General Discussion

General DiscussionBeen 84 years since I've had impact on bristleback.

Been 84 years since I've had impact on bristleback. in General Discussion

    Any feedback on how I could've played better and maybe won this game?

    casual gamer

      looks like you needed a bkb, veno was kinda raping you

      it also renders pudge and jak completely useless, for what that's worth

      also buy more detection

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        Veno wasn't doing much to me personally, hence why I skipped BKB.

        I dont like raging about teammates after game, but huskar refused to buy helm for lifesteal, did not switch on armlet in fights, and tiny had absolutely no farm. Oh and they were flaming, classic SEA.

        I was just aura bitch at that point trying to give huskra crest or debuff PA, and stack quills and hit people if possible.

        Octarine was yolo after we lost rax i was like no point, and tiny was tossing around casually.

        I was considering BoT and then rat, but they were all tp-ing around. :/


          I was getting dusts constantly, but team was like "we need gems" so they put gem on ogre, and thats how we lost 2 gems.

          casual gamer

            no point complaining about ur teammates, they are what they are

            either find a more effective way of playing bristleback (idk) or pick a different hero so that you can 1v9

            in normal skill you just need to buy pickoff items (dagon, lothar) and farm kills honestly

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              Huskar was doing that decently early game, but he just refused to get HotD,which IMO would've saved him 2-3 early deaths.

              I can't seem to affect games with bristle, coz no one lets me farm like a core, so I use him to offlane.

              Might consider going back to riki seeing how that goes.

              casual gamer

                if you raised your lh/min you could probably win 70-80% of ur bristle games though

                just stack ancients and farm them (hotd certainly not common but you could get it if you want) + go to empty lanes and vacuum farm

                depending on ur mmr there may or may not be mexican standoffs in the mid lane, you can farm elsewhere and only tp when people are committed to a fight

                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                  I should start muting and playing my game, coz when I try to farm and split push the team pings get way too frequent and annoying.

                  I've been practicing last hitting with an autoattacking bot so I can time it better.

                  anything shorter

                    I hate Vanguard with a passion, but against this team it wasn't actually sensible to build it (in my opinion). My standard practise for when I play is to look at each hero on the enemy team and determine whether they are going to have physical or magical damage output. 3/5 were magical and Abba went Lightings which is magical damage as well. In that scenario I'd have picked up a Hood, S&Y, Blademail maybe. AC or Shivas and OC.

                    Dunno man, in my experience BB is usually a really high impact hero.


                      Bristle needs to be played differently in this meta to be good imho.

                      Sure it is one thing to just go the classic build and yolo through it, or to play hard core with team mates and tryhard with proper items.

                      but, if you are just going to do w/e in pubs, I suggest you go

                      basi / arcanes / meka / BKB/ then follow it up with Octarine Core and w/e luxury shit you need. Also, consider pipe if you need and your shit team wont buy it. Greaves too.

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                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        I used the basi arcane octarine after seeing it on Baumi's youtube, and the results were mixed.

                        I went vanguard coz I wanted crimson to try to keep team alive, and their main threat who was getting all the farm was PA. :/

                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                          People often say SnY is good on him, but is that for any role, or as a right click core? I generally don't get farm priority to be the main DPS guy

                          Bad Intentions

                            yo pp, sup man. my thoughts for bb in this meta is, you need to be really really tanky, just purely build tank items for armor spells etc. you dont need damage items since he got that already with all his skills.

                            so just tank items man.


                              Try to avoid Vanguard.

                              The Ice Truck Killer

                                Agreed with Bad Intentions.. only a NSkill player but I tried BB a few times with SnY + DPS items... whilst you can absolutely destroy just about everyone for at least the first 30 minutes, you drop off a bit after that as soon as people start buying hexes or euls. If you buy a bkb, you get kited by forcestaffs and as your right click is only single target you're DPS output is underwhelming. At that point of the game, sheer tankiness if your sole purpose; besides, BB already has enough damage to destroy the enemy 3 - 5. In the early game, going the normal tank build makes you unstoppable and allows your 1 and 2 to shine. I really dislike Vanguard but I have to admit, it's v. v. good on BB (and Axe & Nightstalker). A Crimson guard will allow you to dominate the early game if your team is doing okay which hopefully translates to a spatial advantage with regards to map control/rosh/space for your 1 and 2 to farm by 30 minutes if you haven't already ended the game. Also there are a few games where I've had a great start with DPS items but my team has lost their 2 lanes... every team fight they die in a matter of seconds and I might salvage 2-3 kills but that isn't enough to get back in the game and I always think... if I went for tank items, my team might stand more of a chance if I tank everything... I won't get those consecutive ultra kills and megakills but at least my carry has recovered and my supports aren't ridiculously underfarmed.

                                Idk about item choices... never built a Crimson guard but I always have problems when the enemy BB has a really early CG.. particularly when his team gathers and charges down mid t1 and t2. I suspect there might be some particular item variations you need to think about like > Vanguard > then mek > then convert vanguard into CG or just a Mek build or just a VG build. Also Blademail and a casual hood slot in somewhere. Arcanes are a must for early aggression..

                                DPS BB is very fun to play but it's easy to forget what a beast BB is with an early VG/CG. My "analysis" is probably wrong at your higher skill bracket anyway. Btw, has anyone tried using Octarine Core (or Armlet)? Bought it once but the game was a stomp so not sure who good it was


                                  S&Y is for mid game fighting and speed.

                                  Basi/arcanes isn't just so you can go into octarine. Its so you can sustain meka and spam your spells. Octarine helps make it late game viable along with Greaves for your meka. You don't go from arcanes to treads. You go for greaves or travels.

                                  It gives him late game itemization choices when doing an mid game tanky item rush with meka/bkb/pipe.

                                  you go vanguard if you want to tower dive and if the enemy has physical damage justifying a crimson guard.

                                  or u get vanguard if you don't know what you want to do since it is just solid.

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                                  Look at me, Hector.

                                    u dont need arcane if u have a magic wand

                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                      Last hour what I've been testing is after the early arcane and mek, slotting in a drums in there, for cheap stats.

                                      After that octarine , which would be around 30 minutes ish if farm is going well. After octarine, Greaves works brilliantly for team play and pushing. BKB before greaves depending on lineup. after that is pure luxury, I'd probably just stack hearts xD

                                      lm ao

                                        LOL u play at SEA, then US W, then US E = godly internet pls share it to me

                                        P.S. Learn to net more last hits, you'll be surprised 60 CS/min BB = ez game in Normal Skill

                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                          imo bristleback is one of those heroes you can 1v9 with, especially in normal skill

                                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                            When I play with my friends I try to play core position and my team prioritizes me for CS.

                                            I've noticed one big problem in my game that whenever my lane mate starts auto-attacking the creeps, my timing goes to shit and I do horrible at cs.

                                            lm ao

                                              Playing core in every game seems like... meh

                                              Supports/Solo mids are rly fun you know. Although Bristleback as a carry is definitely fun IMO.


                                                you can't just say "wand is enough". Wand is 100% reliant on your opponents heroes and behavior.

                                                BB cant use meka and spam as much as he needs to without serious early game mana sustain, and an OOM BB is worthless.

                                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                  At my tier mid is impossible, since almost 30% of my games have 2 fighting assholes who will dual mid, until 1 decides to feed to end quicker. I don't want to add to that. No one ever respects the map call for lanes.

                                                  Carry is 50-50, theres always someone on my team who says he is best carry in world, but no one takes offlane, hence why I've been practicing offlaners.


                                                    i play bloodcyka offlane most games. you might want to try it if you're trying offlaners


                                                      Get the immortal and make the enemies bask in your glory.

                                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                        I always wanted to try him, because I've seen him get ridiculously fat, but I have honestly no idea how to build him at all. Some people go SnY first, a lot of people go blademail, some even go radiance.

                                                        I also find it hard to understand how aggressive he needs to me. It's also why I was never that great with night stalker, I play a little more safe than those heroes need

                                                        pos 3 kokwhynoob

                                                          i have go through your replay, u have no problem with tank , your play skill or what all u good in it, at normal angle u have play this hero well than other, but in my opinion, yes is true i never play bb, but i have face a same problem with the bb like you last very long time ago, ''the tank never been care by enemy'', they try to take all your member out and make us as last stand. They have kill all my team and leave me behind direct to tower, they never try to take me out, never in they mind for sec ( last time i play loa with tank types)i am hitting them behind and 2 support is die but they just don't care, non single hit at me ever i am hitting them, after that game i have no more Vanguard or amour. item i suggest for your bb is something can - amour like Assault Cuirass,Radiance,something can support quill s or pumb up your AOE damage when vs 5 , u must build a bb that can make enemy treat you as primary target, and more what use of BRISTLEBACK if your enemy don't want to hit you , just like abaddon ultimate

                                                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                            Thanks, I try to make them get me, I frontline tank if possible

                                                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                              Also, I'm looking to trade for immortal, please peruse my inventory and add me if you want to trade.


                                                              EDIT: Sorry wrong link ,

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                You need to get sangr and yasha on bristle dude. It transitions you into a carry.


                                                                  safelane bristle best bristle

                                                                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                    Lol just had ez game at mid against sniper. If mids dont get regen bristle seems to shit on them


                                                                      Or if their weak to physical damage (I made the mistake of picking pudge against a somewhat tanky line up and had to face a mid bristle) ........ It's not fun

                                                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                        I'm guessing he'd be great against tiny mid, atleast during laning phase