General Discussion

General Discussionis this a time to play unusual supports?

is this a time to play unusual supports? in General Discussion

    i mean honestly, meta is more suited for early-midgame fights, therefore playing some unusual stuff like wk support should work pretty nicely.

    wk is pretty tanky => can dive early => early trades in favor to your mid/carry => you're winning teh lanes
    some kind of example.

    but w/e, let's took a quick look at other supports i know.

    ck (aka "slahsers way") - tried on unranked, working pretty fine (60% winrate), but you can lose just because he can't really assist your team with some auras or smth. he got a decent stun and splitpush ability with ult, but who cares.

    naga - welcome to ti3 era. i honestly think what naga support can do some stuff rn, especially if you can get midas+aghanim => autowin on teamfights, never tried on this (shit) meta, but on theory she should be decent support, much as rubick. i mean, it's a bit safer to pick naga instead of rubick.

    wk - already mentioned above, tanky+lifesteal aura+decent lategame potential if you can get some kills w/o stealing.

    tiny - it's working, i promise. but i lost all my games as tiny support.
    he got VERY STRONG early burst, coupled with 3.5 sec singletarget stun, but shit manapool makes him very uhm... difficult to roam, especially when you don't have that early hp on first 5 minutes of the game. maybe on party he should be decent, because you can chainstun properly and etc, but on pubs it's not working afais.

    tl;dr - shit meta with early fights favors strong earlygame supports with auras and stuns or huge aoe disables, that's why you should play wk/naga supports.

    i'm not joking rn.


      ive been wondering if i should try huskar support. In theory he should work

      Dire Wolf

        Support doesn't mean much in pubs, since there's no real xp priority, all it means is who bitches about last hits and who buys wards.

        Enemy team no "supports". Support pudge is closest. They won pretty easy.

        Support bh.

        1 support.

        supports are pretty overrated since most pub matches do not end before 30 mins. Team with more carry usually wins, you just don't want all useless early carries who get raped in lane like spectre + medusa.


          high skill

          Pom Pom 🍕

            It's more that people don't care enough about supporting. Most have really shit ward knowledge and don't get enough sentry wards for dewarding and giving true sight for farm locations so your carry doesnt get ganked by a shadowblade slark or something. Smokeganking, stacking to get a super fed carry, zoning out offlaners and trilaning are also done poorly by most who don't regularly play supports.

            For unusual supports I acutally like slardar. He has a really good disable, free mobility the time before he gets his blink, great starting stats (might take 15% bonus damage from sprint but he's still tanky early so it's fine) and the damage amp can greatly empower your physical core (s). Which you should have if you play him as one.
            Viper is pretty sick too with all his slow power and is still semi-tanky with few items.

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                I swear to you, try this: <CHECK MY DOTABUFF FOR PROOF>

                Terrorblade support, he can basically one shot any hero with his ult and follow up abilities if carefully executed, similar to but even quicker than punga. Mainly the ignored fact is that he can save teammates with it too.

                Scenario (realistic): Carry gets in a bad position, TB tp's into the lane, saves carry, runs away or tries to stay around while the team turns to counter initiate. Either he dies but saves carry, or he lives and then (if lvl 16) has a 30 second cool-down to either a) one shot the enemy hero with his currently low hp sundered, or b) urn charge himself and potentially save another teammate or metamorphasis and push heavy.

                He's similar to naga in the split push ability as well. Glimmer cape on him and wala.

                Copyright 2015- JunglePeople


                  The only trouble is with this or any "odd" support hero is trying to get your teammates (unless party) to understand how youre going to play with the hero who's usually a carry.

                  Teammates lose poist and then carry's are like ohhhhhhh shit he actually had my back. I afk'd cuz i thought that i was dead


                    Weaver is best of unusual supports.
                    - armor reduction (you can reduce enemy armor by 14 at lvl 1);
                    - escape (you can make more mistakes and safely get away from troubles with shukuchi);
                    - great mid/late game (your ultimate can REALLY save your teammates and turn fights upside-down);
                    - carry (with some farm you can transition into a carry).

                    - squishy (if enemies can lock you down, you are dead);
                    - countered by invis (not so useful vs invisible heroes);
                    - hard to farm Scepter (you have to get early kills or farm jungle stacks with shukuchi).

                    Support Huskar is not working for me, but cliff-jungling Huskar is nice.

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                    Look at me, Hector.

                      I swear to you, try this: <CHECK MY DOTABUFF FOR PROOF>

                      Terrorblade support, he can basically one shot any hero with his ult and follow up abilities if carefully executed, similar to but even quicker than punga. Mainly the ignored fact is that he can save teammates with it too.

                      Scenario (realistic): Carry gets in a bad position, TB tp's into the lane, saves carry, runs away or tries to stay around while the team turns to counter initiate. Either he dies but saves carry, or he lives and then (if lvl 16) has a 30 second cool-down to either a) one shot the enemy hero with his currently low hp sundered, or b) urn charge himself and potentially save another teammate or metamorphasis and push heavy.

                      He's similar to naga in the split push ability as well. Glimmer cape on him and wala.

                      Copyright 2015- JunglePeopl

                      bum farto

                        @jungle people

                        Have you ever had and idea you thought was original then found out it wasn't


                        This support TB doesn't work so well anymore due to the nerf on his first, then his stat gain, then his illusions etc etc.

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                          wk was a good supp several months ago, now it feels like hes not legit anymore. idk why tho.

                          jus chillen

                            invoker support


                              ^its still less unusual than you playing support when stacking with me

                              jus chillen

                                look at my most recent games, i carry 6k players with support


                                  terrorblade support sounds like a retarded version of vegeful spirit: melee, slow instead of stun, swap hp instead of position, no aura