are unkillable anyways


                                          90% of the time I skip, why? because you need that bkb asap.

                                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                              i'd almost always go for bf on PA. there's no good reason to go for smth else when you can farm well on her.

                                              in the case im really deprived of farm, its on the team and in that case a fast treads and start doing some shit might be better


                                                How can you get a battlefury at 10min? skipping regen boots etc? getting also first bounty rune and getting a triple feed kill?


                                                  pretty sure you can get it in 9 min

                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                      I just had a bad game with pa bfury but won , did one team wipe after 4 rax down, then we did a rumble in the rosh pit and I actually landed 2 crits that cleaved other heros another team wipe setting up one more team wipe at there throne for win . I had a bad game but dam was that win satisfying I guess the crit gods smiled on me at the end. Was 3.3 k before last weekend hopefully I'll get it back in couple games I lost over 200 mmr trying to play through constant storms messing up Internet/ giving me a headache.

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                                                        why was desolator considered bad on her before?

                                                        not every game ofc but it seemed pretty good a lot of the time...

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                                                        i love u butt

                                                          no one said deso is bad on her

                                                          deso is a specific item that serves 2 purposes -
                                                          1. early pressure on tower/rax
                                                          2. armor removal for high armor targets + value dmg item

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                                                            If they have PL on the enemy team.

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                                                              did you just linked a normal skill with 3cs/min Pa with battlefury? LMFAO


                                                                I think it's bad because the timing window you used to farm BF and more items from it can be used to get BKB+HotD+whatever early fighting item and make shit happen. You can get BF if you trust teammates' ability to hold the line against early-mid pressure until you have at least BF+BKB.

                                                                plz do

                                                                  tell ur teammates to pick magnus :>
                                                                  question solved. thread closed.