me, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.ALMA KREYgssmfaw 13. 05. 2017.EMBRASSER MOI faw 13. 05. 2017.germany 0 points incoming!! or nvm maybe <5 respect points from neighbouring countries me, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.1,19 euro/vote SCAMAZ faw 13. 05. 2017.Questionmark ywn 13. 05. 2017.sup my enigmasfaw 13. 05. 2017.europ stard vout naoo!! me, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.cmon lets b real italys wonme, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.hungarys pretty cool toofaw 13. 05. italy sucks hungary is cool, israel was ok, france was Kreygasm Овај коментар је измењен 13. 05., government hooker 13. 05. 2017.excuse youywn 13. 05. 2017.HAHAHHAA GYPSY JODLEEEfaw 13. 05. 2017.moldovas cool quity 13. 05. 2017.i hope ghana winsfaw 13. 05. 2017.slava ukraine! D 13. 05. 2017.playing support when ur highest mmr is fucking... I'd rather afk next game or go jungle, cuz it equals loss anyway XDme, government hooker 13. 05. 2017. man thsi stream is lit ONCE AGAIN faw 13. 05. 2017.lmfao faw 13. 05. 2017.hahahaha ha whos he playing with lmao me, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.he not playing with anyone but hes chatting with this guy ive been tearing up for the past 2 hrs constantlyОвај коментар је измењен 13. 05. 2017.faw 13. 05. 2017.lmfao faw 13. 05. 2017.hahahah OMF GIMD YING me, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.AHAhrAWUHAHAHAme, government hooker 13. 05. internet is amazingme, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.portugals owning damnfaw 13. 05. me, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.germany doing pretty well LULfaw 13. 05. ofc we always manage to send trash singers what a SURPRISE!! faw 13. 05. 2017.portugal is actually quite beautiful but damn that song doesnt fit at allone syllable anglo-saxon 13. 05. 2017.whys eurovision still tied to countries? afaik songs are not related to culture whatsover and are not even in mother tongue of that country could as well be a contest of best performers or smthfaw 13. 05. 2017.because 1 country sends 1 performer? D 13. 05. 2017.WHO THE FUCK IS WATCHING THIS EUROGARBAGE??!?!?!?one syllable anglo-saxon 13. 05. 2017.yeah 1 country send 1 performer and thats it, that is all it has to do with countries super stupid if u ask me ywn 13. 05. 2017.Slardar PogChampfaw 13. 05. 2017.germany at least not last place PogChamp PogChamp proud of my country!!! me, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.yeah once the public votes came in and not these fuck juries gypsy land sky rocketedme, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.nevermind OMEGALULme, government hooker 13. 05. 2017.portugals won Dansgamefaw 13. 05. 2017.guess its deserved, but more because all the other songs are super bad one syllable anglo-saxon 14. 05. 2017.hahaha S U C C!! niko 14. 05. 2017.Nah, I'd win 14. 05. 2017.Nah, I'd win 14. 05. 2017.lit? faw 14. 05. lit my pc started burning Nah, I'd win 14. 05. 2017.fumble 14. 05. 2017.HELLO. faw 14. 05. 2017.lmao Nah, I'd win 14. 05. some good shit for next pagefaw 14. 05. 2017.lets faw 14. 05. 2017.go Пријавите се да бисте поставили коментар.Пријава путем Steam-а
germany 0 points incoming!!
or nvm maybe <5 respect points from neighbouring countries
1,19 euro/vote
sup my enigmas
europ stard vout naoo!!
cmon lets b real italys won
hungarys pretty cool too
lol italy sucks
hungary is cool, israel was ok, france was Kreygasm
excuse you
moldovas cool
i hope ghana wins
slava ukraine!
playing support when ur highest mmr is fucking... I'd rather afk next game or go jungle, cuz it equals loss anyway XD
man thsi stream is lit ONCE AGAIN
hahahaha ha whos he playing with lmao
he not playing with anyone but hes chatting with this guy
ive been tearing up for the past 2 hrs constantly
man internet is amazing
portugals owning damn
germany doing pretty well LUL
ye ofc we always manage to send trash singers what a SURPRISE!!
portugal is actually quite beautiful but damn that song doesnt fit at all
whys eurovision still tied to countries? afaik songs are not related to culture whatsover and are not even in mother tongue of that country
could as well be a contest of best performers or smth
because 1 country sends 1 performer?
yeah 1 country send 1 performer and thats it, that is all it has to do with countries
super stupid if u ask me
Slardar PogChamp
germany at least not last place PogChamp PogChamp proud of my country!!!
yeah once the public votes came in and not these fuck juries gypsy land sky rocketed
nevermind OMEGALUL
portugals won Dansgame
guess its deserved, but more because all the other songs are super bad
hahaha S U C C!!
so lit my pc started burning
got some good shit for next page