General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion


    Yowai Mo



        I claim this page for the SEAtards

        Yowai Mo

          sky's rim belongs to the nords!


            i remember that greentext

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Silt Act II sucks actually. It's really short and easy.


                Bootrekt • 6h
                Ugh. Time to filter out this sub. I'm upset about all these comments bashing my beliefs.

                Edit: Do I really have to explain myself? Let me know and I will.

                Edit: love the people downvoting without any proof.

                Edit: It's just a simple matter of logic.

                Premise 1: I'm a genius.

                Premise 2: I know fucking everything.

                Premise 3: I know more than dumbass experts. (this premise is kind of a conclusion of the first two)

                Premise 4: I don't understand the evidence for the round earth. I don't understand any of the geometry, geology, perspective and physics involved. It's all very confusing to me.

                So what conclusion can we draw from these undeniably correct premises? Obviously, the world has to be flat, unless you're honestly telling me it's possible for there to be things I don't understand? If I don't understand the science, the science must be wrong. It's as simple as that. These four premises, which I'm sure we can all agree on, only point to one logical conclusion.


                  thepowerthatis • 2h
                  I, like you, believe the earth is a globe spinning on it's axis at 1000mph, orbiting it's sun at 67,000mph, orbiting the milky way at 515,000mph, which is hurlting thru the INFINITE dark reaches of space at 70 miles per second. The whole solar system is in tow, spiraling like a corkscrew. I never feel this motion nor has any human in recorded history viewed a night sky in a which any constellation changed a millimeter.

                  Yowai Mo

                    since we got this new coffee machine i became a fucking coffee addict


                      sean__christian • 5h
                      Hi, (TL;DR: some flat earth reasoning)

                      In the most neutral and calm manner you can come up with, try to read through these points with an open mind. I didn't think it made sense at all and even sounded absurd and something of a lunatics mind, but there is some ground for speculation. Let that 0.001% of you that isn't sure check again, but this time do your own research and look up some of the points. I'm not sharing this with you all because I want to argue or anything. This is a list of things I compiled with a few others that are the most compelling evidences for a flat earth. The reasoning behind why it is hidden is a whole other topic. I'll link a nice video explanation at the end if you have interest. It helped me understand it all a lot more. I think most people aren't mature enough to handle the remote possibility they've been lied to their whole lives or indoctrinated- because it's scary. Give it a shot. In the least it is pretty interesting. If not, take care and have a nice weekend. I've always found the curious people make the discoveries others over look and blatantly accept. Why wouldn't the elite lie to us?

                      1) No curvature can be measured or detected AT ALL. ( 8" x Mile)2

                      2) Horizon always remains eye-level to the observer no matter how high in altitude you ascend.

                      3) Michelson-morley experiment and Airy's Failure both prove there is no movement/rotation of the earth. Most university-employed Physicists don't even know about these experiments. That should tell you something.

                      4) Gyros, Astrolabes, Sundials and Periscopes- none of these would work on a ball Earth.

                      5) NASA is the "space" propaganda arm of the military industrial complex meant to funnel taxpayer money into black budget projects to the tune of $18 billion a year. How exactly has the average citizen benefited from them? CGI composite images of Earth in which large landmasses seem to physically change in size every decade? or is it tang?

                      6) Cities, Islands and objects can be seen 100s of miles away. Impossible on a sphere with a circumference of 25,000 miles.

                      7) Sun and moon prove much closer than taught. Crepuscular rays prove a close sun. Details on the moon can be seen using normal household cameras- no telescope needed! 225,000 miles away you say? Sure why not!

                      8) A positive pressure system (Earth) cannot exist adjacent to a negative pressure system (space) without a physical barrier. In physics, when opposing pressure system converge they undergo a process called Equilibrium that homogenize both systems. Think air duster.

                      9) Stars and planets are nothing more than lights in the sky- can be seen with a household camera pulsating in multiple colors. They are not this Terra-firma object you can land on with a spaceship as they would have you believe. Also, why in the thousands of years of recorded celestial mechanics have stars never deviated from their positions if we are moving through space at incredible speeds? Even the ones closest to us never move, only planets(aka wandering stars) move along their unique cycles. Polaris (North star) is the only star situated and all other stars form concentric circles around it. Look up sonoluminescence if you want to know what stars are made of.

                      10) Dedicated trolls and shills assigned to subreddits and forums (Astroturfing) dismissing this "crazy conspiracy theory" with obvious controlled opposition (Flat Earth Society) and no logical arguments. BONUS) Egyptian, Norse, Hindu, Mayan, Inca, Navajo, Babylonian, Sumerian, Hebrew, Christian and Islamic Cosmogony all depict a Flat Earth Under a Firmament (Dome) It wasn't until 500 years ago that man challenged the word of God and fooled the world into believing the opposite. There's a reason the ancients that lived for thousands of years all KNEW the Earth was Flat.

                      "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" -Freemason Fraud Einstein


                      I know it's super unpopular but I've spent a lot of time coming to the conclusion it's flat under a dome, God is real, and Jesus is the Savior for mankind. Feel free to mock me if you like, but I'm trying to present this in a very calm tone so maybe some can understand this point of view and why I'm convinced. :)


                        WARH3ART • 4h
                        Yay. Let's make fun of alternative earth theories that don't make sense even tho the heliocentric model is a fucking joke itself.


                          UNIVERS1989 • 3h
                          You can't fuck with the truth.

                          No matter how high you go, the earth never curves.



                            @carry please don't spam. keep your shitposts conversational, thanks


                              couldbevegeta • 5h
                              This picture is fake. And we are all still uninformed on the current situation. The shape of the earth . Idc if it's round or flat but id like to see some pics . Proof of either side . Cas the more I research I learn that most of the earth pics are photoshopped . And that we are unable to leave the planet very far to get a good pic . It's a waste of time all around .


                                Okay sorry


                                  Yowai Mo

                                    this looks like what my chicken sandwich tasted like when i was on an airplane to dubai


                                      i too have become a coffee enthusiast due to the same reasons
                                      we are linked

                                      Yowai Mo


                                        Yowai Mo

                                          fuck french montana


                                            for some reason i was scared to check ayy lmao after i came back from the trip xd

                                            Yowai Mo

                                              do you trip often?


                                                no sir i actually dont like it. it was a religious trip anyway so double down. posted some pics down here

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  I get tripped real often

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    I'm actually suprised that my main got banned for the "i sexually identify as bluestar" shitpost


                                                      i got banned for linking blunt's instagram but talked to mod and got unbanned. i mean, BLUNT

                                                      Yowai Mo

                                                        we all need multiple attempts to learn how not to get banned


                                                          Nice I'm abt to get low prio
                                                          Thx dad
                                                          Lovely how I'm 17 and I still get parentally controlled
                                                          Like not rules and shit
                                                          Fucking disconnecting wifi to my comp
                                                          It's like he wants me to wanna leave


                                                            dude life sucks in default get over it and start doing stuff to get it out of "default" mode. im already way better than before, still way behind from a lotta ppl but i compare me to my last me and im pretty satisfied.

                                                            btw aimstrong whats ur working hours? my work's a project and i do it on home pc so i can do whatever and i start around 8 am

                                                            Yowai Mo

                                                              i finished my IT apprenticeship now i SHOULD be looking for a job before january

                                                              Yowai Mo

                                                                i also went out of default mode but since i'm unemployed i going slowly into arin mode


                                                                  Sia says some random inspirational bullshit then proceed to get triggered then recover then repeat


                                                                    my dad's ceo of a company so lucky me can get jobs ezly. my life was fine if i wanna talk about having good food to eat or my family having money but if i go into my personal life i was really fucked up + my parents rekt me in a lot of ways but i kinda worked it out afterall. pretty much can sum up the reason of my change into feeling ReALLY shitty in like a specific moment and asking wtf am i doing with my life, and then the books i read. i know it sounds shitty but these success books and what they teach are premium stuff that u cant find anything like em on internet


                                                                      thats the thing tho it's not just me u cannot not get triggered unless u've trained urslef monk level. that "recover" part tho is the most important part


                                                                        like how can u not get tilted after smth like this? u cant


                                                                          Atakan and Florian, mssg me when u come, its a day of silt


                                                                            wwwuaaaah i cant fucking play doom offlane every second game someone picks a core and tells me to go jungle wtf man hahha this is so sad


                                                                              I got banned for posting blunts pic as well

                                                                              me, government hooker



                                                                                    I dont ....

                                                                                    Yowai Mo

                                                                                      I think Offset was left off this time lmao




                                                                                          wtf are these. humanoid memerinos pls


                                                                                            meanwhile at shitfest club

                                                                                            Sia 3 hours ago
                                                                                            Im horny now tnx

                                                                                            diox 3 hours ago
                                                                                            Well at least we know you're straight

                                                                                            K-かみ👑 3 hours ago
                                                                                            i'm gay

                                                                                            Anomalina~ 2 hours ago
                                                                                            Nothing wrong with that. Though it does make you think why you like masochistic anime with horny girls.


                                                                                              hOW 2 git pu$$y plis??


                                                                                                kappa123, literally

                                                                                                Yowai Mo

                                                                                                  new pagerino



